
Back To Your Love

The love that once stopped is now starting to blossom again. Naura never knew that Raihan was Rico's older brother—the man who became her first love. When circumstances force her to choose, her heart will speak. However, the plan didn’t go according to unexpected. The hope of living together must vanish when Rico actually impregnates another woman. A broken heart needs an antidote. At that time, Raihan came with his never-ending sincerity. However, fate plays its part again in every event. Raihan must be gone for good. Leaving Naura and her child in deep sorrow. Rico, who still harbors his feelings, wants to be the support of the woman he loves so much. However, his desire to get a rejection by various parties. Can Rico melt back Naura's heart that was once hurt by it? Or will Naura and Rico never be together again?

Friezta · Thành thị
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20 Chs

First Action

CHAPTER 19 – First Action

"Please sit down first! I'll be back," said Naura, who wanted to make drinks for her impromptu guests who came without prior notification.

"Don't worry, Nana. Just sit here!" said Rico, standing up and looking around him.

This house is effortless. There's not much furniture here. There is not even a single photo that Naura has displayed in her rented house.

Not long after, the girl came with a coffee for herself and Rico. And the biscuits she bought to keep her up at night.

"Drink, please! Sorry, it takes a long time. I took a shower earlier and finished cleaning the house," Naura explained as she put down her tray.

"Thank you. Your house is comfortable, huh," said Rico as he took his coffee cup, then started slowly.

The girl only smiled slightly in response. Because it's true what the man said.

"What's the need for you to come here so early?" asked Naura, who put down her coffee cup.

"Do you have time to accompany me for a walk? I think of it as my personal tour guide. How?" Rico looked at her expectantly.

The girl shook her head slowly. "Today I'm busy, but if you want, I can drop you off when I'm off. I have one day off the day after tomorrow. But if you are impatient, you can ask your brother for help," suggested Naura with a faint smile.

Rico seemed to think for a moment. "Okay. I'll just wait for you off. I just want to remember when we were in high school. Do you mind?" Rico is just afraid that the girl will get angry or reject him.

Because of their lousy parting, Rico planned to explain everything to Naura. By what his brother suggested last night.

Naura was obviously surprised to hear Rico's request. But quickly, the girl changed her surprised expression.

"Oh, I see, well. Yeah sure. I'll tell you again the day after tomorrow." Naura agreed to the man's wish, which she thought was a little strange.

Not wanting to go around town and see where he lived had obviously changed a lot. But instead, he asked her to reminisce about the times when they were still in high school.

It is tantamount to reopening an old wound that Naura had tried to bury deeply. But she also couldn't say that to Rico. Especially seeing the look in her eyes that expects a lot of her. Of course, she didn't have the heart to refuse.

Rico looks very happy and relieved to hear that. I don't know what made him like that. Naruto could only smile.

"You haven't had breakfast, have you? Get some food, let's go!" asked Rico with his sweet smile.

"Not yet. The plan was to finish taking a shower to find breakfast. Well,d that's that then. Come on! I'll change my clothes first, okay, "said Naura, who went straight into her room to change her clothes with more appropriate ones.

After that, the two got out of Naura's rented house and got into Rico's car. It was actually Raihan's car, but Rico used it. Because the man wasn't here long because the flow returned to New York after his vacation was over.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Rico asked while focusing forward. While occasionally looking at Naura, who looks cute in three-quarter shorts made of cloth.

Paired with a black t-shirt. Same with the pants Rico was wearing. Don't forget her favorite sling bag, which is also black. Her hair is in a ponytail. It made him look more like a teenager.

"Me, whatever. What if you Maybe there's something you want to eat, you've been outside for a long time? What do you usually have for breakfast there? It's like bread, isn't it?" Naura said as she turned to Rico.

"Yes, breakfast anyway. I do eat mostly bread. Because there it's average. It's just that if you want to eat rice, at least make your own fried rice in the apartment, "explained Rico with a smile.

Naura was silent seeing that smile again. In the past, he really liked Rico's smile, which he thought was very sweet. As if that was his charm as a guy. Because Rico's physical past and present are very different. No one would have thought that a boy who was short and thin with tanned skin could turn into the perfect adult male figure he is today.

"How about eating nasi pecel at the stall we used to go to when we were in high school? Do you think there's still something, huh?" Rico's suggestion seemed reminiscent of the past.

"Not far here? We're looking for something to eat near here. The yellow rice stall I often go to with Mas Raihan is also delicious. You must not have eaten yellow rice for a long time, right? Well, let's have breakfast, that's all. I'll show you the way later," said Naura, gently refusing Rico's suggestion.

"Yes, if that's what you want. Hmm, I think I know. You must be starving, huh?" Rico teased who thought Naura was starving after cleaning the house.

Naura couldn't help but smile slightly. Better to just say yes. Then she was asked the real reason. Because she felt he was not ready to reminisce about their time together when they were in school.

Naura doesn't know why it still hurts so much. When she remembered that the man had just disappeared without any clarity. Not even goodbye.

Even though Rico doesn't like it if he loses to his older brother, who has been close to Naura first. And now, he has to eat at a place usually visited by Raihan and Naura.

Rico doesn't like it when Naura remembers Raihan when he was with him. He didn't want to be compared with his older brother, who had always been his father's pride.

Rico parked his car on the side of the road. He saw a food stall that was not too big. However, it looks clean.

"Come in!" asked Naura, who was by his side after getting out of the car.

"Is the food clean here?" asked Rico, who seemed hesitant to eat at a small shop like this.

Because the man never eats in a food stall like this again after he changed schools. Until college, he used to eat in restaurants or cafes.

Naura smiled faintly, "Earlier, you wanted to invite us to the shop when we were at school. It's not like the shop is smaller than this. Can you eat there too? Stay cool. It's clean here. Mas Raihan often comes here and knows the seller's aunt well. Come on!" explained Naura, trying to persuade Rico to enter.

Rico scratched the back of his head while smiling shyly. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I haven't eaten at a place like this in a long time. Yes, if only my sister could eat here. I can do it too," he assured himself that he could too.

Naura just chuckled and shrugged her shoulders, then went inside. "You've changed a lot, Co," he muttered quietly.

Rico finally entered, also following Naura's footsteps. And it wasn't as bad as he thought. The place is clean and comfortable.

After ordering the food, Rico looked around the room. In this shop, they only sell yellow rice. But with a variety of side dishes that can be selected according to taste. And it looks crowded.

"So, Raihan likes to invite you to eat at a stall like this. Why not go to a more luxurious restaurant or cafe than this? I saw a lot of cafes on the side of the road earlier," asked Rico, who looked at Naura across from him.
