
The Dream

As the darkness washed over her like a wave, she found herself back in the ceremony circle. Her body felt light like she was filled with nothing but air. Turning around to take in her surroundings. It was just like she saw last night but this time she was all alone. There was no priestess in the clearing, how odd. Looking down her dress was still white not a spec of dirt on it. 'I thought I fell?' As she turned her hips to see if there was dirt on the back side of the dress. Nothing it was as clean as when she first put it on.

'This is my realm' a voice came from in-front of her, as she turned to look where the voice came from there was no one there. Turning in a complete circle Shandra could not see anyone. 'Do not worry my child.' The voice said with a sweet, soothing, calming tone. With this voice talking to her she was calmed quickly.

Shandra closed her eyes and took a deep breath and reopened her eyes, standing right in front of her was a beautiful woman. Her silver waist length hair matched her silver eyes. Which was a stark contrast to her skin. Shandra wanted to touch her skin she has never seen skin so dark and so beautiful. The gown the woman was wearing was just like her's.

With a smile the woman held her hand for Shandra to take. She was a bit scared but something about this bark beauty's smile put all her worries to rest. 'It is ok my child, you do not need to be scared. I am here to answer any questions you have.' 'First off what can I call you? Why do I feel like I know you?' The woman chuckled then answered 'Oh Shandra, I have known you since the moment you were born under my new moon. You have been destined to be one of my chosen few. Your path will not be easy but I know you, you will change this land for good.' Shandra stood there with her hand in this woman's hand. Then it hit her, 'You said my new moon? Are you the moon goddess?' With that said she fell to her knees. 'Ha ha ha. You may call me Luna.' Luna said as she reached down to lift Shandra's face so their eyes met.

All of history was in Luna's eyes, the pease, the war, the love. It was all there. Tears threaten to fall from Shandra's eyes. The one being she has devoted her life was right infront of her. As a tear fell from her eye, she looked and took a shaky breath she asked 'Why....why did....what did I do?' Tears were streaking down her face now, 'why am I a dark priestess?' After the words fell from her lips her head bowed down once again.

Tears hit the ground. That was the only sound was Shandra's sobs. 'Am I evil, is that why?' That statement came out in just a whisper. She was not sure she wanted to know the answer.

'Do you think the opposite of light is evil. No my child. True balance of light is darkness, not evil. Just like the priestesses you have lived with celebrates the full moon. My bark side must also be celebrated. It is all about balance.' As she turned the fire pit behind her ignited. The sound of the crackling fire was a loud to Shandra's ears.

'Fire it has a life of its own,' the word were soft gentle. That took Her by surprise, the moon goddess thought the same as she did. She looked up with ah. Luna took a small part of the fire and held it out for her to take. 'Show me what you can do, and do not hold back.'

This was her chance to show the goddess what she was made of. Standing to her full hight she took the flame from Luna's hand and held it for a second. As she exhaled she created circles of fire that spun around her 3 in total. First over her right shoulder then over the left and finally around her waist. Next she pulled water from the ground it flowed in small droplets in to a big bubble of water right in front of her separating the fire from her. Reaching her hands up passed the fire circles over her head the water followed creating a sphere of crystal clear water. The sphere stayed as she brought down her hands willing a tree to grow some long and thin branches. She was not tired at all. The branches snapped them selves off the tree and floated to her. Once again her hands were infront of her, willing the twigs to bend and curve she made a crown. This to was placed above her head treating around the sphere of water. The next move was going to be the most difficult. With hands raised she looked up at the moon taking in the moon goddess' power. She brought her eyes to meet Luna's eyes, this manifestation of the moon goddess' self. With a quick breath and twist of her hands she switched places with Luna. The crown was engulfed with water and started to grow leaves then small but and finally beautiful flowers. After this transformation the crown slowly lowered to rest on Luna's head and then the fire rings grew in size then rises up Luna looked up just in time for the flames to contract into a small ball of flames.