The Burning Legion is strong indeed, but how strong is a man turned demon blessed by the God of Chaos ? How big are the waves that will result in their confrontation.
Arcs of lightning crackled all around me as I focused my energy. With a swift motion, I projected the lightning bolt toward the resistant dummies, watching as they evaporated upon impact. Next, I shifted my attention to the remaining dummies, unleashing sharp gusts of wind that sliced through them effortlessly.
'These spells are significantly more potent than standard wind magic,' I reflected as I examined my hands. Deliberately, I held back from unleashing the full extent of my power. I didn't want the entire city to feel the tremors caused by my spells. By practicing with smaller spells, I could refine my control over mana and become more adept with each incantation.
With a clap of my hands, a surge of potent magic crackled within my palms. I directed the lightning towards a magically resistant wall, the arc erupting into a blinding burst of light that left a searing mark upon impact. Satisfied with my display, I snorted and made my way back to my rented bedroom. It was time to commence the war deployment. The legions of Sheogh had been steadily preparing for battle, under Kha-Beleth's directive to be ready within two Sheogh years, equivalent to twelve years in Azerothian time.
The Legion of Knowledge stood ready; our objective was to arm two thousand demons, a small contingent compared to the millions required by other legions. Unfurling the map of the Eastern Kingdoms, I meticulously studied potential fortress locations. Our mission was crystal clear: establish strongholds to stem the initial onslaught of the Horde. However, as time passed, my apprehension about the impending war only grew deeper. We were on the brink of a massacre. I had plans to harvest their souls, but the thought of Sargeras's gaze upon me filled me with dread. He now knew of my existence, and it wouldn't be surprising if he dispatched assassins—likely dreadlords—to eliminate me.
I clenched my teeth as I insisted on joining the vanguard of the Alliance heading towards Khaz Modan. This was where the Horde would focus their initial attacks. They would falter here, only to press on towards the northern regions of the continent, towards the human kingdoms, and ultimately, towards their defeat. I had to be prepared to halt their advance at Khaz Modan with my legions. Some demon Lords would accompany me with their armies, but at most, we would be ten thousand demons against thousands of orcs.
I sighed as I surveyed the group with whom I would be traveling. It consisted of a family of farmers. It was clear that for the first time in the war, the human kingdom would be focusing on building their strength rather than sending troops south. I found this approach foolish; it highlighted one of the weaknesses of humans. They always felt the need to prepare, whereas we demons were always ready for a good brawl.
I heard gasp as the family saw me, they consisted of the father, the mother n one young woman and an adolescent boy
"You're the one that will be traveling with us toward the south ? " asked the father as he looked at me
"Yes," I replied with my gruff voice, noticing their evident fear of me. I sighed, glancing around at the terrified faces surrounding me. It was understandable; I would likely feel the same in their shoes. "I can walk while you stay in the cart. It'll be easier for me to protect you that way," I offered, gesturing for the family to proceed.
'It's gonna be a long journey,' I muttered to myself, gazing up at the sky. I summoned a book on air magic and began to read, hoping to pass the time productively.
The first day of the journey passed without incident, as we remained within the protected borders of Dalaran. Mages and guards were visible, patrolling at regular intervals.
As the family ate their dinner, I stood guard, though I noticed a slight easing of tension, especially from the children. However, the father continued to watch me warily, his gaze never leaving me for long.
"You can rest tonight; I'll keep watch," I offered, prompting the father to rise from his seat.
"I'll join you on guard duty," he insisted.
"Then who'll be fit to drive the cart tomorrow if you're too tired?" I countered.
"Lucas can handle it," he replied, moving to sit beside me on the rock.
"Fair enough," I conceded, watching as the rest of the family settled in for the night.
"I can't believe we're helping a Light-damned demon," he muttered.
"Urgash be damned that I'm protecting a human," I retorted, meeting his gaze.
He fidgeted with his fingers, studying me. "Do demons worship someone?"
"Worship is a strong word for our beliefs. We don't believe in him because we want his blessings or because we love him; we believe in Urgash because we fear him," I explained, glancing at the mark on my hand.
"Why don't you believe in the Light then?" he asked, puzzled. "Worship out of fear seems quite wrong."
"Worshiping the Light is for primitives who don't understand how the world works," I replied, hearing him chuckle.
"Is that so?"
