

--- Azruth Empire

A woman is seen enjoying the brew of tea from her maid in her residence, and her graceful movements show that she is a prominent aristocratic woman in the Empire.

Having the husband of an Emperor earned her respect as the Empress of the Empire. Even though she was already in her late fours, only a few wrinkled lines could be seen. He calmly enjoyed the brewing of tea even though he knew that a great calamity would come to hit the Khaaslonia continent.

"Nina, can you call my son," said the woman to her servant.

"Very well, Your Majesty."

Nina was a 22-year-old Servant, the same age as Emperor Blaise. She had no intention of having a partner. She was more confident in establishing herself to become Empress Dowager's loyal Servant, who was none other than the Imperial Empress Dowager.

Viona Elisha de Azruth, Empress Dowager of the Azruth Empire, has authority on par with Emperor Azruth. In the past, she was the only daughter of the Arch Duke, who Crown Prince Elry Kegouna de Azruth proposed to because of his genius in overcoming problems involving the sphere of the Nobles.

Viona's family, which from the start was a respected noble in the Empire, made a lot of attention to the Noble Man. After Crown Prince Elry got Viona, as a result, of course, Elry would be able to win Politics that continued to fight to seize who deserved to occupy the throne of Emperor Azruth.

Elry can occupy the Emperor's throne with the help of Viona as his consort, making Viona increasingly recognized as an ambitious woman who is doing everything.

After Viona became pregnant and gave birth to her son, Blaise Elkegouna de Azruth, Viona became the most popular female figure in the Azruth Empire.

Towards the age of Blaise as a teenager, the conflict of feuds engulfs the Empire again, making Viona and Elry intervene. But the conflict that ended in chaos made Viona lose the man she loved. Elry had to die to quell the chaos in the Imperial capital at that time.

Even though Viona lost her husband, within days, she and her supporters managed to suppress the chaos to a minimum. She eventually ruled the Empire as Emperor before dethroning the throne to her son Blaise.

Viona cleared out the Nobles during her reign who always went against her orders. Viona, who has four Elements and contracts with four Phoenix brothers, makes Viona nicknamed the Blood Lady. She does not hesitate to kill people who oppose her indiscriminately.

Even though Viona seems like a dictator from a noble's point of view, she is a woman who cares about the little people. This was proven when she once ordered a Marquess as an intermediary from Viona to assist the small people within the Count's territory. Still, the Count misappropriated the aid funds given by Viona. When Viona found out about it, she was very angry and immediately gave a severe punishment. Her weight to the Marquess.

"What did you call me?" asked Emperor Blaise, who had just arrived at the Imperatrix residence.

Nina pulled out a chair for Emperor Blaise. Blaise sat opposite Viona. Blaise looked into his mother's displeased eyes.

"Has anything been good lately?" Viona asked calmly.

Blaise frowned. "Is there something bad? why do you ask like that?" Blaise asked his mother again.

Viona took a sip of tea, but her eyes glanced sharply at Blaise. Viona put the teacup down roughly.

Blaise lowered his head, knowing that his mother was now angry. But he didn't know what made the Imperial Empress Dowager angry with him.

"What are you going to do with your wives?" Viona suppressed her anger and tried to calm down.

Blaise was still looking down. "I… Lili," Blaise said quietly, but Viona heard it.

"In a week, I want you to appoint Luna as Empress," said Viona, still calm.

"Mom, what about Yona?" said Blaise, looking at Viona.

Viona was very upset to see her son's behaviour. "You ask me what about Yona? I'll ask you what about Lili."

Blaise fell silent at his mother's words. "Luna is currently pregnant with an Imperial lineage, while Yona is not yet."

"And as for Lili, I think you can let go of her and her sister that you've been torturing."

"As a woman and a mother, I'm disappointed in you," said Viona standing up and leaving Blaise, who was silent.

Blaise was indeed unable to go against all that his mother said. His mother never asked the Emperor to follow his mother's wishes. That was why Blaise couldn't go against his mother's words.


Gabby's group was getting ready to leave for the Folly Kingdom Territory. As usual, Gabby just wanted to ride the Horse Carriage.

"Hey, why are you here?" scowled Shushu and looked at Baba.

"What's the wrong, Shushu? Miss asked us to be with her," Baba said, smiling.

Shushu turned to Gabby. Gabby, who was staring at Shushu, turned and smiled at Shushu. Gabby's smile made Shushu's heart melt, and her annoyance has now faded.

"You guys are like lovers fighting," said Scarla.

Shushu frowned. "Which woman would want to be his lover?" Shushu sneered as she folded her arms across her chest.

Despite being ridiculed by Shushu, Baba still gave Shushu a sweet smile. Shushu turned her gaze in any direction avoiding face to face with Baba.

"Shushu, I've heard Lili say Hate Really Loves."

"I think your attitude is exactly what Lili said," Scarla said.

Shushu immediately turned to Scarla and glared at her. Scarla just smirked and hid behind Gabby.

"Speaking of Lili, I feel there are two sides to her," said Shushu calmly.

"Ah yes, she said she had fused with the Hydra Dragon Emperor, didn't she, Miss?" said Scarla.

Gabie, who sat quietly with her eyes closed, nodded slowly.

"So she's the Dragon Emperor that Elf is looking for", Shushu muttered.

Shushu glanced at Baba, who had been silent and only showed a smile. Baba, who realized Shushu glanced at her, gave Shushu a big smile.

Shushu shuddered to see Baba smiling sweetly at her. 'I want to smack him in the head, luckily he's handsome', thought Shushu.