
Let Me Go after Your Mommy Again

"En, then hurry up, I'm going to starve to death." Bai Linwan unwillingly let go of her hand, and said with a smile in his eyes.

"Alright." Yi Xia sighed, turned and left the room, heading to the kitchen.

The only good thing about being ill, with a smile on his face, was that Yi Xia had been merciful to him.

Yi Xia went into the kitchen and, taking into account Bai Linwan's current condition, decided to make some rice porridge, which would be easy to digest and was suitable for the sick. As he cooked, Yi Xia looked at the pastries in the fridge and prepared to make more pastries.

An hour passed quickly. Xiao Mi's red jujube porridge was emitting its fragrance, and Yi Xia's little bun just happened to be out of the oven.

She took the tray and headed back to Bai Linwan's room.

When he pushed open the door, he saw Little White sitting on the side of the bed, looking at Bai Linwan worriedly as he spoke to him.