
Avatar: King of Heaven

After the genocide of the airbenders, the rest of the world believed that only the Avatar, who was lost, was the last missing airbender, but what if this is not true, and that the truth is that there is a clan of hidden airbenders in the world derived from a disowned former bender. In 84 AG, a child will be born into this surviving clan with prodigious air control, who will be trained for one simple purpose, to destroy the Fire Nation and end the war. With a great weight on his back, he will either accomplish his task or fail, taking with him all the hard work his people have accomplished thus far. .......... No Harem, No Reincarnation. No Transmigration My first language is not English, sorry for the bad spelling. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, only my OC ........ IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME, AND READ 6 CHAPS AHEAD OF WEBNOVEL, AND OTHER TWO NEW FICS , THIS IS MY PATREON patreon.com/TioIroh99

Tio_Iroh99 · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Last Airbender




Council of Elders, The Northern Air Temple, Taihua Mountains, 10 BG

"The grand council of elders of the Northern temple is now in session, the honorable Head Abbot, Gyamin, presiding."

A monk in his 30's said as he introduced the grand council of elders. Suddenly all the acolytes and master presenters of all ages stood up as a group of three monks, all older looking and big bearded entered the hall.

In the center sat Head Abbot Gyamin, who like his other two companions, had a rather elderly appearance, full of wrinkles, and a large white beard indicating his high age, being a wind master he had his characteristic arrows on his forehead, as well as on his four limbs (arms and legs), and although he looked frail, due to his high age, his eyes still denoted spirit and vigor, as well as great wisdom, clearly this master was not to be underestimated

"Brothers, it is always my pleasure, as well as that of my elderly brothers, to see you all gathered here.  However, unfortunately today, the circumstances of our meeting turn such pleasure into sincere sadness, and great guilt. It is never easy for me to have to be responsible for judging one of our dear brothers, however, it must be done.... Please, Master Aeolus, step forward to the stand."

At that a young man, no older than 17 years old, rose from his place and walked to the dais. The young man had the characteristic arrows that indicated his status as airbender, also wore his traditional orange and yellow robe, and although, for his friends and classmates who knew him, they knew he had a playful and fun character, at this time his gray eyes only indicated seriousness and solemnity, plus great temper for his age, worthy of which was recognized as one of the youngest and most powerful benders in the history of the air nation.

In reality, Aeolus was a genius without equal, he had a great affinity for his element since childhood, in addition, he was born with the ability that, thanks to his amazing memory and body skills, he could perfectly replicate the most basic airbender movements with only a short training time, he even modified those movements to make them more efficient and easier for his acolyte brothers. Needless to say, when he learned the more advanced moves, although with more difficulty, he was able to learn and improve them in the same way, even inventing several of his own style. However, these were combat moves, and the elders had forbidden him to use them as they were quite lethal and dangerous.

When he stood on the dais, Monk Gyamin continued.

"Aeolus, for crimes committed a week ago this month, how do you plead?"

"not guilty your excellency" Aeolus replied quite confidently, at this most of the teachers and acolytes gasped. They had all heard of his crimes and knew it was impossible for him to be innocent.

"so, do you deny that you brutally killed 12 men of the fire nation, of which 4 were masters, with advanced airbending techniques?"

"That's right, your excellency, I consider myself innocent to such an accusation."

"Mmm...explain yourself Master Aeolus, that the evidence gathered says the opposite."

"of course yes your excellency, I plead not guilty of having killed 12 men, because what I killed that day, in my eyes they were not men.... They were animals"

Aeolus closed his eyes remembering that brutal day. Being an air nomad, he had to go on missionary missions to the farthest villages of the other kingdoms. The northern air temple is quite close to the northern and central region of the Earth kingdom, so as every month he liked to go to the small villages and tell stories, spend time with children, young people, teach about spirituality, and why not, eat something tasty on the way.

However, that day in question he witnessed something that would scar him for life. He watched as 12 soldiers... NO, 12 animals destroyed, tore apart, and murdered every man and child in the village, the women fared even worse, as the animals were raping them before they were killed. He did not even think about the consequences of his actions, but acted on instinct. When he had finished the 12 soldiers were lying on the ground, their limbs strewn all over the place.

At Aeolus' harsh words, the whole court exploded, many teachers could not believe such a statement, also the council had perplexed faces, there were many shouts in the audience asking for his condemnation

"He is guilty"

"You can't let him go free"

"Let him go to the dungeons".

