
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Tranh châm biếm
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Mission 1: Batman

Batman sat in his new batmobile. He enjoyed the familiarity. Even though it was a hover vehicle, it gave him a nostalgic feeling. Hokshan was nothing like Gotham. Gotham was dark, grimy, and dangerous.

Hokshan, on the other hand, was bright and clean, however, it was also dangerous. Danger lurked in the background of even the most peaceful planets. 

Typing in information, Batman found his target. Now that he knew where he was going, he concentrated on the road and devised a plan. 

Malkirt City, the batmobile arrived in the city after traveling for over an hour. Although the batmobile looked ominous, it wasn't too strange. Vehicles that provided the same use, such as speeders, came in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. 

It was nighttime now, this was Batman's favorite time to hunt. He parked the batmobile in an alley near a large industrial building marked "Kalmeth Industries" in Basic. The batmobile armored itself before turning invisible. 

Looking up, Batman thought for a few minutes before firing a spider web and arriving on the seventh floor. It was the seventh floor of only 500. He infiltrated the building through a window and moved silently. 

A security guard walked through the brightly lit corridor, Batman copied his uniform and walked behind him. Causing static in the cameras long enough to render the security guard unconscious and deposit him in an empty office. He changed the photostatic veil to match the security guard's face.

For those in the monitoring room, the change was so fast it looked like a glitch. No one was suspicious as the guard continued his rounds.

Batman went on his rounds to the top floor and then descended. On his way back to the security office, he snuck out of the 500-story building and went to the private docs and warehouses in the back. 

He entered one of the warehouses and saw his prey. It was at that moment the alarms sounded. It didn't slow Batman down. He moved from cover to cover until he arrived near his target. 

Click-You there, who are you, don't move!-Click Batman heard an electric voice command. Batman's cape moved, one of the cape's octoarms shot out and crushed the blaster, while another fired a spider bomb and covered the armored security guard. 

Without turning around, Batman shot out of his cover and rushed to his target. His target saw the nightmarish monstrosity coming to him. The wings of the creature flew out and deflected the blaster fire and flew at him. 

Some kind of bolo gun shot various armored guards and tied them up. The nightmare grammed the running man by the nape of his neck and tiny electric sparks were emitted from its hands. The man fell unconscious. 

Batman carried the unconscious man for only a few steps before he stopped. A speeder materialized before him. He deposited the unconscious man in the prisoner hold of the speeder. He closed the canopy and the speeder turned invisible and left.

Turning back to the troops, Batman rampaged through the soldiers. They sent requests for aid while the lights were disabled. No one could stop the one-man army. Making short work of them, Batman rushed to the hangar of Kalmeth Industries. 

There were nearly two hundred ships and fighters. Batman walked up to the largest and most unique of them. It looked like a much larger version of Cyclonus from the Transformers. Batman walked to the ship, a cube appeared in his hand, and shot an energy tendril at it. The energy tendril spread until every spaceship was covered by it. 

Batman stepped back and the cube disappeared from his hand. He went to a different warehouse filled with many types of weapons. He continued to move through one warehouse after another and messed with the containers before finally leaving. 

The Kalmeth offices and warehouses were in complete disarray. More security personnel came and examined everything, but couldn't find anything missing. It was only the man, Kri Lan who was missing. 

In a hidden alley, not far from Kalmeth Industries the shadow of a bat appeared and walked forward until it stopped. The batmobile appeared and the canopy opened. Batman climbed into his pilot chair and the batmobile roared away. 

After more than an hour of travel, Batman returned to the guild office. He pulled the now-conscious Kri Lan out of the pod and dragged him inside. Kri kept yelling and screaming to let him go. He even threatened his captor and everyone around. Then he began to offer his bounty. Whoever freed him would get 1,000,000 credits on the spot. If they killed his captor he would double the amount. 

A few fearless bounty hunters stepped forward, but they were quickly put down by Batman. He didn't even look at them as his cape came alive and used a combination of stun blasts, spider webs, and hard knocks to the head to deal with everyone. 

Batman took Kri Lan to the bounty clerk and turned his captive over after getting paid. Then, he registered for another mission and left. 

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