
Banished & Forgotten

The useless hero who was summoned along with his classmates Once treated like a shield until he became unnecessary, which turn him useless He was banished for being useless but killed for amusement He who was cursed, sealed and forsaken will rise again from the deeps of the Abyss But will he get revenge on those who cursed, sealed, used and killed him or will he do as he please in this new world of magic Only time will tell Let the once useless hero decide their fates

Negate_DY · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Maye The Coastal City

It's been a few weeks since he left and they still hasn't found any signs of people yet, which was quite odd.

"The entrance must be quite far away from any human settlement, we haven't come across any all this time… The only settlements were monster ones and you had your fun with them" said Qendrim as he spoke to Split his other personality which looked weird no matter how anyone sees it

The thing about it is that they perceive each other like two separate beings in one body but are truly one person. The personalities haven't fully integrated as one for now and the reason for that is because they were content with one another. Since neither had anyone to talk to at one point in their existence before someone actually did, so it became something weird like this. 

But they understand that this won't last long as they'll have to become a single personality one again. One that's both and not more than the other. 

From about 32km out, Qendrim started smelling what seemed to be the sea and about seven more kilometers closer it was getting stronger. And since all his senses are heightened further than even most species that are known for their smell, his is a lot better in all aspects. 

"I can smell the sea and people in the distance…there's more than just humans and the amount there is pretty big, I say it's a mid to large size coastal city" he said

"So we might be pretty far from the Kingdom of Ferlon, are you okay with that" asked Split

"It's fine, I'll find out how things are with her soon… I mean I could have teleported there but I'm not sure exactly where she's at but I'm not in a hurry let's enjoy this world" answered Qendrim

"... Alright" said Split as he agreed

"Besides I'm allowing those people to live, as long as they don't cross my path they'll live a little longer" replied Qendrim as cold as ever without so much of an expression

"So what are we doing once we're there" asked Split

"Like I said at the entrance of the valley, to find a comfortable bed to lay on" he said 

"Then an inn" Split said

"Yeah but I wonder if this place has a entrance fee and do I need to present an i.d" thought Qendrim out loud

"If it's like what they said then maybe… we'll just have to see once we're there"

"Over this hill will be where people are most dense at so we need to not switch too much or speak out loud" spoke Qendrim

"I know" replied Split

As they got to the top of the hill they saw a large coastal city behind a huge long brick wall that's reinforced with defensive magic formations. He could see three different gates. One was only for nobles and merchants, the second was for importing and exporting goods. The last gate was for everyone else to use. 

They had different levels of guards at each one but none were neglected no matter the social standings. Right now there were people coming and going out all three gates with the one for everyone has a lot more people. 

"Not bad, it's what I'd imagine a coastal city would look like" said Qendrim as he was looking at the city

"No need to wait let's go" said Split


In about ten minutes they arrived on the road that leads to the city. Coming not far from the gate they could see the many species here. There are humans as the lord of this city is one, beastmen, elves, drigos (humans who can turn into dragons). It was a place free of discrimination which the Coastal City called Maye is.

He wasn't paid much attention to as he paid the fee of one silver per person for non-residential people. In this world the currency goes as copper, silver, gold, white gold,(sky) blue gold, and platinum coins that are actually pretty lightweight even for ordinary people.

Going through without anything happening was a let down for Split but Qendrim didn't care much about it. He just went up to a middle aged man who owned a food stall and asked where an inn was. He got his answer but after buying some food that was actually delicious from him. Once done he left after paying and even though he had no expression. No one could tell since he had a full long silver white beard and hair which covered his face so it's hard to know.

He walked about two blocks down the main road then went left by a general supplies shop then took three blocks down that road as he saw the inn signboard which had the words Sea Wave Inn on it. The inn was at least five stories high and was connected to a medium size house that is most likely made for the family that owns the inn.

