
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs

Ring of Mandla

Kwanda had been in his room, the weekend sun shining in nothing but good vibes. While meditating Kwanda was humming a turning he remembered watching on ytube, of the jazz musician Moses Molelekwa.

He was fully engrossed on how the individual keys he played on the piano were pronounced but at the same time melted together to form a delightful tune, it was much easier for Kwanda to move the mana in his body while the song played in his head.

Kwanda felt all his mana synchronization, his entire body had only one mana, the Shape shifter had perfectly conformed to his mana no longer causing disruption to his neural network. The poor glow worms residual mana had also been absorbed into the Kwandas' pool its final gift now a part of Kwanda on a molecular level. His body glowed brightly as he had reached the first level of being a mage.

The ring on his finger started to buzz, a beep. The seven color dragon coming alive, the endinium melting away reforming itself as a thin black band, in the middle now had seven scales that wrapped around it each scale a different color.

While this was happening Kwandas' mind got flooded by memories that did not belong to him. A bloody and bitter battle was taking place between two opposing forces of the same army. Most wore the same armoured suits and weapons, the way they shined Kwanda was remind of relic armour that glowed when worn.

These soldiers dying in there hundreds ever moment. Every where one looked death was present, from the sky that had started to rain blood, guts, weapons, armors and pets. Thousand of soldiers were riding all kinds of beast in the sky engaged in battle with one of the Legendary beasts, Aido the last of the first beasts.

Kwanda as a passive observer to all these thoughts that were rushed into his memory. After what seemed like a month, the battle ended with one man standing victories holding the spear of The Father, Dyson. it's true name was lost. The distinctive shaft made out of imposmoduis element clear as the sky is blue, the tip a perfection of sharpness styled in the fashion of the Impi.

he guessed correctly that this must be a battle from the first era. After the battle the man picked up the enemy General, a women with tears in his eyes. he cried until the Sol Star burnt out, it's unmistakable hue vanishing from the sky forever.

Kwanda tried to get a better look at her as she looked so much like the mother even holding her crooked blade. Kwanda was taken to the next scene, the man had placed her body in a crypt that had took the man a thousand years to build. He used only the best materials. The central plaza an epitaph to her life stood, alongside statues of the sisters,and the brother. Kwanda could not read the language it was written in.

The man then summoned Aido, killing it with a word and using its body to forge a small black band that look exactly like the ring on his finger. The man handed the ring to the man who memories Kwanda had just received. The creator of the ring then bid the farewell.

The man who accepted the ring said "farewell master [with a tear in his eye] I'm sorry father...I meant bye Mandla..."