
Avatar, the spirit of knowledge

Born out of information itself, Solon explores the world in hopes to obtain more knowledge. Be aware that this is going to be a massive AU so don't expect any of your knowledge to be correct. This is the first Fanfic I am publishing, so any kind of constructive critisism is appreciated. I am not sure when I will be able to publish chapters for this Fanfic or even if I am going to finish it. Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the last airbender or its characters

Kalachri · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter 18: Uxie

[Solon POV]

I was sitting right there, in front of my dead friend. My mind blank of thoughts, all my attention to the events that took place the last hour. Hahn betrayed me, he killed Uxie a creature I considered a close friend and he tried to kill me too.

It was my fault. If I didn't trust humans and just used my power to obtain knowledge Uxie would be alive now.

I could try to bring him back.

That thought appeared in my mind. It was crazy, it went against what concept-level spirits represented, but it could work.

I recalled all the knowledge I had about time, life and death.

As I started making calculations in my mind I felt something touch my shoulder.

I turned around and found myself looking directly at a butterfly on top of a raven that was standing on a turtle's back. I knew who they were, Zoi, Thanatos and Chronos.

"You shouldn't do that, it goes against everything we stand for." said Chronos calmly

"I know, but it was my mistake tha-."

"It doesn't matter. What's done is done, get over it." Thanatos cut me off.

"Solon you must understand that we exist to keep the world intact. We can't just reverse time and bring people back from the dead just because we want to." Zoi commented from the side.

"I see..." I said as I looked at the dark sky filled with stars, my mind blank remembering my friend.

Zoi, after leaving Thanatos' head landed on my shoulder.

"We know that you valued that creature, but this the reality. You will outlive every single being you get attached to. That is the hard truth, one you have to accept. That is the reason we keep each other close, even we require someone to talk to in order to avoid boredom and sadness." she said.

[Third POV]

After hearing that Solon used his power to forcefully calm his emotions. He ignored the information he obtained and started thinking in speeds none of the concept-level spirits could imagine, looking for a way to bring his friend back.

"What if I make him into my herald?" asked Solon.

"Solon, I have already taught you that making a being your herald means way more than just a messenger." Chronos said in his always calm voice.

"I know, but once Uxie becomes my herald it will obtain an infinite lifespan. I ca-"

"Solon, you don't seem to understand what you are saying. Choosing a herald is not about finding a friend. He is supposed to help you maintain your concept, by finding those who try to abuse it." said Thanatos grimly.

"That's true for you, but not for me. I represent knowledge, no one can go against knowledge, even humans won't dare. They depend on it to obtain their desires. I don't need someone to safeguard infinite knowledge, I need someone to help me obtain more of it by going against the norm, to think outside the box and push me to become better." said Solon with anger in his voice.


Thanatos was about to once again reprimand Solon but Chronos cut him off.

"Are you sure about this Solon? I must inform you that once you make this creature your herald there is no going back."

"I am sure."

"Good, then do it." Chronos said with a small smile.

"Chronos you can't just allow him to do this. A herald's position is not something you give to someone to bring him back."

"Silence Thanatos, this decision belongs to Solon and only him. We can't and shouldn't stop him, he can make his own decisions and live with their results." said Chronos sternly.

"All of us have a herald, you have your reaper, Zoi has her angel and I have my Titan. He wants to have this creature." he continued.

Solon nodded in gratitude to Chronos.

He turned to his friend's body and startedd chanting in an incomprehensible language

"$̴̧̲̦͓̮͎̍̔͛͝@̸͉̻͓̯͚̰͔̉̔͘#̸̠͚͈̪̤̮̇͋*̵̻̳̬̩̮͉̩̠̥͎̯̯̞̰̓̽͊̈͒̅͂̊͌͐̂̓̕͜!̸͉͖͙̺̙̪̠͒̿̾̎͌̎͛̓͛̈́̒͑̽̕ ̶̧̡͓̭̝͔̹̯͐̒̈̔͊͋̏́̍̇͘͝%̶͓̣̙̗͓̪͛̍̋̊̾̈́ͅ(̵̨͇́̀̊͋͠͝Ư̷̥̮̘̺͒͆̈͆̌̑̀͒͠#̷̢̟̯̱̱̫͆͊$̴̨̘͔͎͖̫̤̣̮͖̃̽̎̄́͛̏̾̾̒͂̑͜͜͝͝Ţ̶̪̥̭̣̮̠͙̌͒͆́͂͌̒̎͆͘̕͠N̶̛̦̬̰̥̲̺͔͓̲̟̻̐̍̆̽̓̾̕͝ ̴̨̻̘̯̫̘̙̯̯̣̩͋D̴̡̧̝͖̱̳͙̪̺̱̬̞̂̊̔́̅͘̕R̵͓͉̠̠͑̒#̵̳͓̪̳̑@̶̧̤̝̼̪̆͑͛Ì̸͉̈́̒͂̃̂͂̒̒̕͝Y̴̘͇̫̰̻̥̼̬̼͓͍̅̊̃̊̉̊͜ ̵̧̛̣̰̻̥̮̗̫͉̹͖͙̪̉̀̉͛̀̆̓͛͑̄̚͜G̷̨̪̼͈͍̊͜Ĕ̸̢̧̧͔̤̫͍͚̼͙̻̥̆̕@̶̧̹̠̤̙̣̤̣̝̰̭͔̰̬̇̃̀ͅ%̵̨̢̛̛̗̪̜͖̜̩̳̰͙̝̙̥̉̍̂̋̎̏̄̾̈́̚͝ͅ ̷̢̢̻͎̬̻̫̻̝͎̙͈͎̹̟̈́̀͐͘(̸̛̦͖̤͖̻̤̪̯̜́̋̉̍̏̑̊̂̓̔̎͒͊͘!̸̛͎̲̻̖̪̼͓̦͓͓͎̗̫̐̿*̴̨̩̗̗͂̽̌̓̃̊͊̉̌̉̕#̵̈́̈́̓͊̐̂͂͑̏̅̚͜%̴̹͚̬̪̞̳̤̖̙͛̄̐̓͜͝ͅ-̷̖͒͊͌̇͋̐̈́̕#̸̛̟̲̯̪̔̑̔͗̅̋̍̓̊͗̌̋̅͘E̴̤͍̜̲̰̺̭͖̪͗̅̑̓̎͑̒̊̿ ̸̛̛̭͙̳̘́̌̏͂͊̆́͆̔̾̄̚͘ͅǗ̴̦̱̮̘̩͍̝̗̮͆͐̂̈͛͌̈́̄̔́́̚̕͠ẋ̴͍̘̭̰̅͑̎i̷̛̩̞̻͙̥̦̹̙͑̃̾ͅė̵͖͚̤̠̖̘̩͕̙̱̝̖͋̅̉̀ͅͅ"

