Ayankouji Kiyotaka reincarnates into MHA with abilites similar to that of a certain long blue-haired, pale-skinned, cursed spirit. I'm writing this for fun, so the update schedule is random.
"Um, Dr. Shirogane... why isn't my baby... crying?"
"Hmm. This is a bit weird. Physically speaking, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him. It could be signs of his quirk, although rare, it's not uncommon for infants to sort of adapt to their quirk much before they get it. Usually seen in mutant quirks or intelligence quirks."
It seems that I've been put into quite the predicament.
"Some recent studies have shown that while infants don't feel pain the same way adults do. Being born still is extremely uncomfortable and anxiety inducing for the child, so this would be my first time seeing a supposedly healthy baby show no reaction what's so ever to being born."
"Then, Dr... should I be worried?"
"Not necessarily."
The doctor said while a nurse was wrapping me up in a soft towel and handed me to my new mother.
"As I mentioned before, adapting to ones quirk early is a common reason children don't cry at birth. You see that his irises are currently pitch black, yes? Most likely an early sign of a perception based quirk, It would make sense if his senses were subconsciously suppressed so as to not overload him. we have a ton of specialists to help check that."
"So you're saying that... you think he might be getting a perception based quirk..? Me and my husband... are both quirkless. Wouldn't it be super unusual... to have our child be born with a quirk, then?"
My mother, probably due to just giving birth, was too tired to hold me fully. Leaving my body on her chest and just supporting my head and neck.
"Well, it's far too early to be saying anything now. Having pitch black eyes could be anything. For example It may look black but may actually just be very dark brown. it's best not to get your hopes up. Like you said, the chance of a child getting a quirk while having two quirkless parents is relatively low."
I guess this isn't the worst situation I could be in. It'd be a lot better if I could at least see, after all babies are supposed to have blurry vision not a complete lack of sight.
"Due to the growing number of children with increasingly powerful and unpredictable quirks, you would be fine to simply concentrate on the well-being of your child."
"You're right, but... I can't help but be worried.. my life as a quirkless person always felt so difficult.. having to fight for almost anything.. that a regular person would have."
a 'quirk', huh? Intelligence quirks, mutation quirks, perception quirks, and probably a lot of other types. They appear to be some sort of ability, perhaps the supernatural type, which could mean that I'm no longer in the same universe.
"I understand your concerns, ma'am. nowadays, the ratio between the quirked and quirkless is about 8 : 2. However, that would refer to the quirkless population as a whole. For children, it's even more rare. Because of this, about 15-20% of the time, I'm meeting a quirkless teenager. It tends to be in less than ideal circumstances, self-harm, depression, PTSD, etc."
"Dr. Shirogane, is this really the best time to tell her about that?" The short haired nurse interrupted worried about the current topics of their conversation.
"Good point, although you are aware of the difficulties of being quirkless, it was a terrible time to discuss that information with you. My apologies. The point I wanted to get across was that, while we our specialists can help look for early signs of a quirk, it's never a guarantee. Unless it's well within your budget, I'd recommend just waiting until your child is of age before scheduling an appointment. Now I have a few things I need to take care, Ill leave you a bit of alone time with your newborn."
Ending with that, the doctor and nurse walked out of the room. simultaneously, my little baby had grown tired of thinking, and slowly, my eyes shut closed. only being able could tell because my vision became slightly darker, and I drifted asleep.
I woke up to the sound of crying babies.
Not the type of stuff I'd generally choose to listen to.
Surprisingly, my vision has improved enough where I can see light slightly or sort of feel it in my eyes, a bit of a unique feeling. I'd be able to tell if someone was standing in front of me as well.
The lights are on still, I can't exactly tell how long I fell asleep for, perhaps they already did all the important health tests on me.
More importantly, the real irony is that now I've become a baby and gained my freedom, I can't do a thing with it. Who would have guessed that total helplessness wouldn't be very enjoyable? Assuming that I don't plan on going insane through boredom, I should figure out something to entertain myself with.
My first instinct was to start off just playing with my fingers, even putting them into my mouth. That was not my best idea. Whatever they used to clean me doesn't taste very good. Speaking of my mouth, I don't have any teeth right now, meaning to eat, I'll have to... I guess it's best not to think about it.
Might as well start counting and see how high I can get.