"SILENCE!" the loud voice of Gyamin cut through the shouts of the crowd. "Master Aeolus, though I find it hard to believe your words, I can understand the reason for your... opinions. The war has continued in the world, and although we show a neutral stance towards such a situation, sometimes it is hard for us to ignore the atrocities that these conflicts bring" Gyamin gave a long sigh

"however, our rules dictate that one MUST not, unless in self-defense, use our techniques to take a human life. Many are unaware, due to our pacifist nature, that our elemental techniques are some of the most dangerous in the world, in the hands of a great master such as the young prodigy Aeolus. Techniques that can generate a lot of death and destruction. That is why the council established rules. Our mission as nomads is to bring teachings about spirituality to the rest of the world... my brothers, we are not soldiers, and much less, we ARE not assassins" with another big sigh, Gyamin looked at his elder brothers, both nodded their heads indicating that they would let the old monk be responsible for the punishment. Gyamin sighed heavily again.

"it is my great regret to say this, but Master Aeolus, as of today you are exiled as an air nomad and your title of master is revoked. You have until the next morning to leave the temple, you may take your personal belongings, but your robes, tools, scrolls and your bison companion will remain in this temple."

"...I accept my punishment your excellency."

"In the evening I will wait for you at Yao Lake, I myself will help you in the process of revoking the tattoos" at this again all the people sighed.

It has to be said that, becoming a master and earning your tattoos does not entail a simple ink stain on the body. On the contrary, there is a lot of spirituality involved in the process. It is said that the tattoos are not attached to your skin, but to your spirit, and that an airbender, when he leaves this earthly plane and ascends to the spiritual world will continue to retain such tattoos (AN: this can be seen when Aang sees the spirits of the other avatars and the air nomads have their arrows).

Removing such tattoos is not a pleasant process at all, they can only be removed with the help of spirit water such as that of Lake Yao. Such water works by removing the residual ink not only on your skin, but in your spirit, but such process ends up leaving on the person strong burn marks, indicating the dishonor of such former master.

"I understand master, but may I say something before the council?"

"of course Aeolus, speak" Gyamin conceded.

"I accept the blame for my actions, and while I do not regret killing those soldiers… I know that I have committed a fault before the sacred laws that govern our system and our beliefs. However, I want to bring a concern and warning before all of you who are gathered here."

"What kind of warning Aeolus?"

"Before killing the last firebender, he said to me as his last words, something that if true is quite disturbing. What he told me was, that the days of the air nomads are numbered. I don't know if his words were vague delusional sentences of a dying man, but if they are true... then I think we need to leave neutrality and start helping in the labors of war."

At this the entire council, acolytes and teachers exploded again, certainly these words were a matter of concern. At this, the elder on the left of the council named Riat, spoke up.

"it is impossible, they have a treaty with us indicating neutrality, besides they also do not have the means to reach our temples, only with bison you can get here, and they do not have bison."

"I only comment on what I heard Your Excellency, besides technology has increased more and more, you can even see how every time techniques are refined to work minerals and metal in the earth and fire kingdom, besides it is rumored that the nation of fire is working with a new material called glass, it is not impossible to think that they can build something to reach us, besides, treaties can always be broken"

At this the acolytes and masters murmured among themselves, some in agreement at such logic and others in disbelief and mockery, clearly they did not believe what Aeolus was saying.

"if you were right, and I say a big IF, what would they want from us, we have nothing to give them".

"if my guess is correct, and I hope I'm not... I feel they are looking for the avatar."

"the avatar was born in the southern air temple, not here."

"but they don't know..."

At this chaos formed again, what if it was true, the society of the air was in danger then

"SILENCE!" shouted Gyamin again, "the concerns you have Aeolus are valid, and your words will be conveyed before the great council at our next meeting... if there are no more, I adjourn this session, Aeolus I will wait for you in the evening at Yao Lake" at this the three council members got up and left.

Each person slowly left the room to continue with their tasks or training. Some with many thoughts in their heads derived from these last sentences.


The next morning you could see a young man with gray eyes, with arrow-shaped scars on his forehead and on his upper and lower limbs. He wore a simple white tunic, a wooden necklace and a bag containing his few belongings, a diary, bag with vegetables, and a few coins to survive a couple of months traveling.

"Brother Aeolus, let me take you to the earth realm" a voice interrupted Aeolus, this was a 15 year old acolyte named Yuming, although if all went well next year he could become a teacher.

"Yuming you don't have to bother."

"I insist Aeolus, besides you can't leave with Thor, if he leaves with you he will never return to the stables, he will follow you wherever you go, and that is something the council forbade"

Remembering that he was going to leave his faithful bison companion named Thor, Aeolus was saddened, when you form a bond with a bison that bond lasts a lifetime. He hoped that the bison would live a quiet life and that he would not miss him so much, although that was almost impossible.

"Then I will bother you, brother Yuming."

"then where do you want me to drop you off, brother Aeolus?"

