

Subod is like to read till 12 am at night.It's his habit.Tody when he finish his lesson he look at the outside at the window.It is really a wonderful night.Everyone is asleep in his family and his neighbour.He comes out and look at the sky.It's a cleen and the moon is very much shine.The cool air flow allover.He imagine his past.When he was little he enjoy this beauty with his mother .His mother told him many interestig story and listining to this he felt amaging.But now he missing all this.Because now he is a university final year boy.He comes to his room and going to sleep.He rises at 5:30a.m and says his prayer.Then he seats to read.His exams date leaft at two month so he needs to study much.At 8 o'clock his mother called him breakfast.After breakfast he starts to ready for UC.