"It looks nice, hopefully the beds are as well" said Qendrim as he walked inside

As he walked in he heard a woman's voice spoke to him

"Welcome sir, to the Sea Wave Inn, where all is wavy around the sea.. How may I be of service to you today" 

'I wonder how she could say that with a straight face' he thought

'Ask yourself the same question' spoke Split in his head 

"How much is the rate per night?" asked Qendrim to the woman that's in her early thirties and was a beautiful woman with light brown hair, green eyes and slightly tall at about 5'8 standing behind a receptionist desk 

"It's twenty-five copper coins for a night with dinner and two silver coins for a week with breakfast, lunch, dinner and laundry cleaning service" said the woman

"Then I would like to stay for two months including breakfast, lunch, dinner and the cleaning service" said Qendrim which shocked her as he would need a reasonable size amount of money for two months and he didn't seem to look like he had that much but she decided to not judge based on appearance

"That will be one gold and twenty-eight silvers sir, are you sure?" she asked him to make sure he thought it through as it was a lot of money being spent

"I'm sure" as he said he took two gold coins out from his pocket which he got out his storage space

She saw him present two gold coins to her which she said that he only needed to give her only one and twenty-eight silver coins. He told her it's fine and to keep the change, to which she thanks him and asks if there's any way to repay him. He said there's no need, it's just money. 

"Haa.. Then dinner will be served in two hours… Lukas" she said as she called for someone

Not long after, a boy around the age of eleven came from the kitchen with a smile on his face as he had his mother's green eyes with dark brown hair. Coming up to her he said

"Yes ma'am?" 

"Show this gentleman to room thirty-four okay" she told him

"Yes ma'am, mister follow me" said Lukas

"Oh sorry where's my manners… I'm Nadine Lewis and my husband Fergus is the chef who's in the kitchen preparing for dinner along with our daughter Nalia.. The one who's showing you to your room is our son Lukas" said Nadine with a motherly smile

"I'm Qendrim… you can call me Q or Qen… It's nice to meet you" said Qendrim 

"Nice to meet you too.. And I hope you have a wonderful stay" said Nadine as he started following Lukas to his room after saying yes.. thank you

Heading up to the third floor on stairs then turning left as they walked four doors down. Stopping to a room on the right side which was his room, room thirty-four. Unlocking the door then handing the key over to him, the boy name Lukas stepped to the side as Qendrim went in first then him which he spoke.

"Mister this is your room.. Each room has its own bathroom equipped with a bath and shower that's big enough for five people to walk around without having to ease around one another…Before you enter the bath area of the bathroom, there is a laundry platform that you can put what you want clean inside… It has a wind magic crystal that activates when you swipe over your key with another wind crystal embedded into it.. I can show you mister" 

They both went to where the platform was and Lukas opened it which was big enough to fit a child his age. Sliding the room key, which was a card type across the opening, it sent a small current of mana into the crystal on the other side. That then activated the crystal as it shined green to indicate wind magic was being used. 

The small gust of wind moved the platform down until it reached the laundry area where each laundry room basket is.  

"It goes at the same speed no matter how much clothing weight is on but that only applies for clothes the bathrooms are equipped with toilets, shower and bath area… they have water and fire crystals which all you have to do is use the handles to turn it on and off… Is there any questions you would like to ask mister" said Lukas

"No" replied Qendrim

"Then food will be ready in a few hours, see you then mister… Have a wonderful stay" said Lukas as he smiled then started leaving the room

"A bed that looks comfortable hopefully it is but first let's take a shower it's been so long" said Qendrim as he went back inside the bathroom and saw all the necessary bathroom stuff like washcloths, towels and even soap and shampoo

"Tomorrow I'll ask if there's an adventurers guild here but I'm sure there is with where this city is located, need more the city soldiers to protect from both the land and sea" he said 

"Of course didn't you see all those adventures while walking here and in this inn" replied Split

"I know just it doesn't mean there's one, this is a place where tourists would come which I find weird as they are an usual amount of adventures here to say they are fighting the demon race" spoke Qendrim

"Yeah I noticed that too seems the Emperor doesn't know or either don't care what his subjects are doing especially that idiot of a King" replied Split

"Or maybe he does and is waiting on something but does he want a war or not" said Qendrim

"I don't think so but it does intrigue me that this place doesn't seem to be on alert about a potential war that could start here with it being at the edge of the continent while having to three points to attack" said Split

"Someone must be blocking news or" said Qendrim

"Or to make this city the focal point to start one but after so long" finished Split

"They would have to because of the demon king and us "heroes" from another world" said Qendrim back

"They could have started a war way before we got here though" said Split

"Not if they need the power of "heroes" or better yet people from another world to carry out their plan with us being a type of piece to the puzzle" replied Qendrim

"And what would that be" said Split

"I don't know the reason but it doesn't matter" said Qendrim with a slight cold voice

"Hehe if they disrupt our time here then I'll.." started Split 

"I'll k*ll all.. no matter who's involved" said the both of them coldly 


"It's time to put things into motion hahahahaha" laughing as they grinned