"drop me off as close to Ba Sing Se as possible, there I can seek shelter more easily."

"Ba Sing Se it will be brother"


After brief journey by flying bison, Yuming and Aeolus arrived at the northern forest near the border of Ba Sing Se, they could not fly to the city because they had no permits, and although the airbenders had treaties with the other kingdoms, Ba Sing Se being the capital was highly guarded and official permits were needed to enter as an air nomad.

"Here we are brother, if you walk a little less than a kilometer, you will find yourself at the gate of Ba Sing Se."

"Thank you Yuming, I know you work in the bison stables, I entrust you with Thor, he is a loyal mount, if he has problems or anything give him some oatmeal cookies, they are his favorite and he always calms down with that."

"I'll take care of him brother Aeolus, don't worry... hey, is it true what you said, about the firebenders attack?"

"fuuu.... Unfortunately it's true, I just hope I'm wrong, but hey the council is wise, they will do the right thing by you".

"you are right brother, we must trust our wise leaders, take care brother Aeolus, and know that in me you will always have a friend".

"thank you Yaming, and good luck with your exam, I hope you will soon become a master".

With a brief embrace, they both said goodbye and Yaming flew back to the temple on his mount. Though Aeolus's words brought him concern, he was only an acolyte in training, he decided to trust that time would sort everything out


Aeolus continued walking, heading for the great wall of Ba Sing Se, but a scream brought him out of his reverie.

"Aaagh heeeeelp"

Eolo ran towards the scream and there he could see something that made his blood boil. A young lady was being assaulted by 3 bandits, on the floor there were a couple of men lying in a pool of blood, they were probably the woman's guards

"Take everything away, but leave me alone" begged the woman. She had long black hair, and was wearing quite elegant white and green robes that made her look quite elegant and beautiful, her ornaments were made of silver, clearly the woman was a noblewoman, if Aeolus could guess she was her age or a couple of years older at most.

"we'll do it cutie, but first we'll have fun with you, it's been a long time since we've tasted the pleasure of flesh and you look quite appetizing" the bandit licked his lips lasciviously, as he prepared to pull down his pants, Eolo acted.

He quickly generated a blast that sent the bandit flying several meters away, the attack was so sudden and powerful that the fall had left him unconscious.

The other two reacted and drew their swords, but Eolo did not give them time to breathe.

He moved towards the nearest attacker and moved with unprecedented agility, the attacker cut with his swords, but Eolo dodged him easily, then with a high kick right in the wrist made the bandit drop his sword. Finally Eolo finished him off with a foot sweep, which made him stumble and as he was falling, Eolo generated an equally powerful blast that sent him crashing into a tree and fainting.

The last attacker decided to run away, but Eolo got up with two powerful blasts on his feet and with a side kick hit the man's head so hard that he knocked him unconscious.

Aeolus debated what to do with the bandits, although he had killed before, he was not a killer, he still had his ways well marked and it weighed on him to take a life.

"that was pretty cool, what was it, airbending, are you an airbender?" aeolus's thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the woman who was rising up

"I... I'm not a master anymore, I'm a renegade."

"that's why you don't have your arrows anymore... that's why the scars?"

"that's right, aren't they scary?"

"no, I think they look pretty cool... emm sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm... CAREFUL"

The first bandit that had been sent flying approached stealthily while they were having the conversation, and with his sword he decided to attack Eolo from behind, his face denoted rage, he wanted revenge for his humiliation.

However, Eolo was not a prodigy for nothing, in less than a second he reacted and with a quick movement he generated a small raffle that deflected the sword, and with his left hand he generated a slash of wind that cut the man's neck... less than five seconds and the bandit was dead.

"sorry you saw that, I... you'll think I'm a murderer."

However, Aeolus felt how the girl took his hands.

"you are not a murderer, you are my hero, sorry that brute interrupted me. My name is Eliza, Eliza Beifong."

"I'm Aeolus."

"Aeolus, I know it may sound rushed, but, my escort was killed by the bandits and I need to get to Gaoling, I want to hire you as my bodyguard, I will pay you handsomely for your services when we arrive. I don't want to brag, but my family is one of the noble and prominent families of the earth kingdom."

Aeolus didn't know what to do, he just wanted to get to Ba Sing Se and take a job in a restaurant or an inn and live his life quietly in exile, clearly he never expected to become a bodyguard for a wealthy noblewoman.

'maybe this is for the best' maybe she could help him have a new life, start from scratch.

"I accept Eliza, I will be your escort to Gaoling" said Aeolus with a smile.

"yeii, perfect!" Eliza exclaimed, "you'll love Gaoling, when we get there I'll take you to dinner at my favorite restaurant, they make tofu that will make you drool!"

