
Baby Bakugou's first heat

Bakugou has his first heat. He didn't even know he was an omega. Thankfully Aizawa and Hizashi are there with slick absorbent undies, soft blankets, and medicine to make him feel better. AKA: Bakugou has to have his temp taken rectally and has to have suppositories. No Scat, No sex.

Egg_Company · Tranh châm biếm
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Baby Bakugou's first heat

"Hey bud, I need to get your temp. Just roll on your side and lift your leg. I know, I know you wanna sleep. You can go right back to it once I get this over with. Make sure not to push it out." Hizashi whispered as he finished wiping the thermometer down with sterilizing pads. He rubbed gently at the boy's left leg as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Bakugou frowned and rolled onto his right side and pulled his knee. He knew the drill by now. Every two hours for the last ten they had done this. The first seven hours Aizawa, daddy, had done. Now for the night shift Hizashi, papa, was caring for him.

Why was the explosive blonde getting his temperature taken every two hours and calling his teachers these names? Because Katsuki Bakugou was having his first heat. The thought to be beta was having a heat. A bad heat. A heat that made him curl up and scream in pain in the kitchen. Kirishima and Denki had guarded him up away from some… rude alphas in their class. Specifically a certain alpha who popped a knot the second they smelled him.

Mina had gotten Aizawa who had called Recovery Girl and now here they are. Giving him pain killers because he couldn't even move from the cramps and pain.

Why the names? Because the second Aizawa picked up the omega, Bakugou thought he smelled so safe, so much like a calm place, like peace, that it slipped.

' Daddy you smell good'

'What did you call me?'

'Daddy… um… I'm sorry you just smell-'

'It's okay. You're in pain and you're just a boy. It's okay.'

Now he's here. Laying in his english teacher's bed with a slick pad covering his bum wrapped up in a nice soft blanket.

The older man picked up the soft blanket that was covering the boy's bottom and scrunched it up in his hand until he could pull down the multiple layer padded underwear. He prepared himself for the scent. An Omega's first heat is always… messy. Bakugou had very thin slick that smelled of gas and burnt bread, it made the older man feel like his eyelashes were gonna melt. He guessed that in his adulthood Bakugou would smell similar to a fireplace or fresh baked bread. Something less so… rotten.

Surely enough the scent bombarded the air and a rather nasty squelch noise sounded out. The underwear were quite full of the boy's slick. Hizashi frowned, a wet one of these can cause a pretty bad rash. He knows from his own experience.

He tried to be as gentle as possible as he lifted his left buttock so he could access the small puffy opening that was overly wet and had a steady stream of slick running out of it. Hizashi's chest tightened. ' First heat… poor thing must've been in agony! A nice treat might help.' He thought before shaking himself out of it.

"We'll change your undies when I turn in for the night so you can sleep through the night nice and dry. Now, here we go. Breathe, buddy." Yamada said as he gently slid the small tip of the thermometer in the heating omegas wet hole. He let go of his bottom and let the boy relax as he reached for the pack of wet wipes on the bedside.

"Papa… want something better inside me." Bakugou whimpered and tried to get the small instrument deeper by flexing the muscles inside his hole. Hizashi smirked. First heats were usually much earlier than nearly seventeen years old as Bakugou. Before boys started doing things . And by the looks of it Bakugou had already started doing ' things' . So the poor thing had even worse urges.

"Buddy I know. I know you do. But you're too sick for us to let you have anything else. We have to get you better and get you all leveled out. Once you're out of heat we'll make sure you're prepared for your next one." Hizashi explained and gently wiped away the slick from where it was getting slick and sticky on the boy's bottom and small testicles, trying to be as gentle as he could. He was trying his best to be comforting and careful. It had been a while since he dealt with a first heat.

"Okay papa." Bakugou said in a tense voice. He was panting a bit again. He stopped panting once the other teacher had given him some 'skin time', meaning Bakugou had been chest to chest with him for a few hours. Skin contact is important to omegas, alphas in rut as well but Bakugou had calmed.

The thermometer beeped and Hizashi eased it out and looked at it. 100.6. Better. When Recovery Girl first checked him he was 106.8 but Bakugou ran hot. So it was similar to being 103 for someone without an explosive quirk. Still horribly hot though.

Hizashi pulled the underwear back up and folded the blanket back down. He patted Bakugou's hip and stood up, wiping down the thermometer and laying it and the wipes back on the nightstand.

"Do you want anything? A snack or a clean blanket? You need to stay nice and comfy! Staying relaxed and calm will help you keep away that fever and keep your blood pressure down. If you need something make sure to tell me okay?" Hizashi said in a voice usually reserved for when he was alone with Aizawa or talking to the cats, soft and caring. Bakugou let out a whine and moved one hand to rub over his stomach around his belly button.

