
Chapter 129: Who Knows Where He Came From

Cheng Su couldn't understand it, was Qi Taiguo just overly compassionate, and why did he bring someone into their home?

"The military has plenty of places, why didn't he take the person there instead of bringing him to our home? We don't even know who he is. What if he's a wanted murderer or a bandit on the run? I want to see what you'll do then," she muttered, following behind Qi Taiguo.

It's not that she lacked sympathy, but this wasn't like writing a novel or watching a TV drama where saving someone randomly would result in some sort of favor or gratitude.

Who knows where this person came from; if he turned out to be a murderer or something, they would have played the good Samaritan for nothing. She knew the story of the Farmer and the Viper all too well.

Even taking ten thousand steps back, even if Qi Taiguo insisted on playing the good guy, wanting to save him, there were plenty of other places he could have taken him to, but he had to bring him to their home.