
Who Save You Can Blackmail You?

Very quickly, they arrived at the ward, but Lu Xiangnan found that there was no one there.

He frowned slightly as he turned around and walked towards the stage. Little White's body was gradually getting worse, could it be that Bai Linwan brought him home again?

After arriving at the front desk, Lu Xiangnan asked politely: "May I ask where the patient in ward 506 went?"

"Eh? Aren't you Dr. Lu? " The front desk happened to know Lu Xiangnan, and looked at him in surprise.

"It's me." Lu Xiangnan smiled gently.

The front desk knew that Lu Xiangnan was Whitey's doctor in the past and naturally did not hide it from him. A trace of sympathy leaked out from his eyes as he said, "Yi Xiaobai's condition has suddenly worsened. She is now living in Aseptic Ward # 1."

A trace of pain flashed across Lu Xiangnan's eyes. He did not expect Whitey's body to deteriorate so quickly.