"hahaha okay, but we have to go, it's a couple of days of travel."

"right right, let's go"


Beifong Village, Gaoling, Earth Kingdom, 0 AG, a couple of weeks after the airbender massacre. 

In a rather spacious and traditional room, a young man could be seen kneeling on a tatami mat. Said young man had short brown hair, however, this hair did not obscure the slight arrow-shaped scar on his forehead. His arms and legs were covered with bandages. This was Aeolus, after 10 years, and in gratitude for Eliza's rescue and protection, Eliza's father, the head of the Beifong family, had given him a job as the head of security for the Beifong family, and his daughter's personal bodyguard.

Although the other members of the security were earthbenders, Aeolus quickly earned his position when he defeated them all in combat, although they had different element, Aeolus' mastery was remarkable, besides Aeolus was quite flexible and adapted to the culture of the earthbenders, learning their moves, which although they were not compatible with his airbender, most of them helped in his defense, which he adapted to his style becoming even more formidable and dangerous.

In addition, he gratefully helped the other members of the security team by teaching some of his own martial arts moves. Needless to say, with Aeolus' teaching and guidance, the Beifong security group became one of the most elite in the entire Earth realm.

However, Aeolus at this moment was kneeling crying, his eyes looked like a river, and his heart felt a hole, he couldn't describe the feeling of sadness he felt. Why was he crying? The news was coming, the firebenders had built machines to attack the air nomads. A coordinated attack and all the monks (acolytes and teachers) had been massacred, the airbenders were gone….

A woman came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him in an embrace.

"My love, I'm so sorry," said Eliza sadly.

Needless to say, thanks to her work as his personal bodyguard they slowly fell in love and, with his father's blessing, were married in a ceremony. Aeolus now had a registered surname. It was now, Aeolus Yamaka, a subsidiary surname to the Beifong clan.

"I warned them Eliza, I told them they would attack...I should have been there, I should have helped!"

"No, don't blame yourself Aeolus, like you said you warned them, it was their fault for their failure to act, you don't owe them anything anymore."

"But I...I belong to them."

"No love, you no longer belong to them, you belong to me, to us" the last part she said while directing Aeolus's hand to her stomach. Eolo opened his eyes wide at such a realization

"....is this real?"

"aren't you happy, I thought that..."

But Eolo didn't let her continue when he wrapped her in his arms and held her tightly which made Eliza laugh.

"I am happy, I am very happy, we will have a baby, clearly I am the happiest one" said Eolo while he kissed strongly his wife's lips, now he had small tears, but now because of the happiness he felt.

He would have a child, he would now have a family, he was no longer alone....

With a serious look he left his wife and quickly went to his desk, there he took ink and paper and started to draw, his hands were fast but firm and he had a lot of concentration on his face. Eliza was surprised by such a change

"What are you doing love?"

"writing all the basic and advanced techniques I know of airbending, this way I will leave my son and his descendants everything they need to learn their element."

"but what if our son can't bend..."

"we will love him just the same love, but I can't help but warn if there is a possibility that there will be a descendant in the future that will be born having the ability of air control, at this time, I am the only airbender left...

What Aeolus did not know is that, deep in the southern sea, a 14-year-old monk boy and his bison were enveloped in a ball of wind energy. The boy was in a trance, waiting. He was the avatar, and his time, though unknown would come, when the world needed him most...he would awaken.


Author's Note: 

Guys, this is the first episode of Avatar: King of Heaven. I always wondered, what would have happened if the monks were warned about the fire nation attack, would it have changed anything?

Well, this story, as well as HP: Son of Voldemort, is a story that I will be writing as I go along, I have the general idea and I'm already thinking of obvious possible endings, but my patrons will have a lot of decision about the story.

This story will have as main character a descendant of Aeolus, who will be born near the canon. The Yamaka clan will be, so to speak, the clan with the last descendants of airbenders, more about it will be told later with flashbacks and so on. This story will be: No reincarnation, no system, no golden finger, just someone quite talented in airbending.

In ATLA they only give a glimpse of how dangerous airbending is, with Aang in his avatar state, but unfortunately it wasn't until the Legend of Korra that we saw how lethal and dangerous this element was with Zaheer, using oxygenbending or generating huge wind tornadoes.

In Patreon, I will post polls for you to vote on who will be the love interest, how dark you want the story to be (not too dark, since after all Avatar is a children's series, and even though everything takes place in a war, that cruelty can't be seen as much) etc.

But first the first question, will be:

What do you want the MC to be called? (if no one comments, I'll call him Ryujin hahaha)

I would prefer, something like Ryujin, I don't know I like the name, but you decide, preferably something related to wind, storms or so. Aeolus is the Greek god of wind and I saw it well, so... Comment.