
Chapter 13: Divination for the Fate-bound

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"But one's fate should not be casually predicted," Mianmian responded to the staff member, furrowing her brows, "Mom said that the person's destiny must be intertwined with ours, and they must also pay a certain price. Or like you, uncle, you must have done evil to be entitled to a reading."

Speaking of Doing good, Mianmian thought of her little bottle.

She fished the small bottle out of her small bag and peered carefully into the tiny opening, only to freeze in shock.

Inside the bottle, there was now a tiny drop of water.

Is fortune-telling a form of Doing good, and could it accumulate merit? Should she then take fortune-telling seriously?

"So, Master Mianmian, may I ask what price is required?"

Mianmian was in high spirits at the moment, feeling confident that her mom and dad would wake up tomorrow. She put the small bottle back into her backpack and blinked her eyes, "Mianmian needs to calculate what the price should be first."

She took out three copper coins from her backpack and tossed them onto the ground. The camera focused on the coins, allowing the audience to see their details clearly.

[Fortune-telling with copper coins? This little charlatan plays the part well, must be fake ones bought from a street vendor, right?]

[That's not right, I looked it up, and fortune-telling copper coins don't look like this.]

[Previous comment, my grandfather is an ancient coin enthusiast, and the ancient text on these reads "half liang." These are Qin dynasty copper coins! Genuine ones are hard to come by in the Antique Market, and some people are willing to pay 5 million to buy them.]

[Holy cow, doesn't that mean three of them together are worth 15 million? Are they really that valuable?]

The three copper coins were all facing up, showing the characters.

Mianmian examined their positions as they fell and nodded, "Master Mianmian can only do readings for those with fate within seven days, and today there are only two readings left. Also, you must pay 888 in oracle money to Mianmian."

The staff member immediately asked, "How do we choose the person of destiny?"

Mianmian tilted her head, "The divination shows that the other uncle who has been talking to you knows."

After saying that, she winked at the camera as if she knew the other uncle was watching.

Behind the scenes at "Adorable Baby," the Director, watching the screen, smiled and told the staff how to select the person of destiny. The Assistant Director frowned, "Isn't this kind of practice questionable? Hasn't our country been cracking down on feudal superstitions?"

The Director glanced at the Assistant Director and chuckled, "If that were still the case, do you think I would dare to use it to boost the show's popularity?"

After finishing, he instructed the PR team to focus on editing and continue promoting Mianmian's fortune-telling segment on the Official Blog.

A series of arrangements later, Mianmian had already started the fortune-telling session.

The Director decided to use a live-stream lottery draw, a feature available on current broadcasting platforms. Viewers simply click on the draw, and their live-stream ID's would enter the lottery pool, and the Manager would press the draw button for the system to randomly select winners.

Since Mianmian was the fortune-teller, she was the one to press the lottery button.

The agreement stated that guests were not allowed to touch Mobile Phones from the beginning of the live-stream, to prevent them from knowing their broadcast room's popularity and potentially acting out.

Now that Mianmian was about to live-stream the lottery, the staff used their own Mobile Phone, turned off the barrage in Su Chenfei's Broadcasting Room, covered the popularity value with a tissue, and only showed the lottery button to Mianmian to press.

Mianmian's small hand pressed down, and after a while, two IDs appeared on the screen.

The camera was fixed on the Mobile Phone, eliminating the possibility of fraud. The IDs read "MeowMeowMeowMeow" and "Su Chenfei Out of the Entertainment Circle."

The staff member read the IDs tentatively, looking at Mianmian carefully, worrying that she might get upset.

Mianmian did furrow her little brows curiously, tilting her head and inquiring intently at the side camera, "Why does the person of destiny want my Seventh grandchild to roll out of the circle? Is this circle not good?"

[A soul-searching question from a Little Friend.]

Su Chenfei Out of the Entertainment Circle: [Of course, your Seventh grandchild did something bad! Haha, let me see what you're up to, trying to whitewash yourselves in this way? Not a chance.]

After selecting the person of destiny, the next step was to figure out how to conduct the fortune-telling.

Mianmian said she needed to see the face, so the staff asked if these two people could show their faces, to which they both responded affirmatively.

