

Inside the ship, Iroh, Zuko and Azula are currently sitting inside the quarters of zuko. Before Azula could speak, Zuko asked her a question. "How come you're here?" He said. "Haha Zuzu, I'm gonna get there. For now, let me tell you what I've been doing for the past 7 years." Azula said earning a nod from. The two men. "Anyways, you both know I can change my appearance right?" The two men nodded again in which she continued. "Well the truth is I can absorb living and non living things to me and change into them. The person I changed Into was some assassin who was sent in my courtyard to kill me and possibly you too Zuzu." The two men's eyes went wide eyed at the news and the specifics of her ability to change.

Azula seeing this co to yes on with her lies while mixing the truth. "That was the first time I found out about my ability. When the man stabbed me, I was awaken, but instead of feeling pain, my body started absorbing the dagger and then the hands of the man. After a while, the assassin was entirely absorbed by me. I was shocked and scared. I was only a small kid when it happened. The next day, I observed people around me if they could do what I do. However, at the training grounds while you were sparring with one of your fellow trainees, I saw you get cut and bleed. Father was also bled when sparring with uncle. I didn't. I clearly remember when being stab and waking up, no blood came out. So I tried to stab myself again and confirmed my suspicions. No bleeding. That time I knew I'm the only one who has this ability, so I didn't tell anyone even you Zuzu."

The two men was again surprised by this. "I'm sorry Lala. I wish I knew and I wish I went with you after what father did to you." (Lala is how zuko calls Azula. I made it up I think. I dont Know if he really does in the show.) said zuko. "It's alright Zuzu. Also, don't call the piece of sh!t as a father." Azula replied faking anger on her face. She's not really angry at him. 'I will get to him soon and I will make sure that he'll regret making a move against me hehe.' She inwardly smiled and laughed.

When the two men heard Azula say that about Ozai, they were flabbergasted. They didn't know how to feel about hearing someone with a beautiful angelic face who looks like it could not even hurt a fly, use language you will only hear from barbarians and savages. Although they did understand where she was coming from and they could clearly see the anger that has built up over the years on her face.

"Back to my question. How are you here Azula?" Questioned zuko. "Well when I got out off the palace, I arrived at the marketplace and saw an alley way. I had no idea where I was since I never really went out much and then I heard some bird chirping nearby and saw some on one of the roof. I killed it and absorbed it and then tried to transform into that bird and after awhile I was able to. After that I instinctively know how to fly like it was apart of me, probably a perk of my ability." She recounted the events about the old lady except the part of being able to bend other elements and many other things.

"After a few days of staying in that place, I went to the port since I had a map already and boarded one of the ships sailing to the earth kingdom. I got inside and stayed in my room most of the time. One day I decided to go outside since I was so bored and saw some fire benders doing a fire bending games. I got excited to see it since it's been a while since I saw it. I sat down in the crowd and then the firebenders started passing fire towards each other. However, one of them miscalculated the speed of his bending and sent the flames towards the other faster than they could redirect. Instead, the receiver in panic dodge the flames and it just so happened the flames were heading towards my direction. In my panic, I lost my disguise and reverted back to my original look and all the firebenders saw me changing."

"I dove straight to the water and tried to swim. I was panicking but still kept swimming. After I saw some of the firebenders riding a boat and following after me so I dove deeper and some some fish swimming and tried to absorb one of them. I changed and dove deeper and deeper until I saw an iceberg with a person inside." Azula told her brother and uncle to that part and then was hit by a dilemma. She didn't know how to tell them about the avatar. After a few minutes of pondering and being stared at, she decided to do so.

"I went inside the glowing iceberg and saw the avatar on his avatar state." She told them everything and the two men almost died of heart attack. "You're telling me you're the Avatar now?!" Yelled both Iroh and Zuko in unison, which surprised both of them and looked at each other before looking back to Azula. "Yes. I can enter the avatar state and control other elements. Although I only know about how to control water as of right now. Also, I lied to the water tribe about some stuff I told you so please just don't answer their questions about me. Tell them to ask me myself so that no inconsistency and loop holes to my story happen."

(pretty sure a lot of loop holes and inconsistencies are already present. Feel free to harshly criticize. No f*cks were given by me)

Azula looked at both of them and saw they're pondering and confused faces. It was quite funny seeing the different expression that they're making. "Anyways I want to go to the north water tribe and you guys made the perfect appearance since now I have a way to go there. I hope you'll go with me. I really miss you both." Azula said with her killer smile that both men couldn't refuse."alright we'll go with you. Just tell us when you want to go and we'll set sail." Said Iroh to Azula while nodding to Zuko.

After catching up for a bit, Azula gave them another bomb that almost set the two men's body's mind into oblivion. "Uncle, Zuzu, I can actually share my ability with you. Not to the point where you can do what I do, but you guys will have stronger body, faster reaction, quicker thoughts and perception, higher body regeneration, which includes stamina, blood, etc... in short you'll gain a big boost to your physical strength and stamina. The downside though is you'll have a higher need in food, and less resting time depending on how active is your body and it's reaction to my ability."

When the two men heard this, they decided to talk with each other for a bit and ended up agreeing. Iroh thought that with this, he'll be able fight without worrying about his stamina and health too much. Even though he's still on his mid 30's, the toll of his son dying took too much from him which caused his physical health to drastically plummet down. Zuko on the other hand thought that with this ability of his sister, he'll be able to change his fate and reclaim his birth right after challenging his father. What the both of them didn't know is that Azula withheld more cons than pros of the abilities she'll be giving them.

Another 1k and more words of BS. Enjoy

Jam28creators' thoughts