
Thank You for Taking Me in

Lil 'White was also very polite when facing strangers. He never seemed to reject them.

"I just don't like her." Lil 'White did not try to hide it and admitted it without any hesitation.

"Why?" Yi Xia really felt that it was a little strange. That shouldn't be.

Lil 'White pursed his lips and felt a bit wronged. "This was originally the family's home, but her coming here made me very uncomfortable."

It was as if someone had invaded his land, making it impossible for him to like her.

Yi Xia immediately understood that Xiao Bai only wanted to stay with her and Bai Linwan. Any stranger coming to their house was something that he did not welcome.

"That Auntie Lin is only temporarily staying for a short period of time, you don't have to be too concerned about that. Let's just treat her like a normal guest, alright?" Yi Xia advised gently. She did not expect Xiao Bai to be so possessive.