
Awakening of the Arcane Overlord

In the world of Azuvar, magic is both revered and feared. Zevan is a young mage with immense potential and serves as the right hand to Prince Jareth, the heir to the kingdom of Meadel. While Jareth is known for his valor and leadership, Zevan remains in the shadows, his true strength concealed. As the kingdom faces a looming threat led by a power-hungry sorcerer, Zevan's abilities begin to surface. He possesses a rare gift: the ability to wield multiple types of magic, each stronger than the last. However, he keeps his powers hidden, preferring to aid Jareth from behind the scenes. But when Jareth is captured by the enemy sorcerer, Zevan takes it upon himself to save the Prince. He embarks on a perilous journey, gathering a group of skilled allies, including a rogue warrior, a cunning healer, and a wise sorceress. Together, they navigate treacherous lands and face formidable foes while Zevan discovers the true extent of his talent. ------------------------------------------------------------- Rogue Warrior: Stop. I smell death in the air. We need to tread carefully. Cunning healer: I can manage. I have the three of you as my shield. They will have to kill you three first before they get to me. I’ll not die before you all, you have my word. The wise sorceress smiled thoughtfully as she stared at Zevan silently. Zevan: Well, what’s an adventure without a little magical mayhem? Who’s ready to turn a few enemies into frogs? -----------------------------------------------

Adairs · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


"Master, did you not leave before I did? Why are you arriving late?" Zevan questioned when he sensed his Master entering the room. He did not raise his head as he studied the map of Azuvar and its neighboring kingdoms.

"Master, I was examining the map of Azuvar and all the warriors who died were patrolling the southwestern border." Zevan glanced at his Master who had not spoken a word since the time he had entered the room. "So, we should contact the battalion stationed on the southwestern border. We might be able to find something."

Zevan continued studying the map. When he did not receive any response from his master, he raised his head and noticed the old man's absent-minded look. Master Elion seemed to be visibly shaken. His face was frighteningly pale and he was sweating profusely.

"Master!!" Zevan exclaimed, his eyes rounding in shock and he rushed to the old man immediately. "Master, what happened to you?" He supported the old man and led him to one of the chairs. Pouring a glass of water, he held it for him to drink.

"Master, what happened? Are you sick?" Zevan was worried sick for his Master and he could not help but look at him in concern.

"It is not him," Elion mumbled in fright.

"Huh?" Zevan was perplexed and could not make out what his Master was saying. "Master, what are you saying? What happened?"

"It is not him. It is not the Prince." Elion held Zevan's shoulders the next instant, startling him with his unexpected actions. "It is someone else. It is not the Prince." He shook Zevan as he kept muttering to himself. He had become hysterical.

Zevan was disconcerted and he did not know what to do for a moment. He stared at his Master who was in a daze before he held the man's shoulders like he had done to him and shook him violently.

"Master, please wake up. Master." He shouted in anguish. "Master." 

Zevan's voice gradually brought the old man out of his trance and Elion looked at his disciple quietly. Facing the concerned Zevan, Elion did not know what to do. The truth he had just found out was devastating. However, he did not have much evidence to support his claims and it would be a miracle if anyone believed him. Elion was in a dilemma and he remained silent while he thought about it.

'Should I tell Zevan about the Prince? Will he believe me?' He wondered with his lips pursed. 'What if he does not believe me and reveals all that I tell him to the Prince or even worse the King? What am I going to do?'

Zevan sensed his Master's distress. Something was troubling him and the man was perturbed about whether to reveal it to him or not.

Zevan squatted before the old man and held his arms. "Master," He whispered, his voice filled with assurance and confidence. "What is troubling you, Master? You can tell me about it. I promise it will remain with me. Whatever we speak today will not leave this room."

Elion's troubled heart calmed down and his confidence returned when he heard his disciple's words. They were filled with conviction and promise.

"Zevan, what if the matter is related to the Prince?" He questioned carefully, observing his expressions closely. "Will you still abide by your words?"

Zevan was taken aback by his words. Being the Crown prince's right man, it was his duty to serve him first and be loyal to him for life. However, if he had to choose between his Master and the Prince...

"Master," Zevan sucked in a deep breath. "I am here because of you. It is because of you that I even reached this state. Otherwise, I would have been an abandoned child somewhere. You are more important to me than anyone else. If my conscience says you are right, then I have no qualms in going against the Prince."

Elion was touched by his disciple's words. The boy regarded him more than anything and he could not ask for anything else from him. Zevan truly treated him as his master, his only family member and that filled his heart with warmth.

"Zevan, I have something important to tell you."

"Yes, Master. Tell me. What has got you disturbed?"

"Zevan, I do not know how to tell you this but..." Elion hesitated, his confidence wavering again. Even though he was sure about his discovery, there were still some doubts in his mind. If he was wrong in his assumptions, then it would be no less accusing the royal family and he would be charged with treason. 

'But if I am right...' The faces of the dead army flashed before his eyes and Elion jolted in shock. He had got his answer. 'How I hope I am wrong and it was all my misunderstanding.'

Sucking in a deep breath, Elion met his disciple's gaze. "Zevan, I am afraid to say that the man in the palace is not Prince Jareth."

Zevan felt his mind exploding and he collapsed to the ground immediately.

"Master?" He gasped in shock, words failing him at such a critical moment. "Please tell me I am hearing things. Whatever I heard just now was my dream." He begged.

Zevan understood the implication of the possibility. If the man in the palace was not the Prince and was instead an imposter, that meant not just Prince Jarett but the entire kingdom of Meadel was in danger.

"No, Zevan. No." Elion shook his head, his shoulder sagging in defeat. "I found out just some time ago. It is not Prince Jarett. It is someone else. I am certain about it."

Elion sighed and leaned back on the chair. He looked weary and lost. Zevan himself felt disoriented. His thoughts were a mess and he was having a hard time accepting the truth. But since his Master had said so, it has to be true.

"What are we going to do now, Master? Are we going to approach His Majesty?"

Elion shook his head immediately, rejecting his suggestion right away. "No, Zevan. We cannot approach His Majesty. I have no evidence to support my claims."

"Then, how are we going to deal with this matter, Master?"

Zevan's words showed that he trusted him and this was enough for Elion. He could deal with everything else.

"Zevan," Elion looked at his favorite disciple as he formulated a plan for the time being. "Our priority now lies in contacting the battalion stationed at the borders to find out more about the people who killed our men. Do not get involved in the matter related to the Prince Jarett. I will handle it."

"But Master..."

Zevan looked at him sternly, compelling Zevan to stop speaking. "I will handle it. There are other matters that need your focus, child. Let me handle this."