The first to connect was Meow Meow Meow Meow.

A young girl brimming with the aura of youth appeared before Mianmian. After connecting, she smiled at Mianmian and said, "Little Mianmian, hello there, I heard fortunetelling needs one's birth date and hour, should I give it to you?"

Mianmian shook her head, "No need, no need, Meow Meow Sister, first the divination fee, and then tell me what you want to be divined?"

Everyone was wondering how the money was going to be given when they saw Mianmian pull out a mini mobile phone from her small bag, no much bigger than her little hand.

She seriously pressed a few buttons and turned the phone screen around; it was a payment QR code.

After the money transferred, Meow Meow Meow Meow said, "I want to calculate where my cat has gone. I've been looking for it in the community for a month, posted missing cat notices, but just can't find it. Honestly, I gave up already, but seeing you seeming so divine just now, I thought I'd give it a try."

Upon hearing this, Mianmian calculated and said, "Your cat is in the house to the left of the one next to yours!"

Meow Meow Meow Meow was stunned.

How could her family's cat be in someone else's home on this floor? She had politely asked every household!

"I asked them, and they said they haven't seen it?" Meow Meow Meow Meow was skeptical, but since she was hoping for a miracle by participating in the draw, doubting Mianmian was pointless.

So, Meow Meow Meow Meow, holding her mobile phone, went to the house Mianmian mentioned and pressed the doorbell directly.

Footsteps were heard clearly, but the person inside didn't open the door immediately, instead asked, "Young girl, what brings you to my house again? I already told you last time, there's no cat here."

Meow Meow Meow Meow frowned, unsure what to do.

At this moment, Mianmian spoke up, "Call the police, little friend, my grandson said that when you encounter a situation outside, you should look for the police."

The Su Family had been teaching Mianmian some basic knowledge during this time, including how to use a mobile phone. Mianmian was a quick learner and that was why she could say this now.

Upon hearing Mianmian's words, Meow Meow Meow Meow hesitated. Making a false police report was illegal, and if there was no cat inside, she would also be reprimanded by the police.

[Hehehe, asking someone to call the police. If it turns out to be false, can this kid also take responsibility?]

[Call the police, eh? That's escalating quickly.]

Su Chenfei, who had been listening in, spoke at this moment, "Tell me the address, and I will call the police! If it turns out to be false, I'll take the responsibility!"

He wanted to stand by his grandmother Mianmian.

Upon hearing this, Meow Meow Meow Meow replied with a frown, "Alright, I'll call the police!"

She had been watching the live stream on a tablet, and now she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, about to dial 110. But before the call was made, the door suddenly opened.

"It's just a cat, making such a big fuss and even calling the police; how bad can it be to let my grandson play with it for two days?" The talking grandmother had a shifty gaze, obviously a bit scared, "Don't call the police, I'll give the cat back to you, it's perfectly fine."

Shortly after, she brought out a cage from inside; indeed, there was a white cat inside. But its spirit was low, and it didn't seem well.

[Holy crap, that's really miraculous.]

[Did I enter the wrong live-stream? Isn't this "Adorable Baby"? Why is there fortunetelling?]

Meow Meow Meow Meow was obviously very excited, thanked Mianmian after closing the connection, and then went to pick up her cat.

Now it was "Su Chenfei, Get Out of the Entertainment Circle"'s turn for a fortune-reading. After connecting, the other party was a short-haired girl.

"The money has been transferred, I want to calculate how my brother is doing right now." As she said this, the short-haired girl smiled proudly and continued into the camera, "Everyone should recognize me, I'm the head of actor Qin Tao's fan club, absolutely not one of the Su Family's plants. I don't know how the Su Family contacted that girl who was looking for her cat to stage a show, but I absolutely won't bow down for money."

"Look at my ID, I just want to see people like Su Chenfei, who tarnish the name of artists, ousted from the Entertainment Circle!"

The last sentence was said by the short-haired girl with passionate indignation.

She had been disapproving of Su Chenfei for a long time, and as for the just-mentioned question she wanted to calculate, it was actually a lie. She was an only child, and there was no brother at home!

The Household Register was ready, just waiting to be used soon!