After finishing his chant a large amount of energy left his body entering Uxie's body.

The body started to crack and heal slowly.

After 10 minutes the first dramatic changes took place as two gray tails each encrusted with a red gem grew out of it.

Blue fur started growing on it as a bone-like material started growing on the head creating the shape of a helmet.

Lastly, another red gem grew in the middle of it's forehead.

[Solon POV]

Uxie was diferent from what I expected but I knew that the creature floating in front of me is my friend. His eyes were closed, and the gem on his head was shining brightly as he got back his life.

"Now is the most important moment, you have to decide what are you going to share with your herald."

I took a deep breath, and started chanting once again.

"M̴̡̯̹̤̗̘̪̖̙̟̭̙̱̜͕̑̋̄̎̊̐̔̋̂̆͐̌͘i̵̢͇̖̺̹͖̱̠͔̞̽͝n̸̛̪̝͎̗̞̤̱̪͉̮̻̘̻̽̀̀͠ͅď̵̨̬͙̙̤͍̪̮͕̖̥͔͓̄̓̈́̽͋͗̃̈̎̅͝͠͠͠,̵̧̗͍̣̺͕̒̽̈̍̏̒̓̈́͆̒̈̎̑̚͝ ̴̢̺̝͉̻̥͛̀͋͠͝͝K̶̥̲̯̓̃̂͒̑̏͑͊͊̒͋̽͆͘n̸̡̥͎̤͕͒͂̾̑̿́̉ͅo̵̡̠̼̻͉̤͚̱̪̙̳̭͍͔͛̏̈̈͆w̷̡̲̰̟̳̫̪̳̺̩̼͎̫͌̀̀͋̈l̴͎̑̄̾̔̀̂̏̓̒͒̚͝ë̶̡̖͔̳̣̮̑́̎̏̉̌̕d̶͚̙̳̘̺͔̥͕͈̝͎̮̺͌g̵̨̡̦̻̟͙̮̖̳̎́̊̂̂͗̑̔̀̂͋̋̌̚e̶̝̩̋̈̉̑̆̍̍͘͝͠,̵͈̞̙́͛̉̈́́ ̵̧̢̛̛͚̭̳͉̖̙̰̮̾̓̍̉͐͂͗͒͗̆̕͝c̵̡͓̦̹̪̹͚̳̩̼̖͇̝̼̳̔̔o̶̢͔̹͖̳̣͓͎̮͍͉̱̣̮͑͑̂̈́̎͝͠ͅn̸̨̢̘̩͚͚̮̬̓͗̈́̋͆̊̿̅̇̈́̌́̑ͅc̷͚͇̝̠͍͛̅é̷͔p̷̧̢̧̢̡̮̘̲̗͚̮̥͙͛̓̿t̴͎̥̎̒̆̉̅͑̾́͌̌͛͠ś̸̡̜͕̟̺̬̥͎̣̘̗̅͋̓̾, p̴̜̤̲̖̲̩̦̟̪̠̩̜͌͌͐̈́̃o̴͖͋͐w̸͉͓̙̪̝͍̹͖͉̒̋̓̅̃́̏̓̕͝ȩ̶̮̼͚̖̗̠̝͊̊͝r̸̻̥̾̆͊̋̔̑̀̾̍͠͝͝͠"

I decided to share my knowledge and power with Uxie. From this moment all knowledge and concepts one of us understands the other will as well.

I gave him the power to use energy like me, however he doesn't have the energy to use it like me. He wil have to limit himself in weaker uses.

"I am done." I said as I tried to filter the immense amount of information I got throught my powers. It seems my mind can't handle trying to understand 3 concept-level spirits, the creation process, the world around and some new concepts at the same time.

"I hope you don't regret this decision." said Thanatos as he vanished.

After Thanatos left, Chronos and Zoi also left returning to the spirit realm.

The moment they left I also teleported away, but I was unable to handle the burden of the knowledge, going to sleep right after getting Uxie and myself to safety.

~~~~~{chapter end}~~~~~