
Azeroth's Last Hope

In a twist of fate, Dave finds himself inexplicably transported into the immersive world of Azeroth, the legendary setting of the Warcraft series. Upon arrival in Azeroth, he realizes that he has been reborn as Arthas Menethil, the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, son of King Terenas Menethil II and heir to the throne. Fortunately, he received a system that will aid him and with his knowledge of the Warcraft franchise, he utilizes it to the best of his abilities. Will he brought about a big change in Azeroth? Or will he die trying? Stay tuned for more! ---- I don't own anything related to the Warcraft franchise! This cover don't belong to me either! This is a rewrite of the fanfiction I made before, this is solely for myself to get better at writing. Besides, there are rarely anyone making fanfiction about Warcraft, so I wanted to give it a try myself.

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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Lumber Mill

After careful consideration of his limited resources.

Arthas made the decision to construct a Lumber Mill as the next building in his territory.

He understood that continually buying lumber from Andorhal would be inefficient and a waste of his gold in the long run.

Instead, he saw the potential for investment in his own Lumber Mill.

Allowing him to procure his own supply of this valuable resource.

In fact, he had purchased 500 pieces of lumber from Andorhal in the past.

But only out of necessity to quickly construct the Townhall for the well being of his people to better living conditions.

Now, with a Lumber Mill in place, he could provide a sustainable source of lumber for future projects and continue to develop his territory without relying on external sources.


The deep, guttural rumble of heavy machinery echoed through the air, mixing with the earthy scent of freshly cut wood.

Construction on the Lumber Mill had begun in full force.

Mike eagerly took on the task and had already began organizing his trusted team of 10 Workers.

Their camaraderie and years of experience working together ensured a smooth and efficient process as they set to work creating the foundation for the new mill.

The sound of hammers pounding against nails and saws slicing through lumber filled the air, signaling the birth of a new business venture.


Located within the sprawling open fields of the farmland.

Just a stone's throw away from the grand Townhall, stood the picturesque spot for the event.

The crisp, fresh air carried the fragrant scents of blooming wildflowers and freshly cut grass, creating a serene setting for all who entered.

Lush green blades of grass stretched out as far as the eye could see, swaying gently in the breeze.

In the distance, Arthas's sharp eyes took in the progress made by the Lieutenants in their recruitment efforts in Andorhal.

In just a year, the Captains Marwyn and Valonforth had tirelessly worked to convince peasants to join their cause.

Their strategic minds and persuasive words had led to dozens of new recruits signing up.

Currently, Valonforth was training the latest batch of recruits with the 15 Footmen while Marwyn continued his recruitment efforts within the town.

As Arthas stood overlooking the training drills outside the Townhall, he couldn't help but be impressed by the determination and grit displayed by each recruit.

The clang of wooden swords and resounding shouts filled the air as they were pushed to their limits, honing their skills and building their strength.

But as he observed, he also noticed the varying levels of ability among the recruits.

Some seemed natural swordfighters while others struggled with even the most basic tasks.

Valonforth noticed Arthas's concerned expression and joined him on the side, offering reassurance with a hand on his shoulder.

"It's only natural, my Lord," Valonforth spoke, understanding Arthas's worries.

"We have recruited from diverse backgrounds and have had limited time to train them all equally."

Arthas nodded in understanding, fully aware of the challenges they faced.

His desire to provide top-notch training facilities for his recruits clashed with the pressing need to prioritize completing the Lumber Mill first.

Without a sustainable supply of lumber, all their plans would crumble.

He knew that without proper equipment and resources, his recruits would take a long time to reach their full potential.

A mental note was made to fast-track the construction of the Barracks once the urgent task of completing the Lumber Mill was accomplished.


While they were training, Arthas took his chance to analyze them.

He leaned in closer, his eyes scanning the status report of one of his Recruits. 

The screen illuminated his face with a blue glow.

