
Awakening of Darkness

When darkness descends in the universe alot is at stake, there is a war in the heavens and no force can stand against them. A battle between Darkness and light. Who will win?????? To defeat DARKNESS sometimes you need DARKNESS Davion is reincarnated without his memories from his previous lifetime but just the Will to get stronger no matter the consequences. But to get stronger he has to leave a blood path to rise to god hood With support from few individuals he find himself between the centre of the immortal wars. Davion loses alot in his way sacrifices alot to get stronger but will he fall into the darkness? Will he be a hero among the gods and save them from there extension or will he choose a Peaceful life just as he was told to??????? ******************************************** My son"Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others-- it only changes yours. Live a Peaceful life. "Only the people who know darkness can step into the light"A tear fell from her eye. ********************************************* DISCLAIMER! Read this novel at your own risk, this story is highly addictive and it may get you ADDICTED BE WARNED! ********************************************* If you were looking for different System novel here is one This is a fantasy novel ********************************************* CREATION IS HARD PLEASE VOTE TO SUPPORT ME COMMENT AND COME BACK ********************************************* NOTE: 2 CHAPTERS PER DAY

Crave_pain · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Death bed...


"Thank you, Mom! I love you. Please! Don't cry over me.

I am sorry I have been a heavy burden, I just don't want you to cry with those beautiful blue eyes.

It's been painful process going through those surgeries.

Since I was 8 years old its been medicines after medicines and they seem not to be working.

Thank you! For you both have always been there for me.

Even when I lost Silva, months ago- MY FIRST GIRLFRIEND, My best friend and my only friend. Life has never been the same since that tragic day

Heartbroken! I lost all purpose on that day 10TH FEBRUARY. Death didn't deserve to take her away.

The sounds of the life support machine still haunts me.

My mind is holding on the memory of that tragic day and the scenes play in my mind, a reminder that I have lost.

I miss her a lot, her laughter, the songs she sang and wrote for me, mostly I crave her touch.

I have been strapped to this bed for most of my time.

NURSE SUSAN has been reading to me all this manga novel-the PROTAGONIST,a weak boy reincarnates to a WORLD OF MAGIC AND GAINS ALL THIS SUPREME ABILITIES.

But am not that gullible I don't believe in that CRAP

I want you to know you tried your best-cheering me up hoping that I will eventually forget her but I cant forget her. I want to remember her every step of the way .

I want her image and the memories to always be engraved in my mind.

MOM, I am not afraid to die.

I have face it countless time, I have seen the white light more times than you can imagine but she kept dragging me back.

She is the light in the darkness that has been swallowing me up slowly. Now the darkness erupts and I have embraced it.

I have decided to let go and I am giving up on life.

Take care of little Sister Susie.

Tell her am in a BETTER PLACE in the AFTER LIFE.

Thank You for the support and you will always be hold a special place in my heart.

Yours Faithful,



A red haired woman wearing a blue dress read the contents of the wet letter that she found on her son's bed besides Davion's body in Galena HOSPITAL.

MRS ANNA stood fixated to the ground her body was shaking.

Only the sound of the Life supporting machine could be heard,

Mrs Anna burst in to tears and felt that life had lost all meaning and she fell to the floor.

Her Husband, MR HANK caught her and hugged her tightly.


"His gone, Hank, His gone" she stammered, she felt her heart crushed by a weight she couldn't lift.

She was lost in thought filled with grief and those words only remained playing in her mind.