"It is, dragon," I said, watching his face twist in surprise. "You can drop the act, dragons."
The family around us shifted, revealing the true forms of Onyxia, a young man with dark hair, and a black-skinned high elf woman. Then the father beside me grew in size, his skin pulsing with magma.
"How did you uncover our disguise, demon?" he demanded.
"I sensed you at the feast," I began, "though you hid it quite well. But during the middle of our journey, I caught the scent of your daughter," I added, pointing at Onyxia, who gritted her teeth.
He cast a judgmental glance at her before turning back to me.
"I wanted to ask you something," he said, his voice tense. "Ever since I encountered your king, the voices of the Gods have disappeared from my head!"
His gloved hand darted toward my throat, but I easily parried his attempt with a wall of air magic.
"Why?!" he cried out, his voice shaking the ground beneath us.
"Keep your temper," his wife began, but she was cut off as he punched her square in the face, sending her flying through a dozen trees before crashing to the ground.
"I do not know, Earth Warden," I replied, trying to calm him.
"Don't you dare use that title!" he roared, his anger palpable as the ground trembled beneath us. "For thousands of years, I have been manipulated, and yet now they don't seem to have any interest in me. I demand to know why!"
"I said I do not know!" I cried out, the wind seeming to echo my frustration as lightning crackled in the sky. I felt a part of me rumble, resonating with the tumultuous energy.
Onyxia and the figure resembling Nefarian took a step back, while Neltharion grinned. The arrogant bastard was relishing the prospect of a fight. But if the Old Gods were afraid of Kha-Beleth, he could prove to be a valuable ally in the upcoming war.
"Perhaps His Majesty frightened them off," I suggested to the dragon, meeting his gaze.
"Frightened them off? If your king were as powerful as the Titans, perhaps I would believe you. But that is not the case, is it?"
"Perhaps, perhaps not. Who am I to judge His Majesty's immense power? You sensed it too, didn't you? Your expression of fear was quite a delight to behold," I grinned at him, relishing his discomfort.
"You have some nerve, demon," he spat out, his eyes burning with fury. "I sense your spirit, it has a beautiful tint to it. I will destroy your body and feed it to Onyxia, and your spirit will serve as a puppet for me!" Fire erupted from a crack in the ground between us as he threatened me.
"I don't fear you, Neltharion," I retorted boldly. "If you kill me, my king will obliterate your entire species down to the last whelp. Your souls will writhe in agony for eternity in Sheogh, feeding the imps for millions of years."
"I defeated Galakrond, I—" he began.
"You accomplished only what was expected of you," I interrupted. "Then the Titans cursed you and effectively doomed you and your entire flight to ruin. I don't know why the Old Gods stopped their mad raving in your ears, but it is a perfect moment for you to turn your life for the better. I don't ask you to go back to the other Aspects t—"
"Who are you to dictate what I do and what I think!" he roared as the ground erupted beneath us, the very earth shaking beneath our feet. "I am Neltharion, I take orders from NO ONE!" I saw Onyxia and Nefarian transform into dragons as they soared with worried expressions on their faces. "I am the World Breaker!" With a cry, he rushed at me.
'Oh shit,' I thought as I summoned another book, opening it to access the spell stored inside.
An enormous ball of Prime Magic enveloped Neltharion, distorting time and space within its confines. His body crumbled within the sphere, and I heard his cry of pain, then he opened his eyes and roared, the bubble disappeared as he looked at me, his body crumbling on itself
"You!" he exclaimed, fixing his gaze on me. "You are the reason why they are scared, not your king!" His eyes widened with realization.
"If you say so, any last words?" I replied calmly, preparing to unleash another devastating spell. But before I could act, the two children of Neltharion swooped down. Onyxia cast an ice spell that halted my movement, while Nefarian snatched the book from my grasp.
"We can't let you kill Father like that," Onyxia said, glaring at me. "Not after you said that I smelled"
"Well, my lady, if you believe that's a worthy excuse to spare your father, then you must have the most fragrant body odor of any dragon," I taunted with a smirk. With a burst of flames, I melted the ice, sending her scrambling backward.
As her brother attempted to open the book, he vanished suddenly.
'Alright, time to deal with her,' I thought, focusing on Onyxia. I charged towards her, crackling with electricity, but she countered with hand signs, causing the ground to shift beneath me. Using air magic, I stabilized myself mid-fall and soared toward her like a comet. But just as I closed in, she vanished, leaving behind a fireball that exploded upon her disappearance.
