

What started as a simple night-time robbery turned into an experience he'll never forget. Dezhong Prince, a cunning teenager,, spent the last day of an old year robbing a simple store with his friends until he took a detour that changed his life. While moving through, he's met with a beast that torments him throughout the whole night until he receives this: [Congratulations. You are the first to receive The Beast System.] Knowing he isn't the only one with the beast system, Dezhong must now grow stronger for when he encounters the others. However, he's also faced with another quest, [Discover the Shadow King.] Find out more in Awakened: The Beast System. Instagram: jt3art. Discord:https://discord.gg/fXdgzMrsmQ. -------------- Release rate: One chapter a day(bear with me, this isn't the only novel I have.) This is my first werewolf novel and it's got a lot of references to famous werewolf novels as well so, feel free to comment and let me know whether its good or not. Don't forget to comment, LEAVE A REVIEW, and vote with powerstones. Golden tickets are highly appreciated as well. Join the Discord server for sneak peeks, character images, and have a character of your own added to the novel. See you there.

joshua_jt3 · Khoa huyễn
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395 Chs


"They're this serious!!"


In front of Dezhong was a magnificent sight of what the school had done to the beautiful swamp in preparation for the school event taking place on Friday night. To make things scary for Dezhong, his brother was now involved in the entire issue, meaning that a good number of Neveah's beast soldiers were going to be involved in looking for the boy, including Zhao and Carla, the best Mechanized Division One soldiers in all of Neveah.


There was also the underlying fact that the students were also going to be involved in the Hunt. Even though they were going to hunt beasts, he feared that maybe, just maybe, he'd lose enough of his senses to go after them.


'Alright, Dezhong. Let's calm down and think things through.' He spoke to himself, hoping to ease the tension within himself. 'We can do this. If you start panicking, you'll make the wrong choices and decisions. Assessment One, how many targets are there?'