
Back To Your Love

The love that once stopped is now starting to blossom again. Naura never knew that Raihan was Rico's older brother—the man who became her first love. When circumstances force her to choose, her heart will speak. However, the plan didn’t go according to unexpected. The hope of living together must vanish when Rico actually impregnates another woman. A broken heart needs an antidote. At that time, Raihan came with his never-ending sincerity. However, fate plays its part again in every event. Raihan must be gone for good. Leaving Naura and her child in deep sorrow. Rico, who still harbors his feelings, wants to be the support of the woman he loves so much. However, his desire to get a rejection by various parties. Can Rico melt back Naura's heart that was once hurt by it? Or will Naura and Rico never be together again?

Friezta · Thành thị
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20 Chs

The Queen Mother's Edict

Naura said goodbye to go to the toilet to her friend, who was also with her. Not long after, Arga came with an anxious face while looking for Naura's whereabouts.

"Ti, where is Naura? She said she fell. How is she, and where is she now?" asked Arga at length, still looking around to look for Naura. It was clear that a feeling of worry enveloped the young man's heart.

Tika rolled her eyes as a sign that she was lazy to hear a series of questions describing how much the young man worried about Naura.

"Naura is fine, really. She just sprained her leg a little. Now, she's in the toilet," replied Tika while rearranging the bath soap for display.

Hearing the answer from Tika, Arga rushed off without saying thank you. He was so worried about Naura that he forgot to do that.

Seeing Arga's attitude like that, Tika just shook her head slowly because she knew by heart Arga's perspective, who really liked Naura. It's just that Naura doesn't understand Arga's feelings and considers her more than just a friend.


Arga waited in front of the women's restroom with an exasperated feeling. Again and again, the young man looked at the toilet door, hoping that Naura could get out of there soon. And not long after, the girl waiting for her came out of the toilet with a little limp.

"Naura!" called Arga while half running towards Naura.

"Arga? What are you doing here?!" asked the girl with a confused look at Arga.

"Here, let me help. Tika said you sprained your leg."

Arga immediately led Naura to walk and took her to sit on a chair next to the stairs. "Sit down. Your feet must be treated first," said Arga without answering Naura's question.

"Here, I apply the ointment so that it heals quickly." Arga took the ointment in Naura's hand and gently rubbed it.

Meanwhile, Arga applied ointment to her feet. Naura couldn't help but wince in pain.

"Why don't you be careful? Luckily someone caught it. What if there's no one? What will happen to you later? That's really reckless!" scolded Arga, who looked very worried. "Good luck, dear," he whispered.

"Huh, what? What are you talking about?" Naura urged, who seemed to hear something.

"What? You know this. Luckily it doesn't swell," avoided Arga, who shifted the conversation.

"Oh, that's because I was massaged earlier by the one who helped me. Even though I refused to insist. I don't like being massaged by men I don't know. But fortunately, he recovered quickly as he said, "explained Naura while looking at his legs which had calmed down.

"Oh, I see," said Arga, who sounded not like someone else holding Naura's leg.

"But why do you just hold on to the ointment? Don't you quickly treat it?" Arga squeaked, annoyed.

"Oh, that. The plan was that I wanted to treat it after I finished from the toilet," replied Naura.

Arya took a deep breath. "Next time, don't be careless again, hm?" asked Arga, kneeling in front of Naura with a severe look.

Naura could only nod obediently with a smirk on her face. Arga smiled with satisfaction and ruffled the top of Naura's head.

"Good girl," he praised as he stood up.

"Do you want to go back to the counter or here?" Arga's hand reached out to help Naura get up.

"I just go to the counter. It's the weekend, the Mall must be very crowded. Don't worry, my legs are okay," said Naura with a sweet smile.

Arga was stunned for a moment before finally controlling the expression on his face. "Yes. But if there's anything, just call me, okay?" Arga's debate, who supported Naura, walked back to his counter.

"Yes, fussy, ah," replied Naura, annoyed.

Naura started back to work. Even though her friends at the counter had asked, her to rest. However, Naura wouldn't be her name if she wasn't stubborn. The girl refused because the Mall was busy, and her friends would be overwhelmed by serving the many visitors.

Twenty minutes past nine, The Mall where Naura worked was finally closed. Everyone, of course, was equally tired. All of that paid off with a bonus that the mall owner conveyed before all the employees went home.

Naura said the word thank you repeatedly. Because of the bonus, she got today, she will immediately send it to her parents. To pay off the arrears of her sister's school fees in high and junior high school.

Yes, Naura Divya Zanitha is the eldest of three siblings. Born to a lower-middle-class family, she prefers to work and help his father earn a living for his family. Moreover, the father is only a farmer with a piece of rice field to fulfill his daily life.

Naura refuses when her father offers her to go to college. Naura doesn't want to burden her father with the high cost of education for his three children.

Naura relented for the sake of her two sisters. Let her do the work so that his two younger siblings can continue their education up to a high level.


Naura walked alone to her boarding house, which was not far from the Mall where she worked.

While walking with a bit of a limp, Naura felt a car following her. She stopped and turned her head. Just to make sure that what she thought was true. If being followed by a car.

Sure enough, the car stopped. As soon as Naura stopped. Not long after, the car's driver's door came out of his vehicle and surprised Naura.

"Hi!" who was the person who followed Naura earlier. With his charming smile.

"Sir?" Naura stopped her sentence because she had forgotten his name.

"Reach. Have you forgotten, haven't you?" complained Raihan, who pretended to be sulking.

Naura could only grin at the horse. "Sorry, Sir. I forgot your name earlier," he explained, feeling guilty.

"You want to go home?" asked Raihan.

"Yeah, it's on the way home. What happened? Why are you following me?" asked Naura, who didn't know what Raihan meant to follow her secretly earlier.

Raihan scratched his head. That didn't itch. The shame, of course. He did it also because of an order from the Queen Mother.

"Sorry if it scared you. I was told by my mother. Make sure you get home safely. Mom feels guilty for making you fall because she helps you. That's why I've been waiting for you to come home," said Raihan honestly.

"Oh my gosh! Why can you think like that? This is not your mother's fault. This is pure because I was careless, Sir. I'm really okay. This is already running, thanks to your help earlier. Thank you for your help," Naura said sincerely while smiling sweetly.

Raihan was stunned for a moment, seeing the sweet smile of the sweet girl he had just met this afternoon. It's true what her mother said. Naura is very sweet, especially when she smiles.

Her dimples were clearly visible, and her eyes seemed closed because they were slanted.

Her hair is long and jets black. Adding to her beauty, even more, her tan skin is the hallmark of Asian women. Her beauty is unlike most girls who always cover their inner beauty with makeup. But not with Naura. Her beauty radiates clearly only from her simplicity. She is also not one of the girls who like to dress up.

"Well, that's that then. Let me take you home. Your leg must still be sore, and you shouldn't be moving much just yet. " Get well soon," said Raihan, opening the car door for Naura.

"But, Sir? I can go home alone. After all, my boarding house is in an alley. Your car can't get in, right?" refused Naura, who didn't want to bother Raihan anymore.

"It doesn't matter. Later, I'll just park on the side of the road and help you get to the boarding house. Come on!" Raihan again with his eye signal, asking Naura to get into his car immediately.

Inevitably, Naura could only obediently follow Raihan's orders. Because it is clear that the man doesn't like to be denied.