"My tummy feels bad. Like I need to potty but I can't. I tried papa." Bakugou says and groans, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Can I feel it? I'll be super gentle. Just roll to your back." Hizashi said. Thought of what it could be flashed through his head. Impacted slick glands, a tear in the inner wall, a slick blockage, heat constipation. The older man hoped it was the last.

Bakugou rolled so he was belly up. Hizashi moved so the blanket was pulled down, revealing the boy's torso. Hizashi looked first. The skin was stretched tight around his stomach but it wasn't red or bruised. It didn't look like it was pushing up around his hips. Not slick gland impaction, not an inner wall tear.

Hizashi then had two possible possibilities. A short rub around the boy's abdomen would tell him if it was one of those. Hizashi rubbed his hands together to warm them and reached to lay his hands down. He hauled at a jerk of the young body below him.

"Be careful. Hurts. Tender." The hero in training said quietly and looked up shyly at his teacher. Hizashi gave him a small understanding smile.

"Okay well you're bloated for sure. I'm not sure if we have heat safe medicine to help if it's just gas. I need to press a little bit okay. It might hurt but I'll be so fast. It'll all be okay." Hizashi offered and kept his hands floating a few inches above the bloated belly.

"You gotta be fast, it hurts when I even try to lay on my tummy." Bakugou whined and pouted. Hizashi nodded and first just laid his hands down. If it was slick blockage there would be pressure down low and then none. If it was constipation the pressure would go low and there would be pressure all the way down.

He pressed lightly and ran his hands down following the way of the student's gut. Pressure, pressure, pressure…

"Papa, that hurts." Bakugou whined and sniffled. Hizashi quietly pulled his hands away. Sure of himself.

"I'm sorry honeydew. I know that must've been very uncomfortable." Hizashi said in an apologetic way. Bakugou pouted and stared at the man with a guilt-causing face.

"Sweetie, when was the last time you went potty?" Hizashi asked as he pulled the blanket up to the boy's chest.

"Papa…" Bakugou whined and blushed, turning his head to the side in embarrassment.

"It's okay just tell me. No need to be embarrassed. We can make your tummy stop hurting. " Hizashi said nicely and moved to hold the younger boy's hand, squeezing softly. Bakugou sighed and hunched his shoulders.

"I dunno… last week? Thursday?" Bakugou said and kept his eyes trained down away from the man.

"Oh buddy… that's not gonna help your fever. I'm gonna go see if I need to run to the 24/7. You just lay back on your back for now. Poor little thing." Hizashi said. He wasn't panicking. He was just worried because Bakugou said Thursday. It's Wednesday night. Nearly a week without having a bowel movement and packing in food on his preheat binge. Poor thing must feel so heavy, so weighed down.

"Bakugou, I'm going to explain something and then we're either going to do it here or you will go to the doctor in the morning. Do you understand?" Aizawa said as he walked in the room behind the blonde man. He said it in his day to day solid no argument voice. It was a serious conversation. Bakugou didn't like it. A few hours ago the man had been so sweet and soft and gentle with him, only speaking in a quiet rumbling tone that made the omega feel relaxed. Now… is daddy mad? Did he do something wrong? With tears in his eyes the boy

"Daddy? Is it gonna hurt more? I don't wanna hurt anymore, I wanna be okay. I didn't mean to not go, I'm sorry." Bakugou was already crying. Sobbing out the last few words. Aizawa shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled the boy up so he could wrap his arms under the boy's and hold him close. Aizawa cradled the back of the boy's head against his chest.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just worried. I'm sorry I spoke in that tone. You're not feeling good and I should know not to be so gruff. I'm sorry but we need to talk serious okay?" Shouta explained in the once again gentle rumbling tone. Bakugou listened and sniffled. He sat up on his own and nodded.

"Okay. I just don't want it to be- to hurt, daddy." Bakugou sniffled as he wiped his eyes and nose. Aizawa shushed him and rubbed Katsuki's knee through the blanket as Hizashi quickly opened the bedside and grabbed a few tissues to clean up the omega's face. Aizawa took a big breath as the hero in training copied him. They let it out and Aizawa explained.

"It won't hurt if you hold still and breathe. We've got to get you to go potty. You should have had a heat purge the day before your heat started but since it's your first and you're a late bloomer, it didn't happen. Now we can either try suppositories which go in your bottom and melt and help you relax." Aizawa said trying to make the medications sound not terrible or scary.

