
Avatar: Lion Turtles Champion

Four lion turtles spoke in his mind. In this turn of events the lion turtle couldn't pass on energy bending to aang. The Spirit Vaatu who was supposed to be the sealed away was free and Raava was sealed. Everything was strange and apparently the chaotic Vaatu was helping the avatar incarnations maintain balance.

ZeOwl · Tranh châm biếm
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111 Chs


-----Hate November so much, got me so distracted. Extended family is the worst!-----

For the party Azula had apparently gotten, in my eyes a very good looking robe. Azula however thought it was too plain, however surprisingly it was actually plated. Had built in armor and was very easy to move in. "This is a very good set of clothing."

"You look good in it too, are you ready?"

I turned around, "Oh, wow."

Azula smirked, "Thanks for the compliment."

It certainly was one Azula had an outfit that matched mine. Hers however wasn't armored, but it looked damn fine. "Yeah, I am ready. Is Toph and her mom ready?"

Azula gestured and waved it off. The sign of yeah they were, which meant A team had left already. Stepping out and getting on a carriage was in my opinion stupid as hell. Since we could've easily walked, but a carriage was prepared and served to us. So we played along, and joined the regular guests. Even as captain loser himself walked up to us.

"Welcome most esteemed guests of the Beifong family. I hear you brought some kind of trade deal? Sadly I must inform you that Ba Sing Se isn-"

"Godyour voice is so annoying. Look we didn't ask nor do we care, you aren't of any importance to talk to the ladies here. Two are the women of the Beifong family, so unless you wish to have a broken hand. At most you can run off to your boss and beg them to speak with the Beifong's High Merchant."

Long Feng tried to keep his emotions under control, but he was so bad at it. I didn't even need to look at the small details to know what he was thinking. He let out a small cough before smiling again. "I apologize, I understand you wish to likely talk to other guests. However my name is Long Feng I am the king's roy-"

Cutting him off again, "Look buster I don't give a shit who you are. You have a boss don't you? So frankly why should we care for the position of a man who not only lies to his king, but stabs him in the back. So as you said we wish to talk to more important and respectable people."

Long Feng stumbled back slightly as I took some steps forward. He really wasn't skilled in this whole liar thing, maybe a good manager, but... "I- You, I- uh, Fine very well. Enjoy the party while you are still in Ba Sing Se."

Toph gave me a thumbs up as Long Feng waddle off. Her mom however seemed a little worried. "Shouldn't you have at least tried to be nice? He didn't seem all to surprised I'm here. Isn't he-"

Azula interrupted this time. "Orin did it fine, That Long Feng person could barely control himself. He was clenching his fists and was struggling to decide whether he should attack Orin." She sighed then smirked, "You just love pushing people's buttons."

"Oh most definitely!"

Azula made a scan of the room and pointed. "Let's split up, I'll take Orin and we will go see if we can make our way over to the king. Toph you and your Mom can I don't really care."

Poppy raised and eyebrow, "You should learn some courtesy, young lady."

Azula stared at Poppy and I just grabbed her hand and led Azula away. Azula intertwined her fingers with mine, "I've never been to a party before, Well no I guess I have. It was just Generals and Old men though. What do we do first?"

I had already planned a bit of this out, "Well normally you talk to people we know, if its nobles they tend to try and one up each other. Bit cliche, but then usually you hang around either on a bench or eating and drinking food. Until finally either the main event starts a dance between couples and or some kind of speech happens followed by dancing. Truthfully however I wouldn't call this a party, just a social banquet."

"But it is a literal birthday party for a pet bear."

"True, though i have to wonder how is there just totally normal bear?"

Azula's eyes lit up, "Right? How does that happen? Freak of nature is what it is."

I blinked, that was something to unpack, but whatever. For now me and Azula just strayed along watching everybody. She nudged my hand 7 times, the sign of how many Dai lee agents there were. I counted the same and I gave her my reply. We also had Long Feng watching us, he was stood at the upper right of the ballroom.

Was this a ball room? "Hey would you consider this a Ballroom since there is no throne?"

Azula shrugged, "Never been to the crystal cathedral in Makshin so I have no idea what a ballroom looks like. Mai and Zuko have been there, but... Ha, it didn't turn out great I didn't even need to do anything for that trainwreck."

I nodded along, "A place called the crystal cathedral sounds cool. Though I bet it is just disappointing."

Azula shrugged, and grabbed two drinks from a platter a servant was holding. I took one and took a sip, "Do you think we should talk to someone?"

Azula nudged me, "looks like someone is coming over to do just that."

I looked over at what Azula meant and exactly that trio of women came over. "Wow! Look at you two. Are you a couple?"

"Ha, don't mind Sara. She's a little drunk... My name is Lin and this is Yusha. You are?"

The girl phrased the question like she meant both of us, but it was aimed at me. Azula however couldn't have responded better. "My name is Azula, and before you ask. I'm not into.... How would you describe these three Orin?"

I held back a chuckle, and responded, "Desperate, paid, possible prostitutes. After all whats a birthday party withou strippers and black jack."

The three women were left quiet and Azula laughed as she wandered away with me in tow. "You know I thought you would have flirted with at least one of them."

"I have standards, besides they have heavy make up. Out of the girls I like only one uses make up and let's be honest. Can we really call Mai's eyeliner make up."

"Ha, Low blows. Imma tell her you said that."

I had used the relationship function of my system thingy in a while. However I really didn't need to use it to know Azula was as happy as can be. She leaned in close, "If there is a dance do you want to have one with me? We can use it as a method to get close to the king. he's entering now."

Indeed he was, along with his bear. He raised a glass in the air and begun a speech. It was mundane and about how he was glad his pet had so many visitors. I wasn't really paying attention, I focused in on Toph actually. It looked like someone spilled wine all over her. The person in question was running out of the room.

All the Dai Lee agents however made their way toward her. Azula noticed too and we slowly walked forward. "You want to talk to the king or do you want me to?"

She shrugged, "Coin flip for who distracts Advisor ugly over there?"

I lost the coin flip, looking at Azula's smug expression I knew she would take the easier job. Truthfully however I didn't want to explain shit to yet another person. It was getting old. I let go of Azula's hand. "Too bad, no dance."

"Too bad indeed, I was hoping to step on your feet."

I rolled my eyes as raised my glass and just threw it at Long Feng. To my surprise he caught it, He glared at me and I smiled. Before he opened his mouth I stopped him. According to the system i wasn't technically blood bending. I guess you had to puppet a person around for it to be blood bending.

Right now however I held his mouth shut and and he was panicking a little. I grabbed his shoulder and pressed down. Trapping his feet with the ground. The earth shifted into his clothes, and soon not a single person could tell what was happening.

Standing next to him I spoke, "You know I had a debate on whether or not I should kill you. You see I thought about and I realized I was pretty sure if I kill you. I would have to then kill Hou Ting and whoever really interferes. Except lucky you, I need a test subject."

He gritted his teeth and tried to speak. However it was just a bunch of mumbles. So I began energy bending, with the sole purpose of learning. This likely wasn't the time or place, but... Would there ever be?