
Back to the year 2000: Scourge my wonderful wife

[What I owed you in my last life, I will pay you back ten thousand times in this life! 】 He, Jiang chu, was known as a scum doctor, and was disdained by the medical community and the world. With the remorse of suicide and top-notch medical skills, he was reborn 20 years ago.

DaoistmeKSxE · Thành thị
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50 Chs

Chapter2:You can't die

Jiang Chu's father died tragically in an accident when he was young.

Moreover, Jiang Chu has two younger sisters and a younger brother who are still young and need to be supported for their studies.

With my mother's serious illness, the pressure on the entire family suddenly increased.

In 2000, Jiang Chu's monthly salary of a few hundred yuan was simply not enough to support the entire family's consumption!

All of these things have become invisible pressures that have made Jiang Chu even more irritable, disgusted with life, and hopelessly disappointed in the future, leaving him feeling almost suffocated and heavy.

Jiang Chu once again chose to escape.

And all these burdens were placed on the shoulders of a weak woman ,Ye Qingxuan.

She not only has to take care of Jiang Chu's mother and younger siblings during the day, but also needs to work at night. She leaves home early in the morning and returns late at night, and when she gets off work in the early morning, she also needs to pick up garbage on the side to supplement her household income.

From that day on, Ye Qingxuan never had a full meal again.

The haggard look on her face was constantly worsening, and wrinkles were appearing on this woman in her twenties at a visible rate.

No, those are not wrinkles, but the density of life's suffering for her!

Not only that, Jiang Chu's irritability has been gradually increasing over time, and he feels that his younger siblings are a drag, and if their academic performance drops, he immediately scolds and hits them.

In addition, he began to scold and berate his bedridden mother at every turn.

If it weren't for Ye Qingxuan's intervention, Jiang Chu would have almost attacked his bedridden mother on several occasions when he was drunk.

However, every time Ye Qingxuan tried to stop her, it would turn into a catalyst for Jiang Chu's anger, and eventually her fists and feet would rain down on her like crazy.

Her life has been increasingly full of hardships, seemingly endless and without end.

Everyone felt sorry for Ye Qingxuan.Everyone thinks Jiang Chu is a heartless waste, scum, asshole, and scoundrel!

Even Jiang Chu himself thought that he would be a pile of garbage in the future.

But only Ye Qingxuan.

She silently endured all this, but always remained loyal to Jiang Chu.

Even selling the only relic left by her mother, she still supports this broken family!

It was because when she was in high school, she was bullied by a gangster, but Jiang Chu saved her at the crucial moment!

Because in her heart, she still can't forget the man who said he would love her forever!

However, Jiang Chu didn't see all of this.

He just blindly avoids the pressure in life, breaks the pot, and even intensifies it for the entire family.

And so, the days passed by.Spring goes and autumn comes.

Ye Qingxuan's body was also getting worse day by day.

Sometimes she would fall into deep exhaustion and a period of mental confusion.

Even so, she still bites her teeth to support the family, and even stubbornly believes that one day the former Jiang Chu will surely return, surely!

Fate always likes to play tricks on people.

Jiang Chu was so excited that he lost his eyes in a gambling.Finally, out of sheer impulse, he agreed to let Ye Qingxuan accompany a gambler for one night.

Let Ye Qingxuan sleep with the other person to repay the gambling debt!After knowing all this,Ye Qingxuan was completely desperate.She,I feel disheartened.

Later, after Jiang Chu got drunk.Cut chose to commit suicide by cutting his wrist.

When Jiang Chu woke up from sleep, she walked into the living room, still complaining, "What's wrong today? Do you want to starve me to death? The food hasn't been ready yet? Waste of a woman..."

As a result, I saw the tragic scene in the living room.That day.

Yeqingxuan, wearing the clothes she had on their first date, was particularly beautiful and bright, but she was lying in a pool of blood.

There was no more life and breath.

Scarlet blood spread all over the floor of the living room.

The red is shocking and dazzling.At that moment.

Jiang Chu felt her soul shaken violently.

That was the moment.

Jiang Chu saw blood for the first time, but did not experience any symptoms of fainting.

He just stood there, staring blankly, with his eyes wide open, and he just stood there...

Until the morning of the next day.

He suddenly woke up with a start!

I just came back to my senses.

In my mind, everything is about Ye Qingxuan.

Deep self blame, immense pain, piercing heart, destined to become the main theme in the latter half of his life.

Tears fell to the ground, breaking the silence inside the room.

The picture still freezes just now.

Jiang Chu stared blankly at the wedding photo.

Tears had already soaked the entire cheeks.

The heart was like countless densely packed needles piercing frantically, causing him to moan uncontrollably in pain, with one hand tightly clenched at the mouth of his heart and his teeth clenched tightly.

Not only that, his hands and fingertips also felt fiercely stabbed by countless steel needles.

Ten fingers are connected to the heart, and only when the heart aches to a certain extent can even ten fingers show pain.

Memories of scenes, one after another, are like watching a movie.

In the end, it kept playing in his mind and in front of him, and then swept through each scene like a vortex, turning into a dark curtain.

And it completely brought him back to reality.

"Qingxuan, I'm sorry"

Jiang Chu struggled with his hoarse voice, feeling extremely heavy and self blaming in his heart.

Even though tears continue to fall.

Jiang Chu made the heaviest oath of his life in his heart: Qingxuan, I have caused you countless grievances in my previous life, and I am endlessly disappointed in you.

In the end, he even committed suicide with hatred to protect his innocence. I am scumbag, garbage, incompetent waste, sorry for you.

In this life, I will use my own life to make up for you, treat you well all my life, and no longer let you suffer any injustice.

Jiang Chu has decided that in his lifetime, no matter what, he will let Ye Qingxuan live a good life.

He wants to make up for the harm and debt caused by his second character to that kind girl!

He must truly love her!

Not only that.

Mom, I will definitely cure your illness and make you stand up again.

Brother and sister, I must provide for you all to enter university and live the life you want.

Believe me, you can.

I am no longer the waste of the past! Later on, I was admitted to graduate and doctoral students at top hospitals in Kyoto, and mastered some of the top knowledge, technology, and methods in the medical field.

Jiang Chu tightly clenched his fist and secretly decided in his heart!

He even quickly began to think in his mind.

How should I face Qingxuan again? Tell her that I'm getting better.

Jiang Chu furrowed his brow and fell into deep thought.

Suddenly.He suddenly thought of something.

Staring intently at the date of the calendar.

April 18th, 2000

That day, I was completely drunk.

That day, she was in the living room, wearing her favorite clothes, cutting off a blood vessel in her wrist and also cutting off the main artery in her neck


No wonder this date is so familiar.

No wonder even when Jiang Chu just regained consciousness and saw this date, he couldn't help but feel crazy heart pain.

He remembered.

Today, it was the time when I drank a mess and became unconscious.

Today, the woman he should have loved the most, with sadness, grievance, pain, regret, and despair, left this world that she loved and hated forever!

No way, I want to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

Qingxuan, I cannot let you die.

I haven't had time to protect you, take care of you, and give you real kindness.

Jiang Chu's heart was flustered.

He is afraid that he has just woken up and missed the best time to stop or treat.

Thinking of these, he became even more afraid.

Almost crazily, he crawled down from the bed and quickly opened the door, rushing out recklessly.