
Bangladesh to Thailand the journey of Nil and Stranger's love

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy got his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises to lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm Neptune · Thành thị
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65 Chs

In the Arms of Night

Their love, expressed through the cadence of whispered desires, painted an intimate portrait of a shared moment, a culmination of emotions etched into the very fabric of their connection.

Kao, turning to Nil with a breathless inquiry, asked,

"Ahhh... how's that?"

In response, Nil, eyes softened with a tender glow, expressed a profound desire,

"Let's be one again."

A palpable tension hung in the air as Ms. Nin felt an anxious urgency, prompting her to instruct Achara to contact Kao. Aware of Kao's demanding schedule, Achara, with a thoughtful fib, assured Ms. Nin that he was engrossed in office duties. Uncle Tham shared in the unease, attempting to reach them through calls that went unanswered.

As the sun cast its gentle rays across the car, Kao stirred from his slumber, his eyes drawn tenderly to Nil's peaceful form. A soft smile curved his lips as he whispered to himself, "You make my world complete today, Nil. Love you."

In perfect harmony, Nil awoke, their silent exchange of glances speaking volumes, a language only they understood.

Yet, amidst the quiet intimacy of dawn, Nil's realization pierced the tranquility. Today marked the beginning of his shooting schedule. With a hint of curiosity, he turned to Kao, questioning gently, "Why didn't you wake me, Stranger?"

Kao's response was gentle, mindful of Nil's exhaustion. "You were deeply asleep, completely spent. I couldn't bear to disturb your peace."

As the morning unfolded, urgency swept through Nil like a sudden gust of wind. He implored Kao to whisk him away to the studio. Hastily, they dressed, and like a comet streaking through the awakening city, Kao guided the car with a deft hand.

Yet, in their haste, a crucial detail slipped through the cracks of their consciousness –Kao's phone, abandoned amidst the sands of their moonlit adventure, a poignant reminder of the passion that had ignited beneath the night sky.

Nil, frustrated with the ticking clock, couldn't help but express his concern to Kao,

"Strangerr, because of you, I'm going to be late for my first day of shooting. What will I say if anyone asks where I was?"

Kao, ever the composed presence, assured him, "Calm down, I'll drop you there before time."

Apologizing, Nil admitted, "I'm sorryyy..."

Kao, with a reassuring smile, replied, "For what?"

"Last night, I shouldn't have behaved with you like this," Nil confessed.

"Don't be," Kao reassured him. "You collaborated with me so well. In fact, your performance was too good... last night."

Nil, looking at him with a puzzled expression, elicited a burst of laughter from Kao.

"Oh, Nil, you're looking so cute. I know what you're talking about. But there was nothing your fault. So don't think about it more."

Still uncertain, Nil questioned, "Are you sure?"

"100 and 10%," Kao affirmed.

Nil, looking at him, couldn't help but tease, "You're very shameless, no wonder how I fell in love with you."

Smiling, Kao responded, "Mr. No wonder... now you have to spend your whole life with this Mr. No wonder."

"Tumi Na Ekdom impossible" (''You're absolutely impossible'' in English), Nil remarked playfully.

Kao, looking at him, responded, "What... tumi... tumi..."

Nil giggled at the banter, saying, "Actually, I never imagined that the cold, superstar singer Kao Neptune could be so romantic, so annoying."

Kao, with a charming smile, invited, "Stay with me, so then you can always see something new."

Nil expressed his hope with a playful "I hope sooooo."

Finally, as they arrived in front of the studio, Nil, preparing to step out, was asked by Kao, "Did you forget something?"

Thinking for a moment, Nil replied, "I don't think so!"

"One kiss," Kao requested.

Nil, conscious of the onlookers, hesitated, "No way... there are so many people, and they are already seeing us very weirdly."

Before Nil departed, a gentle breeze of farewell was exchanged with Kao, his heart fluttering with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. As the studio's gates welcomed him, Kao retreated into the embrace of his car, driving homeward amidst a whirlwind of thoughts.

Inside the studio, Nil's arrival set tongues wagging and eyes alight with curiosity. Confusion clouded his features as he turned to Perry, seeking answers amidst the sea of speculative glances.

"Why does everyone seem so fixated on me today?" Nil queried, his voice laced with bemusement.

Perry, with a knowing look, divulged the reason behind the collective gaze. "Your image from yesterday has taken the digital world by storm. There's a widespread assumption that you and Kao sir are dating."

A sense of unease crept over Nil as he processed Perry's words, his mind racing to grasp the implications.

