
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · Tranh châm biếm
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49 Chs

A Conversation

The black vans parked in front of the building and the passengers exited with Bruce in the lead. His alias, Hector Hall, was a short but fierce man. The two squads entered the elevator and took it to the reception hall. 

Waiting for them were Sue Richards and Johnny Storm. 

"Agent Hall, I hope you had a pleasant trip here," Sue began. 

"It was fine, where's your husband?" Bruce as Hector asked. 

"Reed will be down in a moment, won't you please come into the conference room? Would anyone like something to drink?" Sue asked. She noticed four children and was a little puzzled. 

"In the email from S.H.I.E.L.D. there's was nothing about students mentioned," Sue politely inquired.

"Mid-Tech High has some of the brightest minds in New York. These children are interning at S.H.I.E.L.D. and I thought it would be an experience for them. I want to show them that not all conflicts that S.H.I.E.L.D. has are settled with fists. Conversations are the best way to solve problems, don't you agree?" Hector asked.

"Why, yes, of course, I don't know why we would need to use fists," Sue last.

"That all depends on your husband," Hector remarked. 

Hector walked in and sat at the head of the conference table indicating where everyone should sit or stand. This included Sue and Johnny. 

Reed entered the conference room with a smile on his face. He saw the odd arrangement of people but thought nothing of it. 

"Bruce! James! I didn't know you were coming to this meeting," Dr. Richards excitedly greeted his friends and colleagues.

"I wish it were under better circumstances," Bruce Banner said.

"Indeed, Reed, we must have a very serious conversation today," James Bradley said. 

The two guided Reed to his chair. Reed noticed the unusual behavior of his friends. 

"Serious conversation, about what?" Reed was confused.

"It's about your research Reed," Bruce Banner began.

"My research?" 

"Yes, the Salih Gate that you're working on," James said.

"How did you know about the Salih Gate?" Reed asked. Sue furrowed her brows and Johnny seemed to tense up.

"I can answer that question, Dr. Richards," Bruce as Hector stood up.

"Who are you?" Reed asked as he looked at the short man. 

"I'm Agent Hector Hall from S.H.I.E.L.D., and we arranged a meeting with you today. We asked that all current experiments be shut down until after our discussion. I trust this has been done?" 

"Yes, as soon as I received the notice, I shut down everything," Reed said. "Hector" looked relieved going so far as to wipe the sweat from his brow. 

"What's wrong?" Reed looked between Bruce Banner and James Bradley.

"Have you heard of a man named Victor Stone?" Hector asked. 

"Yes, he's that troublesome fellow who has bothered me for the last five years. I keep getting messages from S.H.I.E.L.D. about him," Reed answered. 

"We're here because of him. He sent us some concerning materials that he got from your computer," Hector began.

"He downloaded private research from my computer?" Reed got agitated and angered.

"I don't know why you're getting so upset, Dr. Richards. We've had our experts look at this material. This is Category 5 technology that you are researching. 

According to the Technology Act of 2007, an Act written specifically to bring you to heel regarding your dangerous research, no research above category 3 may be conducted without the consent and supervision of S.H.I.E.L.D...

Yet here you are researching category 5 technology! Dr. Richards, do you realize how protected you are? Even Tony Stark would be sitting in jail right now if he were found guilty of such gross negligence. I was sent to talk to you not arrest you!" Hector pointed his finger at Reed who shrank back a little. Sue and Johnny were both concerned.

"But Tony violates this Act all the time...I..." Reed began to defend himself. 

"Tony is also disregarding this? I'll look into it, but we don't have any evidence that Tony is doing such research. However, we have plenty of evidence that you are, and it's taken from your computers!" Hector through a bunch of blueprints, notes, and folders on the table in front of Reed. 

"I, don't understand, how did he get all of this information?" Reed was still stuck on how someone was able to get his information. 

"Mr. Stone took the materials from your computers, and he did it very easily. For five years he has written to us with his concern about your terrible cyber security protocols. For five years we have assured him that there weren't any problems.

About two years ago, Mr. Stone told us that he is working on protecting your computers from outside forces. That's how he found this information. He was protecting your computers because you weren't. 

Even worse, your easy-to-penetrate computers contain detailed information on how to create category 5 technology that we weren't even aware of! 

Even worse than that, after consulting with S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists and even notable scientists such as Dr. Banner and Dr. Bradley, they all think that what you're trying to do is crazy!" Hector yelled as a little spittle sprayed Reed in the face.

"Crazy?" Reed looked to his two colleagues.

"I don't know about crazy, but Reed the kind of energy you're working with could do some serious damage if it goes out of control," Dr. Banner said. 

"Are you trying to blow up the city, or are you aimin' for the world son?" Dr. Bradley asked. 

Sue who was focused on the conversation noticed that a few people were missing.

"Hey, where are those two people?" Sue asked. 

Everyone looked up and realized that the two ordinary female S.H.I.E.L.D. agents (Omega Sentinel and Domino) were gone. 

"Ladies' room?" Hector said. Sue gave him a hard look and stormed out of the room.