
Awakening in the Dragon Realm

I stumbled into another world and accidentally landed on Dragon Island. What? I actually have the bloodline of a divine dragon? Am I really part of the dragon clan? Oh my god! I can really transform into a divine dragon. Does that mean I'm not human anymore? Well, since the chieftain suggested it, I guess I'll become an elder of the dragon clan! Alright then! Watch me live a carefree and joyful life in this fantastical world.

idling · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Annihilation of the Bandit Gang - Part1

While I was grilling the snake meat, I was surprised to see that the small bird, Little Feather, showed a keen interest in the roast. As I was grilling, it kept its eyes fixed on the meat on the grill, drooling with anticipation. I couldn't help but laugh and said, "Little guy, do you want to eat too? Let's eat together!"

I casually cut off a palm-sized piece of the grilled snake meat and handed it over. It grabbed it with its beak, lay down, and started devouring it with its claws and mouth.

The palm-sized piece of snake meat was devoured in no time. After finishing, it immediately fixed its eyes on the meat skewered on the giant sword. I didn't expect it to eat so quickly, so I cut an even larger piece for it.

For the next while, I revisited my days as a barbecue chef, grilling nearly twenty pounds of snake meat for Little Feather until it was finally satisfied and let out a contented burp, patting its belly with its tiny wings.

I was quite curious about how it managed to eat so much meat, yet its small belly didn't seem to change at all. I wondered where all that meat went.

"It seems the name Little Feather doesn't quite suit you. You look more like a gluttonous little pig now. How about I call you Little Pig instead?" I teased the little paradise bird.

It showed a look of protest in its eyes, then turned its head, lifting it proudly. The sight made me both amused and exasperated.

After a good meal, the most important thing was to rest and recover my strength. I leaped onto a nearby large tree and sat cross-legged. The usually energetic Little Feather lay quietly between my legs, silently absorbing the qi from my body.

As long as it absorbed enough energy, it could quickly surpass the level of a ninth-grade magical beast and grow into a true paradise bird, becoming a sacred beast.

Soon, I entered a state of total concentration, fully immersed in the circulation of my qi. With the help of the heaven and earth energy, the speed at which my qi recovered was astonishing even to myself. In just one complete cycle, I had recovered nearly half of my qi. Although the amount of qi was now much greater than before, the recovery speed was still several times faster.

The powerful abilities of the heaven and earth energy made me look forward to the future. If I could refine all my qi to be like the heaven and earth energy, would my qi become endless, never worrying about running out again?

When all my qi was fully restored, my physical strength was also completely recovered. I decided to head to Austur as quickly as possible.

Traveling by flying dragon would be much faster, so after briefly determining the direction, I activated the dragon crystal on my forehead, transforming into a dragon. I grabbed the already sleeping Little Feather with my dragon claw.

Although it was almost dark, it didn't affect me at all. After flying for only a few dozen miles, I was attracted by the firelight below. It was a small village situated at the foot of a mountain, with a clear stream flowing by. It should have been a peaceful village, but it was now under attack by a bandit gang.

The firelight I saw was from the houses set ablaze by the bandits. By the time I arrived, it was clearly too late; the entire village was reduced to ruins.

At the village entrance lay an elderly man with white hair, his head severed from his body, his lifeless eyes filled with anger and helplessness. Not far from his corpse was the body of a naked young girl, her body covered in scars. The look of pain, humiliation, and despair on her face indicated that she had suffered unimaginable abuse before her death.

As I walked through the village, my anger surged uncontrollably. The ground was littered with the corpses of villagers. Though I had seen death before, witnessing an entire village massacred was a first for me.

Everywhere I looked was a sea of blood, scattered flesh and bones, and organs strewn about. The stench was nauseating, and the scene was one I would never forget.

As I walked and looked, I found many children's bodies among the dead. Seeing their innocent faces twisted in terror and the brutal ways they had been killed, my killing intent grew stronger. If I didn't vent it, I feared I would lose control.

