
To The Mall With Freya

Spending lunch time, Wijaya and Rudi who had finished their lunch were in no hurry to leave there.

And instead both of them remained sitting in their places, chatting again while watching the football match that was currently taking place.

While the two were busy watching the match, a message was immediately heard on both Rudi and Wijaya's cell phones.

Seeing the contents of the message that reached them, Wijaya and Rudi had meaningful smiles.

"It seems that an official notification has occurred" Rudi spoke while pointing to the message displayed on his cellphone screen.

"It seems so, from the information conveyed we have to gather this week" Hujan also responded to the contents of their cellphones.

For information, the message they received came from the Saung organization administrators, where the contents of the message asked all prospective members to attend the meeting.