
Avatar, the spirit of knowledge

Born out of information itself, Solon explores the world in hopes to obtain more knowledge. Be aware that this is going to be a massive AU so don't expect any of your knowledge to be correct. This is the first Fanfic I am publishing, so any kind of constructive critisism is appreciated. I am not sure when I will be able to publish chapters for this Fanfic or even if I am going to finish it. Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the last airbender or its characters

Kalachri · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 19: information realm & time skip

[Solon POV]

I opened my eyes slowly as I got used to the intense light that surrounded me.

I got up and looked around to try and understand where I am. I am sure I used my powers to teleport to the forest of time in order to rest my mind, but this is not the forest of time.

Where am I?

Just when I asked this question, my mind on it's own gave me the answer. Apparently this is my turf. The place where all knowledge in the world is being collected. It's the weirdest place i have ever been to. It consists of 1 single different dimension only I have access to, the information dimension, where the Akashic record is housed.

A dimension created from the sheer amount information the world has. It looks like a normal grass field, for beings that don't belong here that is. For me it looks like an infinite space filled to the brim with information that increase as time passes.

[Third POV]

After picking up Uxie from beside him, Solon started exploring this infinite amount of information by trying to understand it. It was compossed of mostly vain information, but when he looked enough he could find knowledge that was useful in every way he could imagine.

After an unidentified amount of time he came face-to-page with a book.

A simple, closed book.

Solon got closer to it at took it in his palm. It was the size of a human book weighting about half a kilogram with exactly 200 pages.

It's brown color still vibrant despite the large time the book seemed to have one through.

Once opened the book was filled with empty, white pages, yet despite that fact in Solon's perception the book held way more knowledge that the whole dimension put together.

'This must be the Akashic record, the book that records everything and anything no matter it's insignificance. This is my duty, to make sure that every piece of information pass to this book.' he thought as he started to use his power to record all information the dimension had, making sure that no knowledge gets lost.

After a while Uxie started moving, attracting Solon's attention, he continued to manage the knowledge but he turned to face him.

"Good morning Uxie, how are you feeling?"

Uxie turned to look at Solon but his eyes never opened nor did he make any sound. He just faced Solon calmly."

'These must be the changes Chronos told me about.' he thought.

Uxie's gem started shining as he floated in the air.

He flew towards Solon, landed on his shoulder and fell asleep. 

Solon smiled and once again started to take care of the Akashic record.

Time passed and Solon continued fulfilling his duty.

His mind was unable to handle such amount of information, but it adapted as time passed. Solon got better at handling his authority over knowledge and information as he had to use it to it's limit. He learnt how to use the Akashic record to get information from the world but he was unable to further his understanding throught it.

'Seems like I cannot abuse the record to become stronger.' He concluded after trying to use the record to obtain more information.

'Let's experiment and try to find a more efficient way to understand new things.' he thought as he split his mind, one part continuing to regulate the record while the other part using his power to obtain more knowledge.

'Interesting. My mind is slower than before but it keeps getting faster as time passes, it's adapting. Does that mean, that if it under immense stress it will evolve itself? Let's test it. Information.'

Solon used his powers to gain knowledge, however his general meaning of the word, lead to his mind getting stuffed with huge amounts of knowledge both useful and useless.

His mind unable to bear the strain it was put throught froze as Solon lost his ability to think, while he was adapting.

Slowly he managed to start thinking once again as he managed to bear all the information he got.

'Stop.' he thought, which stopped his mind from obtaining more knowledge.


'My. Mind. Is adapting. The experiment. Is a success. I should create. Something to help me. Train it.' He thought as he slowly returned to his previous state.

After looking through all the information he obtained he realised something extremely important.

'There is no information about things that the record doesn't have. Nothing about this dimension, the record itself or other concept-level spirits. Does that mean that all this time my power isn't about controlling the world but controlling the record? That would mean that I can change the past freely, since it belongs under my domain.'

After thinking about this for a while he came to a conclusion.

'No, the past belongs under Chronos, all actions that happened in the past belong under me. In order to change the past both I and Chronos would need to agree.'

'This is so complicated. I shouldn't think too much about it right now.' he thought as he once again used most of his mind to take care of the record.

[890 years later]

'Finally, I am done. How does Chronos manage to handle this, it's so tiring.' Solon thought as he looked at the empty surroundings.

'Now that Uxie left to obtain new knowledge, this place looks empty.' he thought as he looked around the dimension for any information he missed.

"I should propably go and meet Bumi, it's been at least 20 years since I visited him." he said to himself as he teleported outside the information dimension directly in the material world.

~~~~~{chapter end}~~~~~