
Chapter 42: The dominators demands


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The Waveridder, 1951


"Okay, this is very bad, very very bad," Cisco rambled after they'd gotten the alert.

"Where'd you think they're taking them?" Wally asked.

"Those men in black types are probably gonna take them to a secret lab and run experiments on them. Have you seen Stranger Things?" Cisco asked sarcastically.

"Okay, you watch way too much television," Wally told him.

"Life imitates art Wally. Either way, we need to help them," Cisco said as he pulled out a brief case.

"We? I think you mean me. No offense, but you're tech support Cisco," Wally pointed out.

"I've been doing this a lot longer than you Wally. And you can't do this by yourself," Cisco argued as he pulled out a device resembling a blaster from Star Wars. "Set your phasers to stun."

Unspecified location, 1951

Slightly later

"Clint, are you alright?" Amaya asked as Clint came to.

"Yeah, just a little groggy," Clint shook his head to clear away the cob webs. "So, those assholes got us then?"

"This is why I hate the government," Mick supplied as he looked over at Nate and Amaya. "Can't you two use your powers?"

"Whatever they tranqed us with is screwing with my powers and Amaya's ability to harness her magic amulet's power," Nate explained.

An inhumane grunt brought their attention to the Dominator, who was strapped down to some kind of operating table.

"He's still alive," Amaya said as she got up and walked over, stopping halfway.

"Well, chances are none of us are gonna be alive much longer," Clint sighed.

"Wait, this is the exact opportunity we've been looking for," Nate said as he stood up and walked up next to Amaya.

"To get captured?" Mick asked incredulously.

"No," Clint said, realizing what Nate was getting at. "To interrogate a Dominator, find out what they're after."

"Well this is a first, talking with an alien," Mick said as and Clint stood up.

"It's not as weird as you think. You get used to it after a while," Clint shrugged.

"Excuse me Mr. Alien guy," Nate said as he walked up to the Dominator.

The Dominator let out a loud shriek, causing all of them to wince in pain.

"I see why they use their telepathy," Clint said sarcastically.

Central City, present

Late morning

Barry, Steve, Oliver, Natasha, Ray, Sara, and Kara all stood, waiting around at the spot where they were told to meet the president. Only one problem: No president.

"So where's the president?" Sara spoke what they were all thinking.

"Late," Steve noted with a hint of worry.

"Well, she's probably got a lot on her plate. What with the whole alien invasion thing," Ray pointed out.

"And her predecessor getting killed," Sara added.

"Still, does anyone else have a bad feeling about this?" Kara asked.

"Yeah. Something doesn't feel right about this," Barry agreed.

Further conversation was interrupted when four SUVs rolled in and surrounded them. The group exchanged uncertain looks as men in suits got out before one opened the back door of a car and someone got out. It was an old man in a suit that was definitely not the president.

"I'm sorry. The president couldn't make it," He said in a voice that lacked any sincerity.

"And you are?" Steve demanded and the man flashed a nasty smirked.

"If I told you…I'd have to kill you," the man said as the men in suits aimed their guns at them.

Unspecified location, 1951


"Look, we just want to know why you attacked our planet," Nate told the Dominator. "I mean, we're just down here, minding our own business, and then you guys drop from the sky and attack us. Why?"

"There has been a recent emergence of Metahumans on your planet," The Dominator told them.

"Wait, he's talking about the JSA," Amaya realized.

"The what?" Clint asked in confusion.

"The Justice Society of America, a group of covert superheroes from World War Two, I'm one of them," Amaya explained.

"We are here to determine if your kind are a threat," The Dominator explained.

Further conversation was interrupted when the doors burst open. They all looked over as the man in the suit from earlier walked in with armed guards. Clint considered making a move but decided against it. There were too many of them and without his bow and arrows, he couldn't fight them all off, even if he did have help from the others.

"Let's start with him," the man said gesturing to The Dominator. "The rest of you will have to wait your turn."

Central City, present


"Uh, I think there's been a misunderstanding. We're the good guys. And the president invited us here," Ray tried to explain.

"Don't you get it? The president didn't invite us, this was a set up," Natasha snapped as she glowered at the smirking man.

"Smart and pretty. It's shame you chose to waste your talents," The man said.

"What you see as a waste I see as saving the world," Natasha sneered.

"Barry, it's time to make a move," Steve muttered and Barry nodded.

Barry sped forward at the man time as two of the men fired. Barry grabbed the bullets before speeding around, knocking out all the men in suits save for the older men. A bullet hit Ray's shoulder, which simply bounced off sue to the armor of his suit.

"Sniper," Oliver said.

