The Burning Legion is strong indeed, but how strong is a man turned demon blessed by the God of Chaos ? How big are the waves that will result in their confrontation.
As I traversed the mountainous path, the weight of the consumed souls lingered heavily within me, their silent pleas for release echoing in my mind. It was a troubling realization - the more souls I consumed, the greater the risk of losing myself to their incessant clamor. I wondered how other demon lords managed to maintain their sanity amidst the chaos of countless souls within them. Perhaps this was the reason why so many of them descended into madness.
But then, how did Kha-Beleth remain sane? He was too intelligent to succumb to madness, too cunning to be controlled by his emotions.
I pressed on through the Redridge Mountains, the crimson stones guiding my path. Though unfamiliar with the terrain, I pressed forward, encountering only beasts and gnolls along the way.
My journey continued for six hours, during which I encountered and consumed a goat, utilizing my fire magic to sear the meat and prevent any potential illness. Despite my newfound demonic nature, the taste remained unchanged from when I was human.
As the sun began its descent and the twin moons cast their eerie glow, I contemplated the need for a new identity now that I was a demon. The name Tomas was hardly menacing for a demon king, and I required something more fitting, something that resonated with the demonic essence within me.
"Beleth," I murmured to myself, feeling the necessity of retaining that part of my former identity. But what name should I pair with it?
After pondering for a moment, I extinguished the last embers of my campfire and rose to my feet, continuing my journey across the Redridge Mountains. My destination remained uncertain; perhaps I would find myself in Elwynn Forest or the Burning Steppes. Each path held its own dangers – Elwynn Forest, controlled by the humans of Stormwind, could prove treacherous, while the Burning Steppes were haunted by dwarves and black dragons, hardly friendly territory.
Moreover, depending on the timeline I found myself in, there could be orcs and Deathwings to contend with. Thus, I proceeded cautiously, taking the time to acquaint myself with my newfound powers and the capabilities of my demonic form.
As I continued to tinker with my fire magic and ponder the potential of Prime Magic, I remained mindful of my current limitations. While Prime Magic offered considerable power, it remained beyond my current capabilities. As a mere human inhabiting a demon's body, I faced unique challenges.
Suddenly, a shift in the wind drew my attention, carrying with it the scent of humans. These were not ordinary travelers; two among them wielded magical abilities. Despite my imposing demonic form, I endeavored to approach them stealthily, though the irony of my towering, glowing presence was not lost on me.
"Damn it, why couldn't I have been a dark elven assassin?" I grumbled inwardly as I cautiously approached the group. Taking cover behind a large boulder, I observed a party consisting of humans and dwarves below. To my surprise, I could understand their conversation perfectly, a fact that puzzled me greatly.
"This mission is utterly dull," complained a young human woman that was quite well dressed.
"Quiet down. We're being paid handsomely for this. Our task is simple: find an artifact in these mountains and report back to the noble who hired us," retorted a gruff dwarf, shooting a disapproving glare at the human girl. "You humans are nothing but whining children," he grumbled under his breath.
"Yeah, this noblewoman seems completely trustworthy, offering us two hundred gold coins for a rusty artifact," remarked another human male cynically as he scanned their surroundings.
"Enough complaining! We need to focus on the task at hand. If we keep bickering, we'll attract the attention of gnoll packs, and then we'll be in real trouble. Now, let's get to work!" admonished the dwarf, his voice filled with urgency, prompting the group to resume their search.
With a sense of urgency, I realized I needed to depart. Among the spellcasters stood the woman who had been complaining, and beside her, a middle-aged man with a rugged appearance, his face marked by numerous scars and one blind eye. It was time for me to move on.
I bit down on my armored lips, nerves tingling as I cautiously withdrew from behind the boulder, intent on slipping away unnoticed.
"Something's moving over there!" exclaimed the woman's voice, causing my heart to skip a beat as I sensed the mana around them shift.
Reacting swiftly, I bolted at great speed, channeling my mana to enhance my movements.
"Stop!" a man's voice commanded, but I paid it no heed as I swiftly vanished into the mountainous terrain below.
'This was not a good idea,' I thought grimly as I felt them drawing closer. Despite their slower pace, one among them emanated a palpable sense of danger. This individual, silent and formidable, moved with a speed and skill that marked them as a true threat—perhaps a rogue or some other unknown assailant.
He was undoubtedly tracking me, despite his attempts to remain subtle. With my heightened senses, I could discern his presence through scent and mana.
Realizing he was alone and faster than his companions, I saw an opportunity to ambush him, to eliminate this tracker and continue my flight. Escape would be impossible if I didn't deal with him first.
I halted abruptly and surged forward toward the invisible pursuer. His surprise was evident as I collided with him, using my formidable bulk to send him flying. Without hesitation, I flung my sword toward him, the blade finding its mark in his arm, pinning him to a nearby tree.
Continuing my assault, I landed a solid punch to his face, only to find my hand caught by his now-transformed, black-scaled arm.
"Fuck," I cursed under my breath as the man before me revealed his true form—a dragonkin.