Someone's just picked me up from my bed without saying anything, must not be the biggest fan of children. Does this mean that I'm leaving the hospital soon as well? I sure hope so.
Counting wasn't the best thing I could have done to waste time. not that I had that many options, although I had no intentions of putting any more things in my mouth, PTSD perhaps.
"Here you go, ma'am." The nurse handed me over to my mother.
"Thank you."
"He's just so cute, isn't he? he has my eyes , fluffy light pink hair, and nothing from my dead beat of a husband. My own little pooki bear." my mother said while pinching my cheek lightly.
"Uh haha, I'm sorry." A man in the corner laughed awkwardly.
"'I'm sorry?' You showed up a whole hour late to your own sons birth, and all you have to say for yourself is that you're sorry?!"
Before my mother could start an argument with my supposed father about his absence during my birth. The nurse gave a small, deliberate cough catching the attention of the other two adults in the room.
"Oh right, did you guys do his tests yet?" The man in the corner spoke again in a nervous tone, trying to divert his wife's anger away.
"Yes. While your wife was asleep, we finished doing all of his tests, and he turned turned out perfectly healthy. You two still have some paperwork that needs filling out, getting his shot, then you would be free to take him home with you."
"You hear that, Kiyopon! You're all healthy, we will be able to take you home without any troubles!" My mother chose to let my father off the hook for now.
wait, Kiyopon?
I felt a finger placed in my palm and instinctively wrapped my hand around it. A soft finger about twice the length of my hand, most likely from my mother.
"Wow, his grip strength is really strong too, my fingers gonna get crushed if I leave it in his little hands any longer, haha. No Kiyopon, no, don't try to put my finger in your mouth!"
I was in no way planning on putting her finger into my mouth, I wasn't trying to get expelled.
While she was playing with me, I heard the door shift open and someone walking in.
"Is it finally time for Kiyotaka's Vitamin K shot?"
"Yes." A new voice answered shortly.
It sounded like someone had replaced the nurse who carried me over. the new voice was softer, perhaps they switched her out for someone who was better with children. My mother had sat me while the new nurse walked towards us.
"Hey there, little Kiyotaka, this is the last thing we need to do with you today, then we'll let you go out on your way!"
The nurse removed my blanket and started 'booping' me all over, hoping for me to start giggling or playing along, but sounding rather surprised when I had shown no reaction.
"Alright, you're the silent type, are you? No problem, I'll just pinch you a teeny tiny bit okay~! It'll be over in an instant, okay~? You're a strong boy, I'm sure you'll handle it juuust fine. Are you ready? And a 1, And a 2, aaand... it's all done, see! You're such a strong baby, I'm so proud of you!" She started clapping and raising my hands up.
I must admit, I'm not sure exactly how to react while being giving baby talk, and from the look of the nurse who's face is contorting, probably, not like I can actually see her clearly anyway, I doubt I'm doing it correctly.
"Ahahaha, your face is hilarious, Kangofu-san." My mother laughed at the nurses expression.
Appears I was right.
"I mean, I already knew Kiyotaka was silent, but you can't help and be surprised when he won't even react to getting a needle injected into him. It kinda gives you hope that he'll unlock an Intelligence based quirk."
"Dr. Shirogane was saying that he might be getting a perception based quirk. That was earlier where Kiyopon didn't show any reactions when he was born. Although, what makes you think it'll be an intelligence quirk instead of a perception quirk?"
"So he didn't show any reaction then as well, huh? It may actually be a quirk that affects both aspects."
The nurse walked towards me while talking and began tickling me lightly at my stomach and feet unrelentingly.
"For example. Not too long ago, there was a couple that both had and ice and fire based, and their child was born with a lower body temperature than normal without any noticeable health issues, likely ice resistance, and while we obviously couldn't test it, he could have fire resistance as well."
Seeing that, I've still shown no reaction to her annoying tickling, she put on a huge smirk.
"For perception based quirks, children can sometimes have their senses suppressed, which I'm sure Dr. Shirogane told you about it. While children with intelligence based quirks often cry a lot less. And as you can see, despite me constantly tickling him, Kiyotaka hasn't even shown the smallest like or dislike of it. With quirks constantly evolving each year, it makes me think that whatever quirk, if he even gets one, will affect both his brain and senses."
After the nurse was finished explaining her theory, she reached over the desk, pulled open the drawer, and handed some papers to both of my parents.
