
You're Actually Pregnant?

A hint of thought flashed through Whitey's bright eyes. With a dignified expression on its face, it asked, "Father, then you don't have any relationship with Auntie Lin, right?"

"How is this possible? She's just my friend. " Bai Linwan calmly replied.

Little White squinted its eyes and stared at Bai Linwan. It realized that he really was not lying and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Dad, as long as you have a clear conscience and explain everything to Mommy, she will definitely believe you." Lil 'White said confidently.

He absolutely believed in the relationship between his father and his mother.

After all, they had once been through countless difficulties and were now truly together.

Bai Linwan could not help but laugh bitterly: "Look at your mother's attitude just now, are you sure she can listen to my words?"

Lil 'White pursed his lips and thought about how Mommy really rejected Daddy.