[Name: Fred]

[Age: 20] [Race: Human]

[Class: Knight-in-Training] [Unit: Peasant]

- Info:

(Potential: 2) (Level: 1) (EXP: 24/100)

- Stats:

(Health: 240) (Mana: N/A)

- Combat:

(Melee: 5-6) (Range: N/A) (Armor: N/A)

- Skills: (None)

He was not surprised, in his eyes, peasants were mere civilians.

Their physical weakness was to be expected, as they lacked the rigorous training of soldiers.

But Fred's experience bar shows the results of his hard work.

Every month, the rigorous training regimen added 2 valuable experience points to Fred's repertoire.

He was among the first batch of peasants hand-picked by his captains at the start of their recruitment.

A ragtag group of eager, inexperienced peasant determined to make their mark on the world.

He contrasted their status with that of one of his own Footmen, who stood tall and broad-shouldered with a disciplined air about him.

To this peasant, there was a clear distinction between the common folk and those who served under him.

[Name: Alex]

[Age: 20] [Race: Human]

[Class: Knight] [Unit: Footman]

- Info:

(Potential: 2) (Level: 2) (EXP: N/A)

- Stats:

(Health: 420) (Mana: N/A)

- Combat:

(Melee: 12-14) (Range: N/A) (Armor: 2)

- Skills: (None)

The Footmen of the Human Kingdoms were the backbone of their armies, known for their strength and endurance on the battlefield. 

These Knights were the standard Infantry, serving as the front line against enemy forces.

Countless in number, they were trained rigorously and had to prove their worth through basic training before being promoted to this rank.

His armor gleamed in the sun, emblazoned with the crest of Lordaeron.

With unwavering determination and years of experience under his belt, this Footmen stood ready to defend his homeland at all costs.

Then there was his 3 Captains, Marwyn, Valonforth and Falric.

[Name: Marwyn]

[Age: 20] [Race: Human]

[Class: Knight] [Unit: Captain]

- Info:

(Potential: 3) (Level: 3) (EXP: N/A)

- Stats:

(Health: 600) (Mana: N/A)

- Combat:

(Melee: 20.5) (Range: N/A) (Armor: 3)

- Skills: (None)


[Name: Valonforth]

[Age: 20] [Race: Human]

[Class: Knight] [Unit: Captain]

- Info:

(Potential: 3) (Level: 3) (EXP: N/A)

- Stats:

(Health: 600) (Mana: N/A)

- Combat:

(Melee: 20.5) (Range: N/A) (Armor: 3)

- Skills: (None)


[Name: Falric]

[Age: 20] [Race: Human]

[Class: Knight] [Unit: Captain]

- Info:

(Potential: 3) (Level: 3) (EXP: N/A)

- Stats:

(Health: 600) (Mana: N/A)

- Combat:

(Melee: 20.5) (Range: N/A) (Armor: 3)

- Skills: (None)

Amidst the ranks of Junior Officers, Captains stood tall as formidable Company Commanders.

They were the lowest rank that held a true noble title in the Army, a far cry from the nobles of earlier centuries who were granted this rank without merit.

For peasants without noble blood, Captain was the highest they could aspire to in terms of strength and status.

Even then, many were Knights who possessed great physical prowess but lacked the accomplishments on the battlefield to elevate their ranking.

Promotion to Captain was solely based on achievements in service.

Arthas counted himself lucky to have been given 3 Captains and 15 Footmen for his journey.

It spoke volumes about how much his family cared for his safety.

With strong guards by his side, he felt reassured on his quest.

But he knew that this was just the beginning.

His command had nearly doubled in size from 34 to 60 men, with 24 recent peasant recruits joining his ever-growing force.

Arthas saw the fruits of his labor paying off, giving him renewed confidence and determination.

He understood the importance of a strong and loyal army in protecting his people and expanding his territory.

However, he also recognized the need for balance between military might and the needs of his people.

As much as he desired to strengthen his army, he also valued the role of workers in gathering resources for the development of his territory.

The construction of the Lumber Mill, for example, would require manned labor as it is not an automated machine.
