
Awakening of the Arcane Overlord

In the world of Azuvar, magic is both revered and feared. Zevan is a young mage with immense potential and serves as the right hand to Prince Jareth, the heir to the kingdom of Meadel. While Jareth is known for his valor and leadership, Zevan remains in the shadows, his true strength concealed. As the kingdom faces a looming threat led by a power-hungry sorcerer, Zevan's abilities begin to surface. He possesses a rare gift: the ability to wield multiple types of magic, each stronger than the last. However, he keeps his powers hidden, preferring to aid Jareth from behind the scenes. But when Jareth is captured by the enemy sorcerer, Zevan takes it upon himself to save the Prince. He embarks on a perilous journey, gathering a group of skilled allies, including a rogue warrior, a cunning healer, and a wise sorceress. Together, they navigate treacherous lands and face formidable foes while Zevan discovers the true extent of his talent. ------------------------------------------------------------- Rogue Warrior: Stop. I smell death in the air. We need to tread carefully. Cunning healer: I can manage. I have the three of you as my shield. They will have to kill you three first before they get to me. I’ll not die before you all, you have my word. The wise sorceress smiled thoughtfully as she stared at Zevan silently. Zevan: Well, what’s an adventure without a little magical mayhem? Who’s ready to turn a few enemies into frogs? -----------------------------------------------

Adairs · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Plan for the future

"It cannot be. Prince Jarett cannot be dead." Zevan denied the possibility vehemently. Jarett's death would only push them closer to their destruction and he needed the Prince alive to protect Meadel and even Azuvar. An extra powerful hand was always a boon.

"It is just a possibility, Zevan. But I believe the truth is otherwise. Prince Jarett must have escaped from their clutches and has gone into hiding. And the imposter must be here to capture him."

"But why would he need to capture the Prince? Since they have already conveyed the message they wanted through me, why would the imposter need to remain in Meadel and behave as Jarett?" Zevan questioned, his brows drawing together in confusion.

"That is a matter worthy of inspection. I will have to analyze the issue more to conclude about it." Thessa tapped her fingers against her elbows as she continued strolling around the lake with Zevan right behind her.

"What do I do now, Thessa? I am at the wit's end and my mind is unable to come up with anything. Please help me." Zevan begged, not caring how pathetic he sounded. At that moment, he was willing to do anything to save his people.

"We do not know the imposter's intentions behind his stay in Meadel and revealing the truth to the King might turn out to be more dangerous than working in your favor," Thessa mumbled as she pursed her lips thoughtfully. "Have you thought about looking for the Prince yourself?"

Thessa stopped walking all of a sudden and turned around, startling Zevan with her unexpected actions. He was almost about to bump into her.

"Looking for Prince Jarett myself?"

"Yes. There is a high chance that Prince Jarett knows something that would be beneficial to us and detrimental to the enemies and I am assuming it to be the reason behind the imposter taking over the Prince's place. You will have to find him before the enemy does to save him as well as the others."

Zevan's eyes widened in cognizance and he stared at Thessa in awe. 

"Do not look at me that way, Zevan. I will pluck your eyes out and feed them to the wolves." Thessa threatened and Zevan averted his gaze immediately, not doubting her in the matter. She would do it for sure, savior or not.

"But how am I going to start? I do not know where Prince Jarett is." Zevan pulled his hair in dismay as he thought about his next course of action. "Moreover, I cannot leave Meadel in danger and go look for Prince Jarett all by myself."

"Zevan..." Thessa narrowed her eyes as she held his gaze. There was something strong and profound in the way she was looking at him that Zevan was compelled to go silent and wait for her to speak.

"You are already in no less danger and if you do not intend to do what I suggest, I will not force you to. But do think about what I said and what other options you have to handle this matter." With that Thessa left him and sat on a rock beside the lake before she started feeding the fish.

"You are right, Thessa. I do not have any other way out. But is it good to leave Meadel in danger?" 

"You can only trust the people to protect others while you are gone. But I doubt it will be of any help."

"With how puissant the enemy is, I doubt my presence or absence will make it any different. If they want to attack Meadel, they can do it even when I am here." Zevan's shoulder dropped and he took a seat beside Thessa on the ground. 

"You are smart." Thessa applauded, sarcasm evident in her tone which Zevan ignored.

Silence engulfed for a few moments and other than the gurgles from the fish as Thessa fed them, there was no other sound in the vicinity.

"Do you think they would have found this place as well since they are keeping an eye on Meadel?" Zevan enquired suddenly and he stared at Thessa with guilt.

"I will not deny the possibility, Zevan and you do not have to look at me with guilt. Since they are watching Meadel, it is not impossible that they have discovered me and my hiding place as well." Thessa did not deny the fact. But she remained unperturbed by it, much to Zevan's astonishment.

"What are you going to do now, Thessa?"

"What do you mean?" Thessa gave him a look, asking him to explain more before returning her attention to the fish.

"Are you going to continue staying here?"

"Probably not." 


"That depends on what you are going to decide."

"I do not understand." Zevan could not comprehend what Thessa was trying to say. Her words bounced over his head before he could grasp the meaning behind them.

"Since the enemy's target is not just Meadel but the entire world of Azuvar, I am in equal danger as well and I will not be spared in any place I hide." Thessa disclosed her thoughts as she stared at the lake in a daze. "It would be better if I prepare for the inevitable battle or find a way to end the enemy as quickly as possible. And what could be a better way than to search for Prince Jarett?"

Zevan nodded in understanding and his heart settled on the matter instantly. He stood up immediately and looked at her seriously.

"Thessa, in that case, would you mind accompanying me in looking for Prince Jarett?" Zevan was filled with courage and optimism. With Thessa, his fears were reduced and he was willing to face the danger if it could help save the world somehow.

"Have you decided?"

Zevan nodded without a pause and Thessa stood up at once.

"Good. We will start in three days..."


"And do not forget to keep a watch during the Soul Avenge Spell. You may find something that will aid us in the future."


"You may leave now." Thessa dismissed him mercilessly. "I will meet you here after three days. I have some work to finish before we leave."

Zevan did not even have an opportunity to speak to her when he was pushed out of the place forcibly. By the time he realized what had happened, he was out of Thessa's space and the lake had been covered by the thick jungle once again.


My new book Project A.E.G.I.S. has been released. Please do take a look. The synopsis is as follows.

In a catastrophic twist of fate, Lucas becomes a victim of a failed chemical experiment, reducing him into smithereens. He is then catapulted into a realm where peculiar species reign supreme, technology has reached unprecedented heights and humanity teeters on the brink of extinction.

When a daring scientist proposes a radical solution to fortify humans against the otherworldly threats, Lucas, driven by an indomitable will to survive, volunteers to be the experimental pioneer and thus starts the advent of Project A.E.G.I.S. - Advanced Evolutionary Genetic Intervention for Survival.

Contrary to the grim history of failed attempts, Lucas emerges from the transformative process not only intact but endowed with unparalleled strength and extraordinary abilities and a mind with supercomputing abilities. Becoming the beacon of hope in a desolate world, Lucas stands as the lone savior capable of combating the encroaching monstrosities.

Yet, the elation is short-lived. Subsequent experiments on other humans yield only disappointment, dashing the collective optimism that Lucas had inspired.

A glimmer of hope rekindles when the scientist stumbles upon a revelation: it is Lucas' blood that holds the key to unlocking the dormant potential within other humans.

As the world's last hope, will Lucas be able to protect humanity from the looming threats, or will the pressure of being the solitary savior prove too overwhelming? And what happens when the threat extends to not just that realm but to other realms as well, including Earth where his loved ones still reside?

Read the novel to know more.

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