
Bachelor's last love

The billionaire bachelor was finding true love. The poor girl with tons of problems in life was unbelievably getting the chance to meet him. They got a short time to fall in love after that the villainess gets into his life and cause them break up. Their fate wasn't ending yet. One day, she was crossing the road and rushing to go to the interview place on time. At that time, she was falling on the road because her foot slipped. Suddenly, the car reached in front of her. She was closing her eyes and praying to god. But the person stopped the car and get out of the car. And then, the person came up to her and give her a hand to help. She was opening her eyes and seeing him again. But he didn't look like remember her. When he got near, he just ask "have we met before".

Alexandriana11 · Thành thị
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15 Chs


A girl was crossing the road without noticing the surrounding. The car driver was stopping the car but he can't stop it on time. She was shocked when the car appear in front of her. Suddenly, she looked at the traffic light and regret what she does. However, she hasn't seen any chance to leave that place so she sits down on the street and closes her eyes. At that time, someone came down from the luxury car and walk forward to her. She was still closing her eyes tight because she was scared to face the reality. In her mind, she was praying to god. Then, she clearly heard the person's handsome voice. She was trying to open her eyes slowly and see his face in blur vision. She was clearing her eyes by wiping her tears with her own hands. And then, she woke up in her bed. She was looking up to the ceiling and looking around. Suddenly, her playful brothers came into her room for disturbing her. She was hiding her face under the pillow and shout up to them, "go away". The twin brothers were climbing up to the bed. And then, they dragged her leg out from the blanket. She said, "stop it and go away". At that time, her mother came into the room by saying, "Nancy can't you get up right now or you will be late". She was pushing the pillow on her ears to block the noises. At last, she has fallen down to the carpet because of her brothers. She said, "Ouch it's hurt". She was holding her back and trying to stand up slowly. Her brothers were jumping beside her like a fool. She couldn't help herself from those little devils. It was happening every day. Then, she took the towel and headed inside the bathroom. At that time, the twin brothers ran up to the kitchen for disturbing her mother. She was babysitting them for her mother when her mother went to job. She must need to catch up on the interview today and can't be late again. She was feeling mad at her twin brothers because they destroy her dream with their crow-like voices. Whenever they screamed out loud, she can't stand in there.

At the company, the CEO was holding an important meeting with directors. They were discussing choosing the brand ambassador model for their new products. Their company was producing trendy electronic home supplies including a rice cooker and etc. He didn't like their recommendation. But he has no one else who can get this position. So, their meeting was ending up without making a decision. He was heading back to his room with his assistant. When he got back into his room, he ordered the assistant to shut the door tight. He knew the others want to cheat on him. His assistant said, "I will find the other way to get the right model soon". He said, "you need to hurry and keep it secret". His assistant said, "Yes, I know". He didn't want his rivals to know this before he say. His grandfather the president was willing to give the CEO position to his uncle's family. He didn't want that to happen so he try his best to stabilize his position by creating profit for the company. He knew it was not just what his grandfather wanted. He was feeling heavy in his heart again during the time he talk with his assistant. His assistant knew about his illness too. That's why he decided to get out for having some fresh air. His assistant asked him, "should I come along with you for driving your car". He said, "it's fine I can go alone". He wasn't driving alone after having a car accident. He held his breath and put the car key on the car. And then, he went into the car and started the engine. The security guard who guarded the ground floor looked at him with worried eyes. He was greeted back by the security guard by waving his hand.

Nancy was heading out from home by eating light food made by her mother. Her mother was ordering her over and over again not to do weird things in front of interviewers. She was running up to catch the train on time. On her way, she was remembering the dream. But she tried to forget the bad things in her mind. During that time, her right foot was losing ankle and she fall to the road. And then, she realized that she is in the middle of the road. So, she tried to stand up and move to the nearest platform. But her ankle was getting hurt and can't get up. She looked around and see the car in her dream drive up to her. She couldn't believe her own eyes. But she tried to escape herself from the serious condition. However, everything was getting too fast so she close her eyes and pray to god. Suddenly, the car was stopping in front of her and someone come down from the car. She heard everything clearly but she was scared to face the reality. And then, that person was leaning his head towards her by giving a hand to her. She was slowly opening her eyes and looking at him. This time she knew it isn't a dream. She was taking his hand and trying to get up. He said, "Are you, okay Miss". She said, "Yes, I am fine". She felt glad to see the person who appears in her dream. Unbelievably, his shoes, voice, the golden button on his coat, and everything were the same as her dream. But she didn't know why he look at her all the time. She was asking him, "what's on my face". He said directly to her, "have we met before". She said in her mind, "what is he trying to do". She was thinking to herself, "I have heard like this over a thousand times in dramas". He was looking away from her by saying, "I don't want to be rude to you but you look like someone I know in my lost memory". She was shocked to hear that. But he continued, "let me take you to the hospital first for checking your condition". She said, "Oh, I don't need it because I am going to be late for the interview". He said, "if you insist, let me take you to your destiny". She said, "if you say so, I will take a ride". Then, she got the chance to go to the interview place in his car. When she showed the building to him, he was shocked to see that building but he don't say anything. And then, she was heading off from the car. After that, she turned her face back to him to say "Thank you". He said, "we will meet again". She was looking at his name card.

He was driving his car back to the ground floor. The security guard was greeting back him but he doesn't notice the security. And then, he rushed to stop his car there and head back into the building. He was running up to the interview room for meeting her again. Today he heard their company was interviewing for recruiting the model for represent and marketing their new product. She might include one of them. But he didn't know her well yet. So, he decided to get into the interviewer's place to get to know her. She was waiting outside the interview room as assigned by the receptionist. Along with her, there were many people with CV forms. She was holding her temper down and trying to act like normal. She was feeling great to know someone from this company. But she wasn't seeing him at the time he go inside the interview room. When the receptionist called her name, she go into the interview room with the other two. They were knocking on the door and taking their seats in front of the interviewers. The interviewers were starting to ask them questions. After that, they allowed the interviewee to tell them about their own strength, weakness and why are they wanting to work here. When the others started to tell about them, she look at the interviewer's face and see him there. He was sitting beside the four interviewers. So, she thought he must have a higher position than the interviewers. After the two ended, she start to tell her story and her strength and weakness. At that time, one of the interviewers pointed out her weakness which shows the gap years. She was stopping in the middle and then trying to hold her breath. The interviewer was waiting for her reply. Later, she said, "I am staying at hospital and later I do not remember anything so I can not show my experience as model". Then, one of them asked, "what was your past job?". She said, "I worked at Ms. Amy Tinder's agency". They looked at each other's faces and said, "Tell us the reason why are you coming here". She said, "I want to take this chance to build up my career". The interviewers were looking at each other's faces again and take discussion time. Afterward, they told her to stop saying about herself and get out. She was grabbing her files tight in her hands and tears in her eyes. The other interviewee held her shoulder and tell her, "Let's go back to our place". But Nancy denied to leave. The interviewer called the security to drag her out. At that time, the person who knew her stood up from their back and stop the security. And then, he walked forward to the interviewers and told them to let her finish it. The interviewers couldn't disobey his will so they allow it at last.Nancy got a chance to say what she want to let them know.