
BAKA: A Fool's Call

This is the Story of A young man Named Nathaniel Jones the last descendant of the BAKA strives and struggles to become the one to save the world despite the world taking him as a fool he will Prove them wrong ever step of the way

Victor_De_Ascensao · Kỳ huyễn
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To be honest I don't know where to even begin with this story, just started writing it down and poof it's GONE but hey it is what it is...




Oh wait you still here... well I might just have remembered something..

The was a time where the World was good, peaceful and full of colour where everyone got along and never had to worry about war and famine or any kind of struggle.

Until a certain group of people called the NAKO Warriors found the power of ZENRGY

a power thought to have been a myth which could let the user create a weapon or magic out of their own imagination,

However if used for the wrong reasons the power can ultimately kill the user within seconds of an evil thought appearing in the mind.

The NAKO now with this new found power started to doubt if the world was better off without war and struggles.

They started making plans to ensure that the World would not go soft and tried to do things by means of peace but as there doubt became stronger there ZENRGY became more dark and eventually didn't kill them but instead became Dark ZENRGY

In a space of 2 years the world went from peaceful to deadly, friendly to violent all that inhabited it knew death and feared it more then anything else.

But as the world was finally surrendering to the NAKO another group of people rose up against them, they were called the BAKA a group of fools who wielded power of Sword Shape Zenrgy a very strong and secret Art Of ZENRGY that they only knew.

The BAKA and The NAKO went all out for 1 year the battle was bloody and ugly but in end the BAKA were able to save the world and lock the NAKO and the Dark ZENRGY for good

The World was grateful for the BAKA for their brave and efforts despite them being idiots.

2000 years have passed and the world has once again been at peace with memories of the BAKA all but gone, a modern form of the NAKO threatens the world again.

People are saying:

But who will save us now?

What will become of us?

The BAKA have abandoned us what can we do?

We all pray for one day a BAKA to help us in our time of need.

Well that's about how the story goes

Oh wait u wanna know who the hero is

Well how can I say this

It's ME

Who You may ask?

Let me tell you

My Name is Nathaniel Jones, But people call me NJ

And this is the story of how I became the world's greatest...


Mom I'm not I'm talking to my Audience


As I was saying

And this is the story of how I became the greatest BAKA the world has ever seen

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