Barry simply nodded before speeding off. While he took care of that, more men in suits approached from all sides. Natasha pulled out her pistols and fired, getting some of them in the shoulders as Oliver fired. Sara pulled out her side batons and engaged another as Steve exchanged a few blows with another before grabbing him and throwing him over the car. As one tried to fire, Kara placed her hand in front of the pistol and the bullet simply hit her hand, unable to leave the gun. Kara then yanked the gun out of the man's hand and, with a gentle (by Kryptonian standards) punch, sent the man down to the ground, unconscious. Ray sent another flying as Steve threw another over the car. Oliver fired an arrow, getting the last one in the legs as he aimed at Steve. The man cried out as Oliver slugged him. Steve nodded in thanks as Barry sped back, appearing in front of the old man, who as backed the car as he stared at them with fear.

"We're trying to help you. This is how you thank us?" He asked angrily.

"You don't understand. The reason the xenomorphs are here-"

"Is because they have a beef with the Metahumans," Sara cut him off. "Tell us something we don't know."

"Like what exactly did we do to them?" Flash demanded.

"Nothing, yet. But they see individuals with powers such as yours as a future threat, and frankly, so do I," The old man said.

"Great, this earth has a Ross to," Natasha said sarcastically.

Unspecified location, 1951


Clint clenched his hands as he heard The Dominator scream. He may not like the Dominators, but no one deserved that.

"What do you think they're doing to him?" Nate asked worriedly.

"Same thing they're gonna do to us if we don't get out of here," Amaya said grimly.

"Discovery requires experimentation. Hydra's favorite catch phrase," Clint said bitterly.

Suddenly, the sounds of blasters and screams came from outside. They looked up as the door burst open, revealing Wally and Cisco, who was holding a blaster.

"Looks like you guys need some help," Wally said with a grin.

"Great, saved by a geek and a rookie," Mick grumbled.

"Who have your gun," Cisco said as he held up Mick's Heat Gun.

"We figured we shouldn't leave this stuff lying around in the past," Wally said as he tossed Clint his bow and handed him his quiver of arrows.

"Smart call, no idea what effect leaving this here could have on the timeline," Nate said as they exited the room.

"The Waveridder is ready to take us back to the present," Cisco explained before they heard The Dominator scream.

"We can't leave him here," Clint said.

"Why not, he's an alien?" Mick asked disgruntled.

"Just because they're douches doesn't mean we have to be, Cisco argued.

"No one deserves this," Clint said as he walked off, prepared to do what needed to be done.

Clint kicked the door down and the suited man from earlier and a man who was obviously a medic turned around to face him. Clit reached back into his quiver and fired two regular arrows that hit the two men in the shoulder. They went down and Clint walked over to The Dominator, Amaya following him.

"Come on, up we go," Clint said as he and Amaya helped him to his feet, the alien whimpering pitifully.

"Don't worry, we're gonna get you out of here," Amaya assured him.

Waveridder, 1951


After a few hours of Cisco working on The Dominator ship, Cisco and Wally watched as he took off in his ship.

"Bye," Cisco said, having a strange device in his hand. "He didn't even say thank you."

"What's that?" Wally asked as he eyed the device.

"I think it's a transponder," Cisco said as he turned around.

"Did you steal that off his ship?" Wally asked.

"Maybe," Cisco said defensively.

"You kids finished?" Mick asked bored.

The pair stood up and everyone took their seats, preparing for the time jump.

Central City, present


"If you're such BFFs with The Dominators-" Sara began.

"Then why don't you call them off?" Oliver demanded.

"We know you forced them into a retreat in 1951," Steve told the man.

"That was just a reconnaissance mission," The old man said.

"What brought them back?" Barry demanded.

"You did Mr. Allen," The old man said and they all froze in shock.

"He knows who you are," Ray breathed.

"You threatened the entire universe when you used your powers to upset the normal course of time," The old man said.

"Barry, what's he talking about?" Sara demanded.

"After my dad died, I um, reset the timeline. I went back in time and saved my mom, created an alternate timeline called Flashpoint," Barry said and Ray, Sara, and Kara were sunned into silence. "When I realized I'd made a huge mistake, I tried to make things back the way they were but things were…different than when I left. I made a mistake; I don't plan on repeating it."

"How do you even know about Flashpoint?" Natasha demanded.

"They told us. For the past sixty years, we have enjoyed a truce with your so called Dominators. You broke the truce," The old man said and Barry turned away, a hand over his face.

"God," Barry said, fresh guilt rising p in him.

"What do they want?" Steve demanded.

"I've negotiated a deal with them: If Mr. Allen surrenders himself, they will leave us in peace," The man said and they stared in shock as he looked directly at Barry. "You really want to save the world? Here's your chance."


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