

A few hours after the practical exam, I sat on my surprisingly high-quality couch, feeling the most anxious I've ever felt in my life. The reason for that was not my performance, as I was fully confident in scoring full marks and more. No, I was anxious for a whole other reason.

"What the hell was I doing today? I never act like this. I'm the most antisocial motherfucker that ever drew breath! Why was I attracting so much attention during the presentation? And where did all the high and mighty 'Prostrate yourself' stuff come from?!" The more questions I asked myself, the more panic I felt. Having lived well into adulthood in my previous world, I was fully aware of how I was as a person. Never in my life did I make a complete fool of myself in front of a crowd only to have some fun. I never would sit at the back, purely to 'not be lower than anyone else,' as I did not care. That day, I showed a side of myself that was entirely foreign to me, and I was not a fan of that. I needed answers. Unfortunately, everything about my existence was foreign to this world, so getting answers would be tough. If only there were a way.

"Wait, maybe that notebook could help!" Not wasting any time, I immediately materialized the golden notebook titled "Instructions." It was not the same as I remembered, though, as instead of only one side of the single page filled with text, there was information on the other side as well.

"It seems you have encountered your first problem as the king of kings. Well, fret not, for this notebook shall answer all your questions.

It seems you have noticed there has been a small change in your personality. You have become more social, prideful, slightly arrogant, and overall more kingly in your demeanour. The reason for that is thanks to the passive skill "charisma." This skill boosts your ego and confidence, allowing you to command and lead great armies with ease. Such traits can boost the morale of anyone led by you, allowing them to gain a tremendous increase in abilities. It is a must-have for any great ruler. If you are worried about the loss of your identity, don't worry. This skill merely enhances the traits you already possessed while downgrading others. After all, we can't have a king embarrass himself due to something as silly as social awkwardness. We hope to have answered all your questions for now. Have fun!"

I sat in silence for a few minutes, taking in all the new information. After a great deal of thought, I could only come to one conclusion.

"So, does this mean I can talk to girls now? Sweet. Guess these looks aren't useless."

The knowledge that I was not slowly becoming another person gave me a significant boost to my confidence, even more so than the passive skill itself. During my previous life, being an introvert was a curse rather than a blessing, as it led to me spending most of my life alone. You can also debate that it was, at least partially, the reason I got shot into this universe. Being granted the ability of communication was a boon many would kill to have, a recurring theme of this new life, it seemed.

Having dealt with that issue, I made some dinner before going to sleep, filled with the confidence that I could, perhaps for the first time, Live my life to the fullest.

And just like that, two uneventful months passed. During that time, I did the written examination for U.A. high school, which went very well, as expected. I also trained in the use of my treasures, my efficiency skyrocketed. As I grew more used to using my levitation artefacts and started flying at higher speeds, I noticed that it became increasingly difficult to resist the elements. To counter this, I summoned a new artefact. It was a golden broad-collar that, when worn shirtless, in combination with the bracers and my brown skin, made me look like a young pharaoh. I found it suited me quite well and even considered it as my hero costume before dismissing the idea. While It looked very stylish, I felt it was not flashy enough. It seemed I had to come up with a better idea for the future. I wouldn't want to be outdone by my future classmates, after all.

It was the second week of April. On a sunny Sunday morning, I awoke in my ultra-comfortable bed, one of my most favourite possessions. I washed my face, had a light breakfast of eggs on toast before brushing my teeth and putting on the U.A. school uniform, which came in the mail a few days prior. I was about to do my hair but remembered it always stays perfect for some reason. So, I sprayed a little bit of perfume, after which I went outside and started jogging towards the school building.

On my journey, I thought about all the attractive women I was going to meet and even talk to using my newfound confidence. My daydreaming got interrupted, however, when I noticed a small, green-haired silhouette running in the same direction as I. Immediately recognizing it as Izuku Midoriya, I sped up and soon caught up to him. It seemed he was deep in thought as even when jogging beside him for a full minute, the boy did not notice my existence. For a moment, it was tempting to see how long this could last, but in the end, I decided to talk to him instead.

"Hey, I remember you from the entrance exam! Since we're going the same way, it seems we both passed, huh?"

Instead of a greeting, what I got in return was a high-pitched scream as the scared boy tripped on his own feet. If not for me catching him by his backpack, he would've fallen and possibly broken a tooth. This situation gave me a strange feeling of deja-vu, but I decided not to dwell on it.

"Woah, watch where you're walking there, bro. You wouldn't wanna get hospitalized before the first school day even began," I said, as I gently placed the small boy back on his feet. He performed a clumsy bow as he muttered an apology I honestly did not hear. When he took a better look at who he was talking to, he was surprised.

"Wo-woahh, you're that scary flying guy from the entrance exams!"

I smiled wrily. "I'm not that scary, right?"

Izuku immediately panicked. "Ah! No! Sorry! I didn't mean it like that!"

"Haha, Don't even trip, dawg. Anyway, we should probably hurry up. We don't wanna be late." And back to jogging, we went. Along the way, we exchanged pleasantries and got to know each other better. As the conversation progressed, Midoriya became less and less nervous, though he still retained his annoying habit of profusely apologizing for every little thing. That habit was easy enough to fix, however, as I just threatened to beat the boy up if he continued. As we talked, the conversation naturally went to quirks. When he asked me about mine, I stayed secretive.

"hehe, I think you'll find out soon today."

"Huh, but isn't today just the opening ceremony?"

"Don't worry about it, Midoriya, you'll see," I said smugly. I, of course, already knew what was going to happen. But there was no reason to let a chance to act cool go to waste, right?

A/N how are yall liking the story so far? tbh I'm really making it up as I go, though I've got some ideas for the future. if you know any good items gil had that our protag can play with, lemme know. anyways love yall. also the new attack on titan season is pure fapmaterial