"I'll be back in a few minutes, You're husband already filled out most of the paperwork, but there is a tiny bit left. Complete that, and then you'll be discharged."
It was clear this wasn't something I cared enough to listen to, so I closed my eyes again, already feeling drowsy. Falling asleep was never an issue for me before, but being a baby seems to make it happen almost instantly.
This is the fourth time I've woken up in this world.
The third instance some unspeakable things happened and I've decided to forget about it entirely, knowing full well I'd have to do it again in a few hours.
I am once again in a completely different area from where I went to sleep.
I'm in a crib.
This is gonna be a long day.
Luckily, my mom picked me up and walked over towards the couch shaped blur. She then sat me down on her lap, positioning me so I won't immediately fall over.
Not even two seconds later, she changed her mind and abandoning me on the side of the couch. It looks like she forgot something.
"Sorry about the Kiyotaka, I forgot the remote and had to move you over, haha, no hard feeling, yeah?"
Since I was still sitting upwards, I just stared at her for a couple of seconds before deciding to try babbling.
This makes me feel like I'm mentally disabled.
"Aw c'mon Kiyopoo, don't be mad at your mommy like that you're going to break my heart~."
We continued going back and forth with my occasional babbling and her consistent baby talk.
It was tough to tell while at the hospital due to her fatigue, but apparently, my mom is really animated when she's not exhausted.
While I couldn't turn my head away, I began slowly ignoring her more and more in hopes she would take the hint and turn the TV on instead of keeping up the constant baby talk.
"Kiyopon, you're not ignoring me, are you? You're only about a day and a half old, and you're already ignoring me? I'm sure you're much smarter than the average one day old, but you can't already be ignoring me, can you??? You don't think you're too cool to talk to mommy are you???"
My mother, still pretending to be heartbroken, fell down on the couch, and placed me onto her lap. Eventually turning the TV on when I stopped my expulsion of air that produces vocal sounds and declining any light from her direction from entering my retina.
I raised my hand and smacked her for taking too long.
"Oh, Kiyo-Chan already bullying his poor mother?"
Wiping away her fake tears, laying down onto the couch, she began by lifting my compressed body on top of her stomach, her feet kicking around in play frustration. Acting more like a child than the infant currently staring at her.
"Hey Kiyopon, smile for mommy~."
She raised me high into air, lifting me up and down, swaying me back and forth, with no smile, from me, in sight.
Next, she leaned up once again, placing me onto her lap and beginning furiously tickling me all over, blowing bubbles on me, making funny faces at me, all without any reactions.
"Kiyo, smile for mommy, please? I'm begging you! Just a little smile!"
She attempted about three more times to receive my smile, all being mercilessly shut down by my unintelligent intelligent babbling. and during the 4th attempt, the TV played a short intro.
"Breaking News ~ ~ ~, Notorious supervillain 'Laxatives Merchant' Ryuen escaped from police custody and is currently on the run in Shibuya. He was last spotted entering through the JR east area of the Shibuya Station. If you see him, do not approach-contact the police immediately."
"Laxative Merchant Ryuen? last seen at the JR east area of the Shibuya station? That's kind of close to where we live. He looks really scary too, don't you think so too Kiyo-Chan?"
The familiar voice on TV said he was a Supervillain? And his name was name was Ryuen, coincidences can be scary. I understand that quirks are some sort of power, but is this world really set up as a hero vs. villain thing?
"I'm sure one of the heroes will catch him soon, so even if he's scary, you won't need to worry about him. It's getting kinda late, so I should go make din-" I zoned out once when she started talking about something irrelevant.
My theory, unfortunately, was immediately answered by my mother on the type of universe I was reincarnated into.
What a pain.
Ch 1 End
Once again, my dialogue writing skills are complete cheeks, so if anything sounds weird, do point them out. Thank you.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, from COTE is purely coincidental. (Or in other words the only characters from COTE will be Ayanokouji, anyone else would just be a replacement for the irrelevant OC that would be in their position, don't expect so more of them.)
My knowledge of MHA is purely through fanfictions as my only real knowledge of MHA original is watching it through dub, while writing or drawing (so nearly non-existent). That doesn't mean that I won't be doing any research on the original story, but I plan on making it mostly original content while still using mha-centric characters as much as possible.