
Basically us

Love_Forever_2955 · Thanh xuân
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Ella's POV

I closed the door behind me leaving my father's house for college.As normal as it is I was terrified and happy.

"Do you have everything packed Sweetie"He asked me.

"Of course dad and no need to be worried"I assured him.

He slightly scratched his head,in his eyes he didn't want his little daughter to leave I could see it.I walked up to him and gave him big hug.

"Oh darling, I'm gonna miss you so very much."My dad said.

"I know dad, you've been taking good care of me since mom died don't worry I can handle myself." I lied but it seems sure to calm him down.

I hopped in the cab and the driver zoomed of Brighton college,on my way there I saw a lot of things like the calmly moving tree,the tweeting melodious birds,cars and tons of cars passing too.

Finally I got to the school,I parked my things out the cab then I paid him.I closed my eyes took a deep breath, opening my eyes 'Woah' the school was really big.I tried to comport myself and made my way to the girls dorm where I'll see my friends which we've been chatting since one month ago.Their names are Anita, Ginny and Carol.

"Hey Ella!!!"Ginny said out loud as soon has she spotted me.

"Hey Ginny"We hugged smiled,she was nice by helping me carry my stuffs to our own dorm.

I got into the dorm immediately I was given a warm welcome with hugs and slight kisses on the cheek by the other Two girls.I normally don't get this kind of love like this so it was kinda awkward.

"Guys!Let her breathe"Ginny implied.

I was speechless until when Anita said has she took my hand.

"You must be exhausted, lemme show you the room"We walked into a room.

"It's nice right"Carol said from behind.

"Yea,who's my roomie?"I asked.

"It's me"Anita sipped a drink from the table in the room.

"Oh, What are you drinking?"I asked her putting all my bags down for arranging.

She looked at the bottle,I was confused like doesn't she know what's she's drinking.

"Hmmm, this is whiskey you might be thinking why am I drinking by this time we'll there's a fresher party tonight and I'll politely want to get fucked up so bad"She turned to twerk with alot of energy in her.

"That's nice"I chuckled.

"I should get you one."She moved to the room doorstep.

"Nah I'm good"I politely declined.

She left the room to meet the other guys,I saw a chance to talk to my dad.I pulled my phone from my bag then called him.

"Hello dad"I adjusted myself on the bed.

"Sweetie,how are you doing,are you good with the surroundings"He interrogated.

"Yeah at some point I was some nervous but they gave me a warm welcome"I explained to him.

"Oh is that so, that's really nice"My dad complimented.

We talked for a while until it had to come to an end I said goodbye and hanged up.I moved to see the girls.

"So what are you guys up to?"

They looked at me and said with a lot of happiness pumped in them.

"Getting ready for the party of course, ain't you going?"Carol took my hand pulling me to the bed.

"No I'm not really a party girl besides I have other things to do"I declined again.I really don't want to be a party pooper, I wasn't in the mood for sweaty teenagers,bright neon light, drinking n hangover and some jorks being jork.

"Are you sure?I heard the party would be lit"Anita added.

"Yea, I'm sure"I confirmed.

"Ok there's a lot of booze in the refrigerator and you can order pizza or if you change your mind you can always come to the party, here's the direction"She wrote down the direction and handed it to me.

I knew I wasn't going to go to this indecent party but I collected the piece of paper.

"Ok it's time already,we gotta go mama needs me a sexy gal"Carol notified.

"We love you,be safe and if you change you mind"Anita said has they left.

Finally gone,I returned back to arranging my clothes and I was done with that.I sat on my bed wondering what to do next so decided to through Anita's stories which wasn't helping.

"Urgh"I groaned.

I got a dress from my warobe to put on,I looked at the mirror and I was looking stunning,I took the paper then I headed for the party.....

I walked past the main building of the school into the where they called'Student Base'this is where the party is being held from afar I could see the disco light and hear the loud music,I made my way to the party.

I should see people kissing outside some were doing worst than that,I tilt my head to the opposite direction entering the party.The party was crowded I went through the crowd searching for my friends after a long search, I saw Ginny making out to a guy which was obviously not a fresher.

"Ginny"The moment I said that I knew it was dumb for me to interrupt.

"Oh Ella welcome,I was sure you'd come"She tried adjusting her skirt.

"Oh that's nice I'm really sorry for interrupting your moment or whatever"I apologized.

"Oh no you didn't"She smiled.

"C'mon baby let's continue."The guy slide his hands into her skirt.

"Stop relax, you'll have more of me gotta attend to my friend"She removed his hand and rubbed his head.

It was getting awkward for me,I had to speed up the conversation.

"Huhmn..... where's the girls?"

"I guess Anita at the back by the swimming pool while carol is with a girl name Tessa"She replied.

"Ok, later "I turned and within a second they continued.

I went to the swimming pool but I couldn't find Anita,I was stressed then I spotted a bottle of whiskey laying on the floor,I took it and took a gulp of it.

"Slow down miss"I heard a voice from behind.