
Back To Your Love

The love that once stopped is now starting to blossom again. Naura never knew that Raihan was Rico's older brother—the man who became her first love. When circumstances force her to choose, her heart will speak. However, the plan didn’t go according to unexpected. The hope of living together must vanish when Rico actually impregnates another woman. A broken heart needs an antidote. At that time, Raihan came with his never-ending sincerity. However, fate plays its part again in every event. Raihan must be gone for good. Leaving Naura and her child in deep sorrow. Rico, who still harbors his feelings, wants to be the support of the woman he loves so much. However, his desire to get a rejection by various parties. Can Rico melt back Naura's heart that was once hurt by it? Or will Naura and Rico never be together again?

Friezta · Thành thị
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20 Chs

Good Morning

In the morning, Raihan was asked by his Mother to deliver breakfast for Naura. Her Mother thought Naura would have a hard time with her aching legs.

Raihan is, of course, very happy if asked to meet Naura. For some reason, he wanted to meet the owner of that sweet smile.

Usually, he wasn't like this with all the girls his Mother introduced him to. But it's different if it's Naura.

"Why so too much, Mom? It's not just for breakfast, is it?" asked Raihan, who saw a stacked basket containing a lot of food for Naura.

"Yes, this is for lunch as well as dinner. How is it? Oh, and said that if she asked for leave, her leg hurts, but she still works," said Mrs. Ratna while arranging her food in the basket.

"Mom, but it's really okay. We've only met her a day. Later, if she thinks about it, how about it? It's just weird. It's time to get to know you, but it's like you've known each other for a long time," said Raihan while eating his favorite potato cake.

Mrs. Ratna was silent for a moment as if digesting the words of her eldest child just now. "Yeah, it's true that we met her for the first time. But I already like her and want her to be my daughter-in-law," said Mrs. Ratna enthusiastically.

Hearing the word 'Daughter-in-law' from his Mother, Raihan choked on his food, and Mrs. Ratna hurriedly gave him a drink.

"How are you doing? Is it time to eat cakes? Can you choke on that?" Mrs. Ratna scolded while shaking her head, surprised.

"Yes, it's over, Mom. Just know too. It's time to talk about your daughter-in-law, really, don't date yet," Raihan grumbled angrily.

But it can't be denied. Raihan is also happy if it actually materializes. What's more, he is also ripe for marriage. This is no longer the time for mere exploration. Then separate.

"Is it wrong? Her name is also hopeful. Who knows if God will grant it? I'm sure I will be delighted to have friends in this house," said Mrs. Ratna enthusiastically.

Raihan just smiled slightly and shook his head. "Yes, Mom. Just pray for the best for Raihan," replied Raihan, who got up from his seat and hugged his Mother from the side.

"Yes, I always pray for all my children. All the best to both of you." Mrs. Ratna returned the hug from her eldest child with a warm smile.

"Oh, Mama's favorite child, he said he would be home in three weeks. Rico asked me to pick him up in Jakarta. I don't want to. Just ask the driver for Uncle Arya's help. He doesn't want to, Mom. Even nagging," Raihan argued over his last night's conversation with Rico.

"Well, that's that then. We'll just pick it up together. It's a shame Rico hasn't been home in four years. You don't want to pick me up, do you?" said Mrs. Ratna, who knew that Raihan just wanted to tease his brother.

"Yes, Mom. I'm just joking with him. Well, that's that then. I went to Naura's house first. I hope she hasn't had breakfast yet," said goodbye to Raihan while carrying a stacked basket for Naura.

"Definitely not. It's still early. Already there go. Be careful on the way." Mrs. Ratna escorted Raihan to the front of the gate.


Not long after, Raihan arrived at Naura's house. The atmosphere in this neighborhood is vivacious. Raihan tries to be friendly with the residents who live on the side of the road in front of the alley of Naura's rented house.


Raihan knocked on Naura's door slowly. Then, a girl appeared who had just opened the door for him.

"Oh? Mr. Raihan? Why are you here?" asked Naura, who looked very surprised to see his arrival.

Raihan glanced at the appearance of Naura, who wore a knee-length home dress with hair in the original Cepol.

'Very beautiful!' Raihan muttered in his heart.

"I was ordered by Mom to deliver your breakfast and lunch and dinner. Am I disturbing you?" asked Raihan, who didn't like coming to Naura's house early in the morning.

What's more, since she got out of the car earlier. All the handsome people looked at him. Or maybe it's just a feeling.

"Eh, you shouldn't have bothered like this, Sir. I just have a sprain. It's not that bad. Well, that's that then. Please come in. We eat together. You haven't had breakfast yet, have you?" asked Naura, who received the basket and entered her house.

"Okay. Luckily I haven't had breakfast yet. Because my Mother just called and told me to deliver food. But I haven't eaten either," Raihan explained with a laugh. Naura also laughed a little at that.

Raihan followed the steps of Naura, who was not limping like yesterday. Raihan looked at the entire living room that blended into the living room. Maybe it can also be called a dining room at the same time.

Because there is only one long sofa and one single sofa with a table in the middle. The kitchen area is next to the bathroom. Also one bedroom in front of this living room.

"Just sit here. I'll prepare the plate first." Naura put the basket on the table and was about to enter the kitchen.

"You should sit down, Ra. Let me take the plate and drink," said Raihan, who gently pulled Naura's hand and asked her to sit on the long sofa. Meanwhile, Raihan entered the kitchen and took the cutlery and drinking water.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sir, to bother. The host should serve the guests. But this?" said Naura, who felt terrible.

"Well, it's okay. Let's eat now," Raihan put the plate on the table.

Naura also gets food for Raihan. Her attitude toward serving the man is like a wife to her husband.

It made Raihan remember his Mother's words earlier. 'Apparently, I agree with Mom's opinion this time.' Inner Raihan smilingly accepted the plate full of rice and side dishes.

"Wow, this is really good. This windfall is called being able to eat delicious food like this," exclaimed Naura, who had just fed food into her mouth.

Raihan was happy to see Naura's happiness sparkle. Even if only from food. 'She is different from other girls.' His mind admired Naura's simplicity.

The two of them enjoyed breakfast in the living room, which also doubled as the living room. Even though Raihan entered the house, still. Naura opened the door.

The girl just doesn't want to be the subject of gossip from the residents here, who always want to know about other people's affairs.

Raihan and Naura chatted casually. Discuss general things usually discussed by people who just know each other.

From here, Raihan and Naura could slightly understand the current interlocutor. The conclusion was that the two of them felt compatible regarding chatting. Can connect with each other.