
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

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Son of the Batman

"A choice?" Bruce asked. 

"Yes, do you wish to return to our universe or remain in this one?" Batman thought and noticed the bald woman behind the Phantom Stranger.

"Who is that?" Bruce asked.

"She's a kind of me," The Phantom Stranger responded. Bruce didn't say much and returned to thinking.

"I don't know, everyone who I cared about is dead in our universe," Bruce said.

"No, I saved the League. Each of them was removed before they were killed. I was even able to save the Martian Manhunter and his family. Normally, that isn't possible, but since Luthor and the Legion of Doom forced open that period, I was able to make some changes. The Green Martians, I saved many of them and they're living on Mars again. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and even Superman, and the Bat family are all alive. 

Selina and Damian, they're still alive. You still have family and friends there, but you and I know that doesn't mean you won't be alone. 

In this world, I can see it's having a positive effect on you. Bruce Wayne doesn't have to be your mask here," The Phantom Stranger said. 

"I don't want to abandon my son," Bruce said.

"You don't have to, if Damian agrees, both of you can live in this Universe."

"What about his mother?" Bruce asked.

"You blew her up along with the rest of the Legion of Doom," the Phantom Stranger said.

"I didn't know she was there..."

"Would you have made a different decision if you did know?" The Phantom Stranger asked.


The Phantom Stranger gave a rare smile and waved his hand, a young man, around fifteen and wearing a Robin costume appeared. 

"Father! You're alive," Damian cried out in surprise. He folded the hood that was over his head and ran to Bruce. He hugged Bruce, but then he stopped and looked at his father.

"Father? Have I traveled in time? Why are you so young?" Damian asked. He stepped back and looked at the cave and saw Alfred and the cave. It was a cave, but not the cave he knew.

"It's complicated. When I fought the Legion of Doom, I blew up Luthor's machine. I'm sorry Damian, your mother's dead," Bruce admitted. 

"I know."

"I didn't know she was there," Bruce revealed.

"Even if you didn't know you would have done it anyway."

"Yes, I would have, I thought they killed the entire League. There was no way I could die knowing I didn't try to save the Earth from the Legion," Bruce responded.

"I know, I don't blame you. Mom has been trying to get herself killed for years, Grandfather drove her mad," He said.

"He's dead too," Bruce revealed to Damian.

"Yeah, the League of Shadows wants me to take over and become the Demon's Head."

"What did you tell them?" Bruce asked.

"I told them that I was the son of the Batman, and to go and find someone else!" Bruce smiled at his son. 

Damina looked at the Phantom Stranger and the Ancient One, "What's going on? Is it something mystical? The Phantom Stranger is here," Damian asked. 

"When I blew up Luthor's machine, it blasted me to this world. The consequence is that the multidimensional transition has caused some issues. I need to either remain in this world forever, or I need to go back to our universe," Bruce explained the situation to Damian who realized why he was here.

"You want to stay. Are you saying good-bye to me?" He asked.

"I won't say goodbye to you son. I will either remain here with you or go back with you. I refuse to abandon my son," Bruce said.

"Wow, you're asking my opinion but implying the decision you hope I'll make."

"Yes, I would like to stay here, this place is good for me. I can feel my soul repairing. I like it here a lot, but I'm a father first. I refuse to put anything before my son.

"For you to be happy, I have to stay here?" Damian asked.

"I'll be happy wherever you are, son," Batman answered.

"But, you'll be happiest here. Fine, I'll stay. There aren't many people I like back there anyway. I was good friends with Jonathan, but he became an adult all of a sudden. He doesn't have time for kids," Damian was bitter about the change in his friend. 

"Are you sure?" Bruce asked. 

"Yeah, I'm tired of the League of Shadows and all of that. There's so much drama back home. I still plan on being Robin," Damian said to his father. 

"I'll always be Batman, but I hope that in this world we can also be Bruce and Damian Wayne.

Damian smiled at his father, "That sounds great, father." 

"There, you have my decision," Batman told the Phantom Stranger.

"Good, I can leave knowing you have a chance at peace in this world. Before I leave, I have a couple of presents for you and your son," The Phantom Stranger said.

"Presents? You don't need to give us presents," Batman said.

"I'm doing it anyway, in my long immortal life, you are a rare mortal," The Phantom Stranger smiled and waved his hand. 

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