

"Kitten?" Deku whispered in my ear so close his lips were actually touching, giving me sweet kisses as they moved to speak the words. "Kitten? It's time to wake up," I could easily feel both of them pressed against me, one on either side.

"No, sleep." I whined snuggling into one of their necks trying to block out the light and ignore whatever reason they had to make us get up.

"Kitten," fuck this time it was Icyhot. It's never a good sign when they are ganging up on me. "Please wake up. My mom wanted to spend some time with us all before we take her back," fuck how did I even forget that we were at my house? Of course that was one of the many conditions for them letting us bring her out for the weekend. But if things go smoothly we could actually be allowed to pick her up more often. I just know that Hag and Aunty will love to have her.

"Fine but I need kisses," I grin, still half asleep snuggling into one of them, I still haven't bothered to open my eyes yet so I have no clue which was which yet.

The kisses started sweet and calming at first but it didn't take long for them to get ticklish and my giggles quickly turned into laughter as they kept it up. I kept laughing harder and harder and their own laughter mixed so well with mine, it was like music, at least to my ears.

I swear that I heard a door creak open but Icyhot decided that now was the perfect time to add his fingers to my side making my already loud laughter worse. Then Deku JOINED in. Oh my All Might I'm going to die! I was yelling and squealing trying to get them back with tickles of my own but it was useless. Of course it was, it was two against one and I was literally in the middle of them.

"Puppy! Bunny! You're killing me!" I had tears starting to leak out from laughing too hard and that was where I drew the line. Fucking crying. Thankfully they stopped tickleing me when they noticed but we were still all laughing and cuddled into each other's arms.

"Kitten? I'm hungry," Deku pouted after a while before he looked up at me with those big innocent eyes of his. How can this demon play the role of innocence so god damn well?

I let out a groan, "Let me guess; katsudon?" I asked while running my fingers through my hair only to feel Icyhot take over gently massaging my scalp as he did. I couldn't help the moan of pleasure that escaped me at the feel of his affection.

After only a minute I let out a sigh, "Fiiiinnnneeeee, I'll make katsudon AND cold soba."

"Yay!" They cheered before kissing on me again. I tried to grumble like it was a headache but I swear it came out like a moan. Fuck.

"Get the hell off of me or you can make your own damn food!" I was at my wits end, if they keep it up we will just be staying right here and it will be their own fault!

I hear them giggle before finally letting me go and we all get up, stretching away the sore stiffness from yesterday's fight. I can't help smiling when I see a small hickey on Icyhot from where I bit him this morning. Serves him right. Not that anyone will actually notice or anything.

We walked in comfortable silence downstairs after changing our clothes. I find our parents unnaturally quiet sitting in the living-room pretending to sip on their drinks, considering I found the bedroom door open when we were ready to leave the room, I'm pretty sure that I know why.

"I'm going to cook," I called over my shoulder, ignoring them. I'll ignore it for now, both Deku and Icyhot followed me to the kitchen and I put them to work. It didn't take long for me to call the adults in for dinner and Icyhot gave himself and his mom a large bowl of cold soba while the rest of us ate katsudon.

The evening was actually pretty fun, my old man brought out old board games and a couple packs of cards and I swear more than once I caught him and the hag looking at me in shock while I was laughing or smiling. Don't get me wrong I work hard and study and I actually get along with my parents but I can't remember the last time we had a game night that didn't end with me getting mad and storming off. I guess it's not a surprise that I'm a sore loser.

Aunty Inko and Aunty Rei just kept looking at Deku and Icyhot as if they couldn't believe their eyes. Now I know these two are not sore losers and besides Deku won most of the games anyway. So what the hell is up with that? I waited until I lost particularly badly before letting my explosions pop in the air practically roaring as I did and my very hot boyfriends smirked, enjoying my reactions before Deku went to the kitchen for whatever reason.

"That's it!" I yelled and tackled Icyhot pinning him on the ground next to the coffee table we were playing on. "How are you two cheating?" I knew better of course but that didn't stop Icyhot from playing along.

"It's not my fault if you're not paying attention Kacchan," he sang the words grinning like a fool.

"Umph!" The air got knocked out of me when Deku ran back in knocking me off of him and now they are both on top of me. Fuck did they forget our parents were in the room?

"Hey no fair you started without me again!" Deku whined and Icyhot and I laughed, my arms still l pinned down with Deku on top of me.

"It should be illegal to have this much fun," I laughed after Deku finally released my arms. Both Deku and Icyhot decided to curl up against me so we were cuddled up on the floor. I let out the yawn now fighting sleep again. Damn this has been a long but fun day.

I could hear our mothers trying to stifle their giggles and my old man kept coughing, clearing his throat but when I looked up I could see the amusement on his face while he tried to cover it with a hand. I just rolled my eyes before seeing the clock on the wall. It's almost 7, damn it.

I let out a groan getting everyone's attention and motion to the clock on the wall. When they all looked they realized what was wrong. It was time to take Icyhot's mom back and for us to go back to school.

My parents and Aunty Inko walked us to the door after we got our things together and the four of us said our goodbyes. The Hag promised to drop off a tub of lemon ice cream and a large container of cocoa mix tomorrow after school to make up for not getting around to dessert tonight. Which, hell yeah!

We all rode the bus in happy silence to the hospital and chatted while we walked the rest of the way. We checked her in and she hugged each of us tight. I don't know about the others but she whispered in my ear, "Take good care of my son. I won't pretend to understand how you all three are dating but I have never seen him so happy." I nodded letting her hug me tighter and we all made plans to pick her up the next weekend. Fuck it all even if we don't have the weekend at home we can still pick her up and drop her off.

We made our way back to school and when we walked in at almost 8:30 Iida's dumbass was trying to lecture us.

"For fucks sake we have until 8:30 to get back and it's 8:28 we are fine! Chill the fuck out!" I exploded and Deku and Icyhot just chuckled at me and Iida started in on my language making me roll my eyes and flipped him off. I'm done with this shit. Before walking to the elevator and going to my room, thankfully just because we are dating doesn't mean their friends have to be my friends.

Or I would probably lose my mind.