"Bleh." Bakugou said and pulled a grossed out face.

"Or we can give you an enema which is where we use a small tube and let water and laxatives loosen everything up and then you expel it, you let it all out." Aizawa explained trying again to make the process seem as minimal as possible. However when he finished, the boy's face went pale and he shook his head.

"I don't want that." He said quickly and put his hands down to back away from the dark haired man.

"You need to pick one okay. Papa's got the suppositories if you want to see. I'll give you two. You can just see them, look at them then decide." Aizawa said reassuringly. Bakugou swallowed and looked at the blonde man who was standing with his hip resting against the attached bathroom door frame.

Bakugou nodded and Hizashi made quick word of getting the medication out from the kit under the sink. He handed them to his husband and rolled his chair to be beside the bed. Aizawa pulled back one of the foil covers and picked up the small jelly-like bullet.

"See they aren't big, buddy. They're just little things. You're slicking really well too so you'll barely feel it." Hizashi says. He hopes that the boy picks the suppositories, they're much less messy and much less stressful.

"We do have to push them in though. You can hold onto papa and I'll be quick. You just need to breathe and relax and it'll be all over. Do you want those or the other option?" Aizawa asked and Bakugou made an unsatisfied face. He looked down at himself and chewed his bottom lip for a few moments.

"Um… can Papa push them in?" The boy questioned in a timid voice and kept his eyes down.

"Well I suppose I can. Can I know why?" Aizawa said and looked at Hizashi who shrugged and nodded.

"Daddy gots bigger fingers." Bakugou said and ran his fingertip down the top of one of Aizawa's. Hizashi covered his mouth with his hand to muffle his laugh. Aizawa smiled and nodded.

"Okay well let me go grab a pair of gloves and wash my hands." Hizashi said and went to the bathroom.

"Just like with the thermometer. Good job, you're doing so well. What a smart smart boy. I'll hold your knee so you can relax. Once papa puts them in you have to hold them in for about fifteen minutes. After that I'll go sit with you on the potty." Aizawa said as he positioned Katsuki to lay on his side with one leg straight and one leg pulled up. Aizawa was sitting on the bed. He used one hand to hold the back of the boy's knee as he vocalized praises while Hizashi got prepared.

The blonde man opened two foil packets and laid the medication on top of the sterile folded back foil. He slipped on a pair of blue latex gloves on his freshly scrubbed hands.

"Okay daddy." Bakugou said and let the older man take the weight of his leg, he let the muscles relax and go slack.

Hizashi pulled down the absorbent underwear and shoved a small towel under his bum and lifted one buttock to expose his hole. He used his other hand to run one finger to tough the puffy pink skin lightly.

"Okay relax, relax bub, you feel my finger?" He asked and used the boy's slick to get his finger coated and slippery. Bakugou sighed. The finger touching and rubbing at and around his hole felt so so good. Overwhelmingly good.

"Yeah" Bakugou sighed out and Aizawa moved some hair out of the boy's face.

"Good. Here's the medicine. You feel it?" Hizashi asked once again as he took one of the suppositories and touched the pointed end against the center of his hole.

"It's little." Bakugou said. He sounded almost disappointed. Aizawa looked down and saw a pout. Another reason late bloomer's heats. They already know what it feels like to be full and satisfied. So during heat when the need, the urge, intensified twenty fold… they're impossible to satisfy when unprepared.

"Yep it's little. Now I'm going to push it in. Ready?" Hizashi said and smiled. It was cute, he couldn't deny it. He pushed it lightly against the hot entrance, melting it slightly but the boy tensed up.

"I'm nervous." Bakugou said and stiffened up all the way and scrunched his eyes up.

"It's okay, just hold daddy's hand." Aizawa said in the third person and took one fist into his own much larger hands and rubbed his thumb up and down the small blonde's knuckles.

The youngest breathed in and out and forced his muscles to relax on his backside. His fist was still tight in Aizawa's hand but his hole was soft.

"Okay okay I'm ready just do it!" Bakugou said in a rush and took practiced breaths in and out. Preparing himself for pain but when there was none but rather just an easing sensation around his hole he waited… and waited. Then Hizashi was speaking again.

"Good job, one more. Here it comes." The man said and without stopping for Bakugou to question and slid the second one in. He pushed his finger in as deep as last time, all the way until his knuckles hit the soft skin of his bottom. When he pulled his finger out the boy sighed and relaxed as Hizashi let out of his buttock.

"Good boy… Just lay here for a while. I'll help you to the potty when time's up. Okay?" Aizawa explained.

Daddy and papa take such good care of me…