"I'll kill you, demon!" he growled, his guttural voice echoing in the air. Despite the pain as his scaly hand crushed my fist, I utilized my other fist, reinforced with mana, to strike his snout with incredible force. The impact cracked the tree behind him, freeing him from its grasp as he plummeted to the ground.
Seizing the opportunity, I retrieved my sword and swiftly severed his head from his body, ensuring he posed no further threat.
Without wasting a single second, I bolted away once more, fleeing far from the group of adventurers. Their cries echoed behind me as I made my escape, leaving them unprepared for the encounter with a dragonkin among their ranks.
As night fell and I reached the peak of the mountain, I discovered another cave to take shelter in. From this vantage point, I could see Elwynn Forest below, but my gaze was drawn to the unsettling sight of towering columns of smoke billowing up from below the trees on the horizon.
"Could this be the First War, the fall of Stormwind?" I pondered aloud, my mind racing with the implications of the turmoil below.
"If this is indeed the beginning of the First War, it would suggest that Medivh's demise is imminent," I mused quietly to myself. "With him gone, the legacy of the Guardians of Tirisfal will perish as well, potentially leaving me in a safer position. For now, my best course of action is to lay low, bide my time, and focus on growing stronger."
Seated within the confines of the cave, I examined the wound I had sustained earlier. To my satisfaction, I observed that it had already healed, leaving behind a scar as evidence of the encounter. Despite this, my body had fully recovered, and I could feel a surge of newfound strength pulsating within me, undoubtedly influenced by the soul of the dragonkin.
Yet, amidst this newfound strength, there arose unsettling whispers, their persistence and eerie tone stirring a sense of unease within me. "Give in," a guttural voice hissed in my ears, prompting me to rise abruptly, my gaze darting around the cavern in search of the elusive source.
'Fucking Old Gods,' I thought, casting wary glances around the cave, half-expecting shadowy tendrils to materialize and ensnare me.
Attempting to find respite in sleep, I settled down, but the persistent whispers only grew louder, disrupting any chance of rest. With a frustrated sigh, I resolved to continue my journey towards Elwynn Forest below.
Though the forest held its own dangers, it offered some measure of protection from the likes of Medivh or Sargeras. Yet, the alternative of traversing the Burning Steppes seemed equally perilous, with black dragons known to roam the area.
Opting for the route through the Burning Steppes, I set my course northwards, aiming to reach the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms. The journey proved uneventful in terms of physical encounters, but the incessant whispers of the tentacled gods served as a constant, unsettling companion.
As the next day dawned, I detected an unsettling presence in the air—a faint scent of sulfur and darkness that seemed to linger ominously. Sensing potential danger, I made the decision to circumvent the problem that lay ahead. I had no desire to become entangled in any sort of cult activity associated with the Burning Legion.
A growl shattered the silence, prompting me to pivot and face the felhound that stood before me, its jaws dripping with saliva as it eyed me hungrily.
"Why does trouble always find me?" I muttered to myself, frustration seeping into my tone. With a determined resolve, I charged towards the felhound, immediately recognizing it by the two menacing tentacles protruding from its back.
My sword sliced through the air as I attempted to strike down the creature, but it proved to be swifter than I anticipated. Evading my attack with agility, the felhound lashed out with its tentacles, both of them striking me and draining my mana in a relentless assault.
Grimacing, I seized one of the tentacles and tore it apart, causing the creature to emit a pained howl. The remaining tentacle recoiled in fear as I closed in on the felhound, despite feeling weakened by its draining effects. It became evident that this creature was draining my life force and mana simultaneously, leaving me at a disadvantage.
In response, I pointed my hand towards the felhound and unleashed a searing beam of fire, tearing through its flesh in an instant. As it lunged towards me, I deftly wielded my sword to block its teeth from rending my flesh. With swift precision, I generated another fireball in my hand and directed it towards the felhound, burning its insides through its open mouth.
The felhound's body fell limp upon the ground, its green blood seeping out onto the earth.
'I must leave,' I thought urgently, knowing that felhounds often served as scouts and more could be on their way. Without hesitation, I began to run, swiftly gathering the nearby mana to replenish my reserves as I fled the scene.
As I ran, my eyes caught sight of a horrific scene unfolding below. In the valley lay an orcish camp, swarming with hundreds of green-skinned brutes. Demons stood amongst them, while humans and Gnolls were mercilessly drained of their blood, their screams echoing in the air.
"This is madness," I muttered, feeling sick to my stomach at the gruesome sight. But even as nausea threatened to overwhelm me, I knew my body was incapable of succumbing to such weakness. Without hesitation, I turned and ran with all my strength, fleeing northward from the camp and into the safety of the Burning Steppes.
In less than two days, I had taken the lives of a dozen individuals and witnessed the deaths of many more. It was a harsh reminder of the cruel and unforgiving nature of the world. The soul of the felhound slipped through my grasp, returning to the Twisting Nether.
That'll be the last chapter for today
See you soon :)