

Icyhot and Deku came back with a couple bags and each carrying a plate heaped with food and we all ate while Deku put on an All Might movie. They just let me pretend this was totally normal and somehow that helped. It helped so much.

We were cuddled up on the bed munching on all the nibble foods and drinking our sodas when there was another knock on the door. I stand up and walk over to Deku's closet and stand behind the open door. I'm still not ready to deal with anyone yet.

Deku answered the door, "Oh Aizawa Sensei! What are yo-"

"Save it," he cut him off and I heard the door close and peaked out to see him standing inside the door. "So it's really true. What happened to class A's star couple?"

I turn away and grab an All Might blanket from the closet as if I wasn't just hiding. "I thought you didn't care about our personal issues?" I grumbled before making my way back to the bed where Icyhot pulled me back against him again. The looks Aizawa Sensei were giving me screamed; 'what the fuck?' vibes but whatever.

This is nice, just rest and safety and acceptance. No expectations. No judgment, just food, sleep and cuddles.

"I don't, but this is going to affect class so I have to care." He narrowed his eyes at me and I just huffed.

"He went too far after I told him no. Is that enough information for you?" I grumbled trying not to make a bigger deal out of it than it already was.

"Bakugo are you telling me that he tried to rape you?" I felt my face heat up before I tried to refuse.

"If he ever did that there wouldn't be enough of him to identify," Deku smiled and I felt a shiver run down my back at how happy he sounded saying that. I wasn't the only one either. Aizawa Sensei was watching him carefully before looking at me again. He knew what the villains did to me, Deku didn't. I shook my head to tell him no and he nodded as if understanding.

"I see. Bakugo I suggest you at least tell him if no one else. I'll be leaving now," He turned and left closing the door behind him. As if he didn't just suggest letting Deku murder the League of Villains. Is he actually a hero? I mean really?

"Kacchan? What does he mean? Do you need to tell me something?" Deku climbed back up on the bed wrapping himself around me, squeezing me between him and Icyhot. I should hate this but I don't. It actually fucking helped, it was like they were holding me together when all I wanted was to fall apart.

"Maybe later," I try to look away but Deku just snuggles his face into my neck instead so I don't have to.

"Whenever you're ready I'm here," he mumbled and I took a deep breath relaxing, yes this is nice. He lets me go and turns the movie back on turning around and this time I hug him to me. Yes, this feels nice.


It's been a couple weeks now since Kiri and I broke up but he still won't leave me alone, trying to corner me during training or at lunch but Deku and Icyhot were somehow always around if one of my 'friends' were not.

"Dude leave Bakugo alone, I still don't know what you did but you need to give him some space." Kaminari groaned at the fact Kirishima was again trying to grab me. I sent an explosion to his face before walking away. Again. This is starting to become the new normal and I hate it.

I haven't been myself and everyone has noticed. I've been quiet, the only time I use my explosions is either during training or when I'm trying to put distance between me and Kiri. That or during free time I will stare at my hand watching the way they popped in my hand. I don't yell and scream anymore and I have gotten the attention of all of the teachers because of it.

Whatever, it's Friday so Deku and Icyhot are wanting to set up a table of snacks and junk and hang out again, this is becoming an every weekend thing and I kind of like it. I've been going to one of their rooms every night, finally getting the sleep I've been needing, just to go back to my room to get ready for school in the morning again.

"Bakubro, where have you been going every night? You're not sleeping in your room!" Kiri yelled at me and I turned and blasted him with a massive explosion to the face.

"Don't call me that!" I ground out, seething in rage. "You don't get to call me your cute little nicknames anymore. You lost that right!" I turned and left, not even caring that Aizawa Sensei saw and heard it all. Ignoring the fact that Kirishima was bleeding from his lip. I was shaking, I was so angry, I don't even know what to do. So I left.

I didn't even notice Deku and Icyhot walking beside me until I got back to my room. They waited while I changed and grabbed some clothes and movies and we walked upstairs to Icyhot's room this time. Deku ran off to change and when he came back he had a veggie platter and a bowl of cut up fruit while Icyhot put in a thriller film for me.