Soon, a messenger appeared, bearing news of Director Kim's summons. With a composed demeanor, Nil presented himself before the esteemed director, bracing for the impending discussion.

Director Kim's voice carried a hint of disappointment as he addressed Nil. "What is the meaning of this, Nil? While you ought to be basking in the limelight alongside Than, your recent viral escapade with Kao threatens to cast a shadow over our production. I care not for the intricacies of your personal life, but I implore you to exercise discretion in the future."

Respectfully, Nil absorbed the director's counsel, his resolve firming with each word spoken.

"I assure you, sir, such missteps shall not recur under my watch," Nil pledged, his tone imbued with sincerity.

Director Kim's gaze softened momentarily, a flicker of paternal concern evident in his expression. "Remember, Nil, you are a newcomer to this industry. I simply wish to see you thrive without stumbling upon unnecessary obstacles—both for our sake and your own."

With a nod of understanding, Nil acknowledged the gravity of Director Kim's words before taking his leave as instructed, his mind ablaze with newfound determination.

On the other side, Kao, after a refreshing shower, pondered over the night's scenes. Eager to share his joy, he sought out Achara, who had fallen asleep at her table. Not wanting to disturb her, Kao turned to leave. Achara, waking up, humorously remarked, "Brother, this is your sister's room, and the main door is on the other side. I think you've forgotten."

With a genial smile playing on his lips, Kao confessed, "Well, it seems fate has led me to the right place today. And I must extend my apologies as well."

Achara, her tone light and teasing, continued the banter, "Oh, come on, brother. You know I was only joking. I couldn't possibly see you in that light. So, spill the beans, how did your rendezvous go? Did P.Nil finally succumb to your charms?"

Kao's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "Indeed, he did."

Achara's face lit up with delight. "Congratulations, brother! I had every faith in you. No one stands a chance against my dashing brother. Shouldn't you be rewarding me for my unwavering support?"

Kao leaned in, his expression mischievous. "Name your desire."

Achara's eyes gleamed with mischief. "You have to promise me you'll grant my request."

Kao's lips quirked into a playful smirk. "I promise."

Achara leaned back, a sly grin tugging at her lips. "Then, brother, I implore you to arrange for P.Nil to join us for dinner tonight."

Kao's brow furrowed slightly in thought before he responded, his tone decisive yet accommodating, "Not tonight, Achara. But I shall ensure his presence at our table tomorrow evening."

Meanwhile, Mrs. Nin overheard their conversation and called Lava to meet her at the restaurant. Lava agreed to come. While Nil was busy with shooting and everyone was supportive, he hadn't had much time to grasp the dynamics. Now in the makeup room, Kao called him, breaking his train of thought.

A soft smile graced Nil's face as he answered Kao's call. Concern laced Kao's voice as he inquired, "Nil, are you alright?"

"Yeah, but I think I am missing you," Nil confessed.

Kao, his own sentiments mirrored in the conversation, asked, "Me too. How's your shooting going?"

"Not bad. Initially, I was very excited, but now I am so tired," Nil shared.

Kao, ever the caring presence, playfully suggested, "Should I come there to pleasure you?"

Smirking, Nil replied, "No need, I can take care of myself."

As everyone sought Nil's attention, he abruptly cut the call, leaving Kao to imagine a hint of shyness in his lover's demeanor.

Meanwhile, in the office, Shian approached Kao with a curious inquiry, "Do you love him?"

Kao, contemplating the question, responded with a thoughtful hum.

"Since morning, everyone in the office was talking about you and Nil," Shian observed.

Kao, unfazed by the gossip, asserted, "Let them talk. I don't mind talking about them before or now."

Expressing his joy for Kao, Shian hugged him warmly.

On another front, Mrs. Nin and Lava engaged in a conversation at the restaurant.

Lava questioned, "Why did you call me, ma'am?"

Mrs. Nin cut straight to the point, "Do you love Kao?"

Lava hesitated for a moment before admitting, "Yeah, but now everything's over. He loves Nil, that bitch"

Mrs. Nin, undeterred, offered a different perspective, "No, it's not love. They just like each other."

Attempting to resign himself, Lava sighed, "Whatever. Almost half of Bangkok citizens know Kao Neptune is madly in love with Nil."

Mrs. Nin, with unwavering determination, disagreed, "You can't lose your hopes. Tomorrow, Kao will make him invite to dinner. You also have to come and have to propose him."

Concern creased Lava's brow, "But what happens if he rejects me?"

Mrs. Nin, radiating confidence, reassured him, "He won't. I take this responsibility."

With a reluctant smile, Lava agreed, "Okay, I will."