Reacting quickly, I compressed the fireball with my air magic and created a vacuum around me, depriving the flames of oxygen.
I scanned the area until I spotted her attempting to assist her father, who was kneeling on the ground. Without hesitation, I materialized in front of her, swiftly separating them. With a resounding clap, I conjured another powerful lightning attack and hurled it toward her. She reacted by summoning an ice barrier to deflect it.
Simultaneously, she conjured an enormous fireball and launched it at me. Anticipating her move, I drained the oxygen from the fireball, causing it to dissipate.
"How?" she questioned, bewildered.
"Knowledge," I replied with a smirk. With a swift gesture, I summoned a tornado above her, its violent winds tearing at her, drawing blood.
The ground trembled beneath the weight of Onyxia's draconic form as she unleashed a deafening roar. Her eyes locked with mine, filled with an ominous glint.
"Let us see what you're truly made of," I muttered, drawing upon the ancient power of the egg nestled within me. With a mighty roar of my own, I felt the raw energy surge through my veins, causing my body to expand uncontrollably. Lightning arced across the darkened sky, and a tempest of unimaginable power began to coalesce around us.
"Raszageth?" Neltharion's voice carried a hint of recognition as he regarded me with a mixture of awe and suspicion.
As the lightning crackled overhead, I pondered his cryptic words, but there was little time for contemplation. With a primal scream, I unleashed the full fury of the storm upon Onyxian hundreds of lightning strikes fell on her body. Her roar echoed through the heavens as she plummeted to the earth below, her mighty form unable to withstand the onslaught.
The winds howled with ferocious intensity, tearing at the very fabric of the world as trees were uprooted and hurled into the swirling abyss of the sky.
As the battle reached its climax, a primal fury consumed my thoughts, urging me to unleash untold destruction upon my foes. Yet, as swiftly as the violence surged within me, it receded, leaving me gasping for breath upon the blood-soaked earth. My demonic form wavered, returning me to my usual state as I collapsed in exhaustion.
Through heavy breaths, I watched as Nefarian materialized once more, his body battered and bloodied from the fierce conflict. Neltharion's voice resonated through the air, gravelly with fatigue yet tinged with a newfound respect.
"Demon," he addressed me, his words weighted with acknowledgment. "Your strength surpasses even that of my brethren and me while we were still proto-drakes. Though I once believed freedom from the insidious whispers impossible, you and your kin have proven otherwise."
"And yet this is how you thank me, old lizard," I snickered through the pain, blood dripping from wounds inflicted by the transformation.
"You fail to comprehend, demon," Neltharion countered as he rose to his feet. "Azeroth deserves naught but death. This world is cursed, not by the Old Gods, not by the Titans, but by its very essence."
"I care not for the world soul," I growled, my words strained with pain.
"Then why fight for Azeroth? You fought for it even before you returned to your prison world," Neltharion challenged, his voice filled with accusation.
A tense silence hung in the air as Neltharion's battered and bruised children and his wife materialized beside him.
"I fight because I want the people of this world to find happiness," I admitted, my gaze shifting to the family before me.
"But happiness eludes you in this cursed realm," Neltharion countered bitterly. "I, too, once yearned for happiness, but my hopes were crushed when the Titans bestowed their 'blessing' upon me. Every tremor, every disturbance, it feels like a piece of myself is torn away. And let us not forget the lurking presence of the Old Gods beneath the earth."
"The Titans were never benevolent," I confessed to him, my voice heavy with the weight of truth. "Nor does any other force in the cosmos possess true benevolence. The only force that can be deemed as such is mortality."
"A curious assertion," he remarked as he drew near. "But you have aided me, Onyxia, take him to your Lair. I want him healed by next week!" he commanded, conjuring a portal that whisked the others away, leaving just me and Onyxia.
"You'll pay for this, demon," she spat venomously, her charred skin and singed hair bearing witness to her fury.
"Would you be more amenable if I suggested there might be hope for your hair?" I taunted.
"Go to hell!" she seethed.
Double update that drained me, truth be told ,I didn't know how to truly make the meeting go when I wrote about it at first, but I adapted and thought about his personality with the corruption but without the Old Gods breathing down his neck.
See you soon : )