
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

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"What, do you mean?" The woman looked at Batman. She was already intimidated by this devilish visage. The glowing red eyes of the helmet penetrated her mind making thought difficult. 

"There are three targets in your missions that aren't correct. I can tell you who should be captured. Do you pay for that information?" Batman asked again.


"We'll also take Hunter Contract 1A434B7," Batman's matter-of-fact speech matched with the intense electronic distortion made the woman wince whenever he said something. 

Twenty minutes later, Batman and his crew met aboard the Nosferatu.

"We have seven missions, in teams of two we'll work through them. I have one mission for myself," Batman said.

"I thought we could only accept one mission at a time because we're a newbie team," the Hulk said.

"That's true, we can only accept one mission at a time. That's why you'll bring our targets to the Nosferatu instead of the guild. We'll turn in and accept each mission one at a time. 

We can play this game," Batman responded.

"Why do it this way, shouldn't we do one mission and move on?" Johnny asked.

"Look around, we have enough firepower to take down this planet if we want. Don't you think it's overkill for all six of us to work on one mission at the same time?

Plus, this is an opportunity to train everyone. If we're going to be bounty hunters then everyone needs to know what they're doing. I haven't worked with most of you, so I don't know which skills you're lacking. 

"You said seven missions, six teams of two, each team one mission, while you will take one mission. We don't have enough people," Omega said. Everyone looked at Batman realizing the same problem.

"We have a seventh, Metallo. I'm going to put him on a team with one of you. He's there for safety, for the most part, he'll follow you, correct Metallo?" Batman asked.

"Yes, sir," Metallo responded. 

"Metallo, Bounty Hunter Mode." The droid transformed its body, a cape unfurled but swept up behind it like two demonic wings, a bat symbol appeared on its chest, and two antenna-making "bat ears" arose. The droid's silver and gold color transformed into red and black. its photoreceptors glowed yellow, and its feet transformed into demon talons. Its fingers similarly became three digits with claws like a Trandoshan. 

There was a swosh as it jumped and mounted a Goblin Glider, a long barrel blaster was attached to the glider as were two smaller blasters and a thermal detonator launcher. These three weapons are attached to the droid. 

"During hunter missions, Metallo's name is "Demon," Batman said. 

"Mission ready," Demon's typical pleasant nasally British accent was switched with a low growling rumble. 

"Why does it have wings if it's on a glider?" Iceman asked. 

"Because it looks cool," Batman responded abruptly. 

"It sure does, it also looks kind of like a gargoyle," Darwin said. "You should have called it a gargoyle."

"It doesn't roll off the tongue as well as Demon, plus gargoyles are usually demons," Batman responded. 

"Who gets the droid?" Darwin asked. 

"Hulk with Demon, Torch with Signal, Iceman with Omega Sentinel, I've sent your missions to each of you. Bring in your target, be safe, be good, and don't embarrass me!" Batman said and disappeared before their eyes. 

A bat-themed speeder arose from the floor as it split open. The canopy opened and Batman was within. Once it fully emerged, the speeder roared and Batman left the ship through the descended ramp.

"I thought he said there wasn't any more room for vehicles?" Hulk said. 

"Excluding his batmobile," Omega Sentinel paused... "and possibly other bat-themed vehicles and devices he hid throughout the ship," she finished.

"Why can't he get us vehicles and store them in the floor then?" Iceman asked. 

"I asked him the same thing, and he told me he didn't trust any of you enough not to wreck them," Omega laughed.

"I guess he thought the same about you, Omega," Human Torch said.

"No, he offered to make a vehicle for me, but I told him that I don't need one," Omega Sentinel smiled. She turned away from the others engaged her Bounty Hunter mode and descended the ramp.

"Come on, Icepop, whoever leaves last don't forget to lock up!" Iceman looked at the Human Torch, smiled, and activated his full Bounty armor. 

"We're taking Bait," Signal said as he waved at the Human Torch to follow him. The Torch and signal activated their suits, Bait followed them down the ramp, and they disappeared.

The Hulk looked at the Demon droid, "I guess that leaves us to lock up, come one Demon," The Hulk said and left with the Demon droid. The ramp closed behind them and the Nosferatu entered away mode. 

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