
Lu Xiangnan Interrogated Bai Lin Late

Lu Xiangnan opened his eyes due to a headache, he frowned as he picked up the phone, his tone was full of displeasure: "What happened?"

"CEO Lu, someone called in 50 million yuan from your account at 9 o'clock this morning." The assistant said in a serious tone. Fifty million was not a small number.

"What?" Lu Xiangnan suddenly opened his eyes, and his ice-cold voice carried a dangerous aura. "You said fifty million?"


"I got it, don't touch that money." Lu Xiangnan suddenly sat up from the bed. There was not a trace of warmth in his eyes.

Needless to say, he knew who sent the money, he wouldn't use it!

"OK, CEO Lu." Feeling that he seemed to be angry, the assistant responded and immediately hung up the phone.

Lu Xiangnan angrily smashed the bed, anger surging in his heart, the damned Bai Linwan! Who would want his stinking money?