
I Lost It Before I Had a Chance to Fall in Love

At this time, Lin's, the main office.

Yi Xia was sitting in front of her desk, scribbling on her notebook.

She was recording the recipe she would concoct next.

Dang, dang, dang.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Yi Xia's train of thoughts.


Upon receiving permission, Lin Yueqi immediately pushed the door open and entered, her face pained.

He did not expect it to be her, so Yi Xia was about to tease her when she noticed her strange expression and asked: "Yueqi, what's wrong?"

Lin Yueqi sat on the sofa and leaned weakly on the sofa's back, saying with a face full of helplessness: "Yi Xia, I think I'm done for."

"Could it be that Lin Yanfeng is making things difficult for you?" Yi Xia frowned as she guessed.

"No, big brother has been teaching me wholeheartedly recently, and I am also studying diligently." Lin Yueqi immediately gave an excuse for Lin Yanfeng.