
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Tranh châm biếm
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49 Chs

Lady Luck

The warning of a Sith attack caused the entire camp to launch into action. The two Jedi, Forward Running Lord, and Croaking Pigeon Young Prince gave orders. 

Croaking Pigeon Young Prince came to the Thing to ask if he would help them in the battle. He indicated all of the Bat-Spiders and Darwin. He didn't know if the Thing was the only powerful fighter, but he asked to avoid offending. 

The Thing nodded, being the oldest and a trained soldier, in the United States Air Force, he took charge. "Let's form a squad. Darwin, me, and Goliath Spider will be the Bruisers, Bat-Spider Woman will be our long-range support, and White Widow will serve for mid-range attacks. 

Our goal is to hold the line, protect Miss Dawn Flower, and keep each other safe. Survive and thrive boys and girls!" The Thing concluded his orders. Dawn Flower was placed in the center of the group. She would pass on orders and intel.

"Don't shoot, Don't shoot!" A woman screamed as she rushed from the jungle. It was Domino and her armor wasn't active. Another woman followed her, X-23. She too wasn't using her battle armor for some reason. 

Thing yelled out, "Don't shoot her, she's with us!" Dawn Flower got on the radio and the soldiers held back their blasters from shooting. The two women looked and saw a walking mountain and a boy who looked like a brick. They ran to their friends. 

"Dominoe, X-23!" Mary Jane helped them quicken their pace by grabbing them with her telekinetic power. Forward Running Lord and Croaking Pigeon Young Prince were both shocked by the move. They talked to one another, they looked confused. 

Thing incorporated them into their ranks and not long after they arrived, an army of warriors appeared. The fighting began as soon as the two sides saw one another! 

The Sith's heavy armor troops fired their heavy armaments and opened a path for lighter armored fighters to enter the ranks. It wasn't long before the Thing Squad was surrounded. 

Blaster fire struck the Thing, but the energy bolts couldn't phase him. Even the heavy blasters failed to leave marks on the Thing's rocky skin. Goliath Spider was similar, but he had his armor up, while the Thing tanked everything using his body.

Laser bolts struck Darwin, but he began to absorb the energy bolts and shoot them at his opponents. X-23 was nimble and dodged most of the blaster fire, but even when she was struck she healed almost immediately. Nothing touched Domino, anyone who attacked her often found their demise from something seeming unrelated to the battle. 

When a blaster bolt failed to hit her, it would strike something else and ricoche back, or they might find a tree falling on them. Mary Jane deflected most of their attacks with a telekinetic shield. She attacked using her telepathy. White Widow dodged by using her nimble spider body, stretching to strike enemies, shooting web fluid, and tying opponents up in spider cocoons. 

Dawn Flower was speechless. Every one of these new friends had bizarre abilities. The Sith soldiers couldn't keep up with them. These soldiers weren't force-sensitive, but they were well-trained. As the Sith Knights who were commanding their troops saw the instability these strange beings brought to their forces they were forced to come forward. 

One of the Sith Knights appeared before the Thing and used its lightsaber to attack. The energy blade cut four or five inches in before stopping. The Thing yelled in pain, but he kept attacking. He punched the Sith Knight so hard that it flew back into the forest. His Saber blade hummed while remaining in the Thing's arm. The Thing pulled it out and tossed the lightsaber to Ned.

"Thank you, sir. Dude!" He heard from the young man. Ned activated the lightsaber and fought against his opponents. Ned wasn't very good, but between his massive body and his natural Spider-Sense, he improved quickly. 

Ned wasn't fighting like a brute, but his movements became more and more graceful. Still, he was having more trouble as the number of Sith soldiers attacking their group kept increasing.

Now there weren't just the ground forces they needed to worry about. Heavy machines emerged from the forest. Some of the vehicles looked tank-like, others were more like nimble insects. The blaster barrels on these vehicles had a diameter about half the size of a man. 

Not only were there ground forces, but single-pilot speeders, fighters, and large ships loomed in the sky. Some were making their attack run, firing as they flew. 

Domino ran up through the troops who ended up injuring or killing their allies while aiming at her. She arrived at a four-legged turtle tank. She tried getting into the Turtle, but it's weakest armor, on the bottom, was more tough enough.

Domino ran from the turtle and two a chicken-like walking machine. A large rock rolled underneath its foot causing it to crash into the turtle which was now flipped on its back. It couldn't get back up. 

A new ship entered the atmosphere and all of its guns were firing on Team Thing. Everyone who activated their battlesuit from Bruce was enveloped in a yellow bubble that was interconnected with the other yellow bubbles. 

An intimidating roar came fro the sky.

It fired a missle that was aimed at team Thing. It may not kill all of them, but it could kill most of them.

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