
Chapter 11

Enzo ordered a pie with onions, mushroom, sausage, and pepperoni. He asked the waitress to make sure the crust was crispy. “You like your pizza the way I do.” Gray sighed in seeming contentment. He smiled the smile that lit up his face.

* * * *

Jack and Carlo’s

Early evening

Jack and Carlo were primed when Enzo and Gray arrived. Bobby had already called Jack and given him the short version of Gray’s story. Jack was pissed and so was Carlo.

Enzo gushed, “There’s our girl. She’s getting chubby cheeks. Bella appears to be in good health besides being a gorgeous little girl.” He blew a raspberry on her tummy.

Jack preened in pride. “Bella’s doing well. Her pediatrician says she’s developing normally. She’s getting her immunizations so that’s one worry gone.”

Enzo passed the baby to Gray, and Gray took to her as naturally as breathing.

He counted fingers, did “This Little Piggy” on her tiny bare toes and was reluctant to let her go when Hannah came to feed her.