Forcing down my anger, I placed Little Feather in my chest and used my qi to fly, carefully searching for traces of the bandit gang. The fire in the village had not yet burned out, so the bandits couldn't have gone far. With careful searching, I was sure to find them. Using qi to fly, I could sustain myself for a short time.

Sure enough, I soon found traces of the bandit gang a few dozen miles from the village. They numbered about two hundred, all on horseback. Though their formation was not particularly orderly, their skilled horse-riding indicated they were not ordinary bandits. They might even be Carter's cavalry in disguise, which would explain why Karen's army had failed to catch them several times.

Having found my target, I didn't hesitate. I landed directly in front of their group and shouted angrily, "Stop."

Had it been anyone else blocking their path, these bloodthirsty bandits would have cursed or attacked. But my descent from the sky clearly frightened them. Only a swordsman of saint level or higher could fly using qi on this continent, where the strong are revered. No matter their usual temperament, my displayed power taught them caution.

They cautiously remained alert while sending someone to call their leader.

Soon, a burly knight came forward. "Senior, what do you want by stopping us?"

I scrutinized him carefully. He looked about forty or fifty, with a face full of harsh lines, exuding a menacing aura. From his energy, it was easy to judge that he was a high-level swordsman. His swordsman attire and the giant sword he wielded still bore traces of blood not fully washed away. Seeing that blood, I seemed to see the corpses in the village again, the terrified and despairing faces of the children.

"Did you kill the people in that village?" I asked harshly, pointing to the village still smoldering behind them.

"Clang," nearby riders who had been cautiously alert now all drew their weapons. They were no fools; in such a situation, the question could only mean revenge.

Their strong reaction told me the answer. Ignoring the swordsman's response, I swiftly launched an attack.

This bandit gang was powerful, with over half of the two hundred being advanced knights, more than a dozen radiant knights, one glory knight, and a twenty-man mage squad, including one archmage and four senior mages.

Such strength in a bandit gang was unusual, but it no longer mattered. When I decided to attack, I had already resolved not to leave any survivors.

I could tolerate battlefield cruelty because it's a fight for survival. I could accept bandits looting villages because they are bandits. I could even understand them killing villagers who resisted, as they posed a threat. But I would never show mercy to bandits who wantonly slaughtered the defenseless. Killers must be prepared to be killed themselves.

The bandits' formidable strength, enough to ravage most caravans and villages, was far from enough against me. When I attacked, their fate was sealed.

In my ghostly, elusive movements, my wooden sword continuously struck the vital points of the bandits. Whether armored knights or mages with magical shields, none could withstand my lethal blows. Each strike was fatal, and the fallen bodies showed no excessive bloodshed or gore, only silently collapsing upon impact.

Their magical and qi attacks only hit my afterimages, illusions created by my rapid movements.

When my wooden sword finally rested on the bandit leader's neck, all the other bandits had fallen, without exception, even those who tried to flee.

I coldly looked at the bandit leader and asked, "Any last words?"

Seeing his knights and mages fall one by one while his attacks proved futile, his spirit was nearly broken. He glared at me with hatred, screaming madly, "You demon! Our leader won't spare you, and neither will Carter! You'll die a horrible death!"

My lips curled in disdain. "Killers must be prepared to be killed. You should have known this when you slaughtered so many. I don't fear your leader or Carter. Since you have nothing else to say, you can go now."

With a swift motion, my qi-infused wooden sword sliced through his throat.

Looking at the ground littered with corpses, my killing intent finally subsided. This was my first time killing in this otherworld, and it involved over two hundred lives, but I felt no guilt.

Searching the glory knight's body, I found a spatial ring. Though it held only ten square meters of space, it contained nearly ten thousand gold coins and a fifty thousand gold magic crystal card. It seemed that looting from bandits was indeed a quick way to get rich.