It was hours later before I finally relaxed and when I did I was snuggled into Deku's chest with him running his fingers through my hair. Todoroki was behind him and we were watching some bloody anime or another.

And I started to fucking cry.

I miss Kiri. I miss the sweet kisses and gentle cuddles. I miss the way he looked at me like I was the most amazing person in the world and when I finally broke down enough to tell Icyhot and Deku this, they just held me.

"I wish we could make it all better but we can't," Deku whispered, giving me a light kiss on the forehead.

"If you're okay with me, you can kiss me. I won't hold it against you," Icyhot added, rubbing my back. I flinched back at his words. Uh what?

"Todoroki that's not really how it works," Deku tried to explain to him.

"I know Midoriya. But if the action alone could help I would still do it." I looked up and saw him looking at Deku seriously. Wait this isn't a fucking joke?

"If the action alone could help I would be the first in line," Deku sighed, his eyes closed. Wait could it help? Is that a real option?

"Do... Do you really think it would help?" I asked angrily, wiping the tears away from my face. Deku flinched at the fact that I was even considering it and Icyhot just watched me thinking.

"Maybe, but it could make it worse too." I nodded my head taking what he said to heart. The fact that he wasn't pushing me one way or the other helped and Deku staying quiet, waiting patiently, did too.

"I think I would like to try, if you are actually okay with it?" I look up and see them both watching me carefully.

Deku leaned down touching his nose to mine but stopped there. I relaxed in his arms knowing that he wasn't going to push it. He isn't like Kiri and knows not to push me. Not to pressure me into things.

I tilted my head back and let my lips touch his. It was slow and relaxed but calming. I kissed him again letting myself melt into the kiss enjoying the way our lips connected and formed together. My tongue licked along his lips and he gladly opened up for me, his tongue meeting mine as we continued to kiss. It never got deep and passionate, just light and sweet, loving. I have missed this.

We broke apart and for the first time I realized how Deku is holding me against him cradling my body against his. I take a deep breath. This is nice.

"That looked like fun actually," Icyhot murmured and I looked up to see that his head was now next to Deku's so I could reach if I wanted but he didn't do anything more.

I tilt my head and connect my lips to his and give him that same slow kiss, my tongue searching for his as I explored his mouth. I felt myself moving and now I'm on top of Deku as I kissed Icyhot letting him caress me as I do.

We break apart to me gasping for air and my heart beating wildly. "That was fun," Icyhot breathed looking at Deku who nodded. Then with me still on top of Deku they shared a kiss too and I watched entranced by the sight of their lips pressed together as they moved their tongues tasting each other.

"I guess we can't say we are just friends anymore?" Deku asked when they broke away and I laughed, getting their attention.

"A three way relationship?" I am amused by the idea. "What the fuck? Why not?" I bend down and kiss Icyhot again, this time setting Deku's hands on my back letting him know it was okay.

"I think I'm going to like this," I heard him mumble to himself before I felt his mouth on my neck trailing light kisses while Icyhot slowly ran his hands on the outside of my shirt.

I broke free and tore my shirt off dropping it on the floor before letting myself lay down between the two of them. Icyhot's lips hungrily on mine while his hands explored my chest and abs. Deku behind me kissing on my neck, his hands on my hips. He gave me a light bite making me gasp, breaking away from Icyhot and stole my lips in his making me turn to kiss him better. Icyhot turning to my shoulders and neck as I moved.

The movie went to a jump scare and all three of us jumped not expecting the screams from the TV in our haze. We sat there breathing hard for a few moments looking at each other with different emotions running through us all.

What just happened? I kissed Deku. I kissed Icyhot. I watched them kiss each other. But the weirdest thing of all of that, is that I liked it. I actually fucking liked it and I want to do it again. A lot.

I could even feel my hard on pushing painfully against my pants now. Something that never happened with Kiri. Why? What was different being with them than him? I'm sitting on top of Icyhot and I can clearly see that I was not the only one turned on. Both Deku and Icyhot had boners but neither of them were doing anything about it. I think they were just coming to terms with it at the same time I was.

"What have we done?" I was almost horrified with it. I broke up with Kirishima for not respecting my boundaries but here I am only a few weeks later throwing those same boundaries away for these two. What is the difference? Why don't I understand? What is it that I don't understand?

"I think I really want to do that again," Deku whispered just as shocked.

"Oh I definitely do," Icyhot moaned trying to stretch but his crotch pressed against mine instead making us both flinch at the contact.

"Fuck it," I grumble and bend down and pull his lips into mine his arms snaking around me as I do.

"Hey! Me too!" Deku cried out before pulling me off of Icyhot and climbing on top of me. But it was Icyhot who stole his lips and I bit into Deku's shoulder loving the sound of his moans before trailing kisses along the soft pink mark.

Deku pulled away from us earning the groan from each of us in the process. "Wait! Wait we need to talk about this!" He says that but he is easily the hardest one of the three of us. Maybe it's because I bit him? "How far are we okay with going? Are we comfortable with each other? If we are, are we comfortable with this," he motioned at our waist and Icyhot and I both blushed at just how hard we were. "What are we going to do about it?"

"I'm willing to do anything you two are. I just might need a minute to calm down if we stop," Icyhot said, looking away trying to hide himself from us. I grab him.

"I don't understand this. I didn't want this with him," I was starting to freak out. Did I not actually care for Kirishima like I thought I did? "Why are you two different?" I'm starting to have a breakdown. Why do I feel like this? Why do I have to feel so fucking weak?

"Stop, we all need to stop and calm down. We should take care of these," Deku motioned at our painfully hard members before going on. "And then we should talk."

I nod but if we are going to take care of them anyway... "Icyhot?" He turned to me his breathing still heavy. "Kiss me?" I ask and waited not wanting to press the issue.

His lips met mine and I felt Deku press himself against me making me moan and Icyhot's tongue was against mine again. I didn't hold back my moans, pulling Deku's waist against mine and when we broke apart for air just for Deku to steel his lips.

Fuck what have we actually done? We are so horny at this point that I don't think any of us want this to end. Maybe just masterbating with each other will be enough? I look around and see the napkins that were left on the table and I lift Deku off of me and he climbs onto Icyhot's lap while I grab a handful of them and come back.

I'm going to regret this later. I just know it but I slip my pants off leaving just my boxers on and climb back on the bed pulling the two towards me. They broke apart and Icyhot attacked my lips while Deku stepped away and before I knew it Icyhot was being replaced with Deku. I rolled us over letting myself on top of him hearing him whimper in response but he only stretched, arching his back and neck and I attacked his skin with my kisses.

Todoroki's hands found my abs while he kissed up and down my back making me arch into his touch, be it the front or back.

I saw him lean down and kiss Deku while both of their hands caressed me. It didn't take long for us to pull out our cocks and stroke them in time with our kisses as we switched from one to the other letting our kisses and gentle loving spill over where it would. The napkins at the ready but none of us were really getting anywhere.

"Fuck Deku, switch me." I moaned and grabbed his shaft in my hand. He took in a sharp breath and Icyhot stole his lips again but it was Icyhot's hand on my shaft when I looked down. Fuck this is actually happening? I could feel myself getting close, his strong grip pulling at my control while I kissed on Deku's neck, my teeth scraping against him as I did. I felt him pulse in my hand, the napkin already covering his end while I squeezed and tried to empty him out. His cries broke him free of Icyhot's lips only so he could join me on the other side of Deku's neck. When he finally calmed down signaling that he was actually done. We let him go still in our horny stuper. We turn to each other with my hand leaving Deku's and finding him.

I feel Deku pull me into his lap and his hands caressed me as he kissed my back. I really needed to cum but I just couldn't; his grip was too tight, driving me nuts. "More," I beg using my other hand to cup his balls and he starts pulsing, cuming into the napkin. Leaving only me wanting and needy. He broke away trying to catch his breath. Deku tossed me on the bed and climbed on top of me trailing kisses and little bites up my abs across my chest and along my neck only to suck my tongue in his mouth and kept sucking it in and out balancing himself above me with both arms. I feel Icyhot grab me again and one pump two pumps... I moaned out in relief, Deku catching all the sounds.

I collapsed back on the bed and all three of us just laid there. Did that really just happen?

Mature content!

Kilanna2016creators' thoughts