

A young boy finally turns 15 years old and finally can register into the Adventurer Guild while he spent his time defeating Thugs and Goons within the large Village he lives in. Poor without any money without any parents and siblings, it didn't stop him from moving forward. One night he suddenly gain the ability of Bad company, he wasn't sure what they were and what are they, but gaining this ability will greatly boast his confidence and strength to overcome.

Radiance101 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Goblin Slayer.

Carter went back to the entrance of the village crossing.

He saw the guards he interacted not too long ago.

"Hey! You guards don't mind giving me some information about the Goblins?" He called out to them and smiles at them.

"Ah, so you were serious about taking out the horde of Goblins..." The guard said while rubbing his chin while observing the boy head to toe.

"If you really want to know where they are then you'll find them over at the east side of this village." The other village guard said to the boy.

"Not to mention that their hideout in a cave, I saw it with my very own eyes." The first village guard explains and pointed to the direction of their hideout somewhere in the forest.

"Thanks, guys, that helps me a lot," Carter replied and soon took his leave towards that direction.

The two guards of Village crossing waved goodbye to the young adventurer.

"Why did you tell him where they were, do you really believe he can pull it off?" The 2nd guard said to his friend with doubts while watching the boy disappear into the forest.

"No, there is probably a chance he could pull it... I saw it in his eyes, it was the eyes of someone with experience." The 1st guard explains and shuts his eyes and sighs.

"Hopefully your hunch is correct or we gonna have to make a trip to the Adventurer Guild to report this... It's bad enough those green monsters are attacking us." The 2nd guard said and expresses to his friend and lets out a heavy sigh.

A few minutes later.

Carter scan his surroundings while standing in a open grass field.

"Bad Company search the area for any signs of Goblins and track their base that should be a cave!" An Army of hand-held soldiers appear before the boy and Saluted him before running in different directions.

"""E! E! E! E!""" The army soldiers said out loud to each other while tactically moving deep into the forest.

The boy resumes walking forward after seeing Bad company spreading out.

'These Goblins can't be tough from what, I know.' He thought to himself before hearing a stick snap.

Carter quickly turn and saw nothing and felt a bit uneasy.

'My first time being in a large forest like this and yet, I'm already begining to feel nervous...' The boy thought to himself and let's out a breath before moving forward again.

A green nasty goblin was seen roaming inside the forest and possibly looking for food.

It stopped and started to feel something staring right at it and it turn it's head around.

It was trying to look for the threat but didn't seen anything out of the ordinary.

"Gik Gik Gik!" The Goblin said in it's own language before resuming back to looking for food.

The monster soon saw a dead animal just ahead of him and its sticky dirty tongue licked it's own lips.

"Gik! Gik! Gik!!" It said out loud in excitement and started to rush itself to the animal corpse for food.

The goblin kneeled down with drool dripping down it's mouth while coming close to the dead animal.

It picked it up but suddenly there was a small click underneath which confused the Goblin and it saw a odd small olive cycle with a red cycle in the center, which was a booby trap landmine.

Before the Goblin could react to the weird device, it was soon facing a large explosion erupting underneath the animal corpse.

Injuring the disgusting monster and sending it flying untill it's back slam against a nearby tree.

The goblin coughed out thick dark red blood and notice that it's legs and lower region area was injured.

"Gi- Gik!!! Gik!! Gik!!!" The monster cried out in great pain but suddenly heard a tree branch rustling and leaves falling down on top of its head.

The Goblin looked up and noticed 4 ropes coming down and quickly followed up with 4 hand-held Green Beret soldiers sliding down.

Dropping right on its left and right shoulders and each soldier with a combat Knife in their hands.

The Green Berets begin their assault against the injured Goblin by thrusting their small combat knives against it's neck and face.

Blood was splattering everywhere as the Goblin try to get the weird creatures off of itself.

The Green Beret soldiers soon jumped off the heavily injured goblin and they landed on the ground.

The Goblin threw the corpse of the animal at the Green Berets but they dodge it with swift speed.

Seeing that it didn't work, the goblin started to panic and stand up slowly and make a run for it back to its hideout, the best it could.

"E! E! E! E!" The Green Berets started to communicate with each other while splitting up to follow the Goblin.

Carter was soon notified that the Green Berets were chasing after a heavily injured Goblin.

There was a possibly a chance that the disgusting monster was making a run for it back to base.

'Alright, looks like my soldiers are being led to its base, no wonder, I heard an explosion nearby.' Carter thought to himself and ran towards the direction his Green Beret soldiers were being led to.

The injured Goblin finally made it to the cave where mostly it's kind lived in recently for a couple of days.

"Gik! Gik! G-" The injured Goblin shouted to the other Goblins that caught its attention but suddenly, a dozen small bullets riddle the monster by the head and cause it to explode into pieces.

The other Goblins watch in shock and soon their expression disfigured into a rage of anger.

Hordes of monsters rushing out of the cave with whatever weapons and tools they can find.

But what made them stopped in confusion was that there wasn't anyone in sight.

"Gik? Gik? Gik?" One large goblin said in confusion until a figure started to appear from the bushes.

A human came into view with a confident smirk on his face and he crossed his arms.

"So, you are the monsters bothering The Village Crossing?" Carter said towards the smelly gross Goblins.

The monsters readying their weapons as they hiss and growl angrily at the human.

As they begin to charge at the boy, suddenly sparkles appear within the bushes and trees with an odd clicking sound.

Soon, dozens of small bullets started to rain on them as the larger goblin shrug them off as best as it could and charge at the bot with a huge club.

The boy still standing where he was with a smirk, 2 Apaches begin to appear on both sides of the human.

"BAD COMPANY! I CAN'T DENY! FIRE!" Carter shouted his order and stretch out his right hand towards the Goblins.

The assault helicopters started to fire their Missiles and rain down on the huge Goblins.

They were blown away by the sheer firepower and blast and fell on their backs heavily injured.

The Goblins all scattered around due to Bad company firing their M16's rapidly while taking cover.

Even more, Goblins started to rush out the cave with a certain Goblin that had a staff.

It soon shot a fireball near the boy but it missed which caught Carter's Attention.

"Abrams Fire!" Carter orders and pointed at the Goblin with the staff about to shoot another fireball.

Tanks appear on both sides of the boy's feet and soon it aimed at the Goblin with staff and they fired one by one.

Shell rounds faster than the speed of light collided against the Goblin with the staff.

Large Explosions erupting afterward that left the Goblin with the staff into pieces.

"Now, to take care of the rest of these disgusting things..." Carter uppercut a Goblin and punch its guts in mid-air and soon riddle with shots by Bad Company.

Bad company soldiers soon jump off of the branches and pull a string attached to the handle of their rucksacks and a parachute came out.

The soldiers ready their M16's while their free hands held onto the rope attached to their parachutes and begin to fire their rifles.

Goblins after Goblins were being destroyed and shot down and soon The Apaches join into the fight, flying around and firing their turret and missiles at the same time.

An hour later.

Carter sighs to himself after searching the cave to find mostly animal bones taken from the village crossing.

"Well, this sucks, nothing really interesting- Wait is that a person and still alive!?" Carter said out loud in shock and saw the teenage boy probably older than him.

The young boy and his Bad company tactically search every corner for any surprise attacks but nothing was there.

After a moment, the cave deems to be fully emptied out.

Carter got closer to the boy and noticed he was injured and his clothes ripped off in some areas.

He didn't want to know what they did to him, but he couldn't leave him alone like this.

'Let's bring him back to the village they should be able to take care of him from there...' Carter thought and carried the teenager in his arms.

Ever since he received the ability of Bad company, he noticed that his strength was abnormal and stronger than an average man.

It has been a couple of hours but finally, he made it to the village crossing.

The 2 Village Guards noticed the boy with some bloodstains and most noticeable, carrying a half-naked injured teenager in his arms.

They couldn't believe who they were finally seeing after all these days, it was the chief son!

They rush over to help Carter and the boy back to the chief which The young was a shock to discover that the person who he was carrying was related to the chief.

A few minutes later, all the village residents surrounded the house trying to get a good look of the chief son

They hadn't seen him for a couple of days ever since the Goblins started to attack their village.

Carter smiled when the teenager named Jackson when he learns who he was from the Chief.

A few minutes later.

"Thank you so much for saving my son! I wouldn't have anything to live for without him..." The chief explains and bowed his head down to him, everyone soon follows suit while the 2 Village guards simply kneeled on one knee with their helmets to their chest.

'Man, this is really awkward and embarrassing...' Carter thought with his face flushing.

"Well, you all are welcome..." The young boy replied to them all and smiled at them.

Soon, after the awkward situation that took place at the chief place, Carter was rewarded with a sack of money and was welcome to live with them or temporarily stay at their village anytime, he wanted to.

"I can't believe it, that kid somehow defeated those Goblins..." The second village guard said while watching the boy walking back on the road leading to the adventurer guild.

"Tell me about it, I knew my hunch was correct, now wheres my money?" The first guard said before both of them started to laugh.

"No, seriously..." The first village Guard said again.

A few hours later.

Carter was looking up at the stars appearing in the sky and shut his eyes.

"Company always on the run, Destiny, it was a rising sun..." Carter softly sang to himself with an army of Bad company soldiers following along with him on the road, including the Apaches and Abram tanks.