
Bangladesh to Thailand the journey of Nil and Stranger's love

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy got his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises to lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm Neptune · Thành phố
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65 Chs

Racing Against Time: Extra Chapter 1

Kao stood in his office studio, intently listening as the singer worked through a song. With a critical ear, he directed the guitarist, "Smooth it out, no high pitch. Keep it mellow."

Turning to the singer, he advised, "Pharm, start with some warm-ups. I want that crisp tone of yours."

Glancing at his watch, Kao frowned, frustration etching his features. Time was slipping away like sand through his fingers. "I promised Nil I'd meet him," he muttered to himself, sighing deeply. "I need to wrap this up soon; it's already 5:45 PM. Just 30 minutes left."