
Fair Competition

Qi Lulu couldn't help but think, why did Lin Yanfeng want Yi Xia to sit beside him?

After taking his seat, Lin Yanfeng looked at Yi Xia with a smile, and affectionately passed the menu to her: "Feel free to order whatever you want to eat."

Yi Xia was slightly startled, but under the eyes of the crowd, she could only accept it and express her gratitude. She casually handed the menu over to Lise: "You order."

Lise took the menu and casually ordered a few dishes.

In next to no time, delicious delicacies were served on the table, and the fragrance filled the air.

Lin Yanfeng raised his wine cup and signaled to everyone: "Tomorrow is the final match, I hope everyone can give it their all."

A few Perfumer s raised their cups as well. Qi Lulu took the lead and said with a smile: "Director Lin can be